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Better close-down for global link hints.
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- Unregister frames with the background-page hint coordinator.
- Better page cleanup in the content scripts.
- Require documentReady before harvesting hints.

There is still an issue in some cases when link-hints are activated as a
page is transitioning, but that problem case seems to have existed in
1.54.  I'll continue to investigate.
  • Loading branch information
smblott-github committed Apr 5, 2016
1 parent 17a24b4 commit adce73c
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Showing 3 changed files with 33 additions and 48 deletions.
34 changes: 9 additions & 25 deletions background_scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -300,11 +300,12 @@ Frames =
frameIdsForTab[tabId].push frameId unless frameId in frameIdsForTab[tabId] ?= []
(portsForTab[tabId] ?= {})[frameId] = port

unregsterFrame: ({tabId, frameId}) ->
unregisterFrame: ({tabId, frameId}) ->
if tabId of frameIdsForTab
frameIdsForTab[tabId] = (fId for fId in frameIdsForTab[tabId] when fId != frameId)
if tabId of portsForTab
delete portsForTab[tabId][frameId]
HintCoordinator.unregisterFrame tabId, frameId

isEnabledForUrl: ({request, tabId, port}) ->
urlForTab[tabId] = request.url if request.frameIsFocused
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,58 +346,41 @@ cycleToFrame = (frames, frameId, count = 0) ->
[frames[count..]..., frames[0...count]...]

HintCoordinator =
debug: false
tabState: {}

onMessage: (tabId, frameId, request) ->
console.log "onMessage", tabId, frameId, "[#{request.messageType}]" if @debug
if request.messageType of this
this[request.messageType] tabId, frameId, request
# If there's no handler here, then the message is forwarded to all frames in the sender's tab.
@sendMessage request.messageType, tabId, request

sendMessage: (messageType, tabId, request = {}) ->
console.log "sendMessage", tabId, "[#{messageType}] [#{@tabState[tabId].ports.length}]" if @debug
extend request, {handler: "linkHintsMessage", messageType}
for own frameId, port of @tabState[tabId].ports
port.postMessage request
# A frame has gone away; remove it from consideration.
delete @tabState[tabId].ports[frameId]
# It could be that we're expecting hints from this frame; schedule "sending" dummy/empty hints instead.
Utils.nextTick =>
@postHintDescriptors tabId, frameId, hintDescriptors: []
# We can delete the tab state when we see an "exit" message, that's the last message in the sequence.
delete @tabState[tabId] if messageType == "exit"
port.postMessage request for own _, port of @tabState[tabId].ports

prepareToActivateMode: (tabId, originatingFrameId, {modeIndex}) ->
console.log "" if @debug
console.log "prepareToActivateMode", tabId, "[#{frameIdsForTab[tabId].length}]" if @debug
@tabState[tabId] = {frameIds: frameIdsForTab[tabId][..], hintDescriptors: [], originatingFrameId, modeIndex}
@tabState[tabId].ports = extend {}, portsForTab[tabId]
@sendMessage "getHintDescriptors", tabId, {modeIndex}
# FIXME(smblott) This should not be necessary; it's a backstop to mitigate against the possibility that,
# for some reason, we do not hear back from a frame.
unless @debug
for frameId in frameIdsForTab[tabId]
do (frameId) =>
Utils.setTimeout 400, =>
@postHintDescriptors tabId, frameId, hintDescriptors: []

# Receive hint descriptors from all frames and activate link-hints mode when we have them all.
postHintDescriptors: (tabId, frameId, {hintDescriptors}) ->
if frameId in @tabState[tabId].frameIds
@tabState[tabId].hintDescriptors.push hintDescriptors...
@tabState[tabId].frameIds = @tabState[tabId].frameIds.filter (fId) -> fId != frameId
console.log "postHintDescriptors", tabId, frameId, "[#{@tabState[tabId].frameIds.length}]" if @debug
if @tabState[tabId].frameIds.length == 0
@sendMessage "activateMode", tabId,
originatingFrameId: @tabState[tabId].originatingFrameId
hintDescriptors: @tabState[tabId].hintDescriptors
modeIndex: @tabState[tabId].modeIndex

# If an unregistering frame is participating in link-hints mode, then we need to tidy up after it.
unregisterFrame: (tabId, frameId) ->
delete @tabState[tabId]?.ports?[frameId]
# We fake "postHintDescriptors" for an unregistering frame, if necessary.
@postHintDescriptors tabId, frameId, hintDescriptors: [] if @tabState[tabId]?.frameIds

# Port handler mapping
portHandlers =
completions: handleCompletions
Expand Down
26 changes: 9 additions & 17 deletions content_scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,29 +50,25 @@ availableModes = [OPEN_IN_CURRENT_TAB, OPEN_IN_NEW_BG_TAB, OPEN_IN_NEW_FG_TAB, O

HintCoordinator =
debug: false
onExit: []
localHints: null
suppressKeyboardEvents: null

sendMessage: (messageType, request = {}) ->
console.log "sendMessage", frameId, "[#{messageType}]" if @debug
Frame.postMessage "linkHintsMessage", extend request, {messageType}

prepareToActivateMode: (mode, onExit) ->
console.log "prepareToActivateMode", frameId if @debug
# We need to communicate with the background page (and other frames) to initiate link-hints mode. To
# prevent other Vimium commands from being triggered before link-hints mode is launched, we install a
# temporary mode to block keyboard events.
@suppressKeyboardEvents = new SuppressAllKeyboardEvents
@suppressKeyboardEvents = suppressKeyboardEvents = new SuppressAllKeyboardEvents
name: "link-hints/suppress-keyboard-events"
singleton: "link-hints-mode"
indicator: "Collecting hints..."
exitOnEscape: true
# FIXME(smblott) Global link hints is currently insufficiently reliable. If the mode above is left in
# place, then Vimium blocks. As a temporary measure, we install a timer to remove it.
unless @debug
Utils.setTimeout 1000, => @suppressKeyboardEvents.exit() if @suppressKeyboardEvents?.modeIsActive
Utils.setTimeout 1000, -> suppressKeyboardEvents.exit() if suppressKeyboardEvents?.modeIsActive
@onExit = [onExit]
@sendMessage "prepareToActivateMode", modeIndex: availableModes.indexOf mode

Expand All @@ -82,24 +78,21 @@ HintCoordinator =
# localIndex: the index in @localHints for the full hint descriptor for this hint
# linkText: the link's text for filtered hints (this is null for alphabet hints)
getHintDescriptors: ({modeIndex}) ->
console.log "getHintDescriptors", frameId if @debug
# Ensure that the settings are loaded. The request might have been initiated in another frame.
Settings.onLoaded =>
# Ensure that the document is ready and that the settings are loaded.
DomUtils.documentReady => Settings.onLoaded =>
requireHref = availableModes[modeIndex] in [COPY_LINK_URL, OPEN_INCOGNITO]
@localHints = LocalHints.getLocalHints requireHref
console.log "getHintDescriptors", frameId, "[#{@localHints.length}]" if @debug
@sendMessage "postHintDescriptors", hintDescriptors: ({linkText}, localIndex) -> {frameId, localIndex, linkText}

# We activate LinkHintsMode() in every frame and provide every frame with exactly the same hint descriptors.
# We also propagate the key state between frames. Therefore, the hint-selection process proceeds in lock
# step in every frame, and @linkHintsMode is in the same state in every frame.
activateMode: ({hintDescriptors, modeIndex, originatingFrameId}) ->
console.log "activateMode", frameId if @debug
@suppressKeyboardEvents?.exit() if @suppressKeyboardEvents?.modeIsActive
@suppressKeyboardEvents = null
# Ensure that the settings are loaded. The request might have been initiated in another frame.
Settings.onLoaded =>
# Ensure that the document is ready and that the settings are loaded.
DomUtils.documentReady => Settings.onLoaded =>
@suppressKeyboardEvents.exit() if @suppressKeyboardEvents?.modeIsActive
@suppressKeyboardEvents = null
@onExit = [] unless frameId == originatingFrameId
@linkHintsMode = new LinkHintsMode hintDescriptors, availableModes[modeIndex]

Expand All @@ -110,8 +103,7 @@ HintCoordinator =
getLocalHintMarker: (hint) -> if hint.frameId == frameId then @localHints[hint.localIndex] else null

exit: ({isSuccess}) ->
console.log "exit", frameId, "[#{isSuccess}]" if @debug
@onExit.pop() isSuccess while 0 < @onExit.length
@linkHintsMode = @localHints = null

Expand Down
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions content_scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -239,12 +239,21 @@ Frame =
@port.onMessage.addListener (request) =>
(@listeners[request.handler] ? this[request.handler]) request

@port.onDisconnect.addListener ->
# We disable the content scripts when we lose contact with the background page.
isEnabledForUrl = false
window.removeEventListener "focus", onFocus

window.addEventListener "unload", => @postMessage "unregsterFrame"
# We disable the content scripts when we lose contact with the background page, or on unload.
@port.onDisconnect.addListener disconnect = Utils.makeIdempotent => @disconnect()
window.addEventListener "unload", disconnect

disconnect: ->
try @postMessage "unregisterFrame"
try @port.disconnect()
@postMessage = @disconnect = ->
@port = null
@listeners = {}
HintCoordinator.exit isSuccess: false
isEnabledForUrl = false
window.removeEventListener "focus", onFocus
window.removeEventListener "hashchange", onFocus

setScrollPosition = ({ scrollX, scrollY }) ->
if DomUtils.isTopFrame()
Expand Down

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