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Docker Ubuntu TuG TeX Live

A docker image based on Ubuntu with a full TeX Live suite and additional packages like pygmentize to enable easy compilation of TeX files in continuous integration environments like Gitlab CI.

How to Use the Image

Choose the correct TeX Live version you want: from 2016 to 2021. In addition, choose your desired scheme i.e., a collection of packages. We support all schemes that the TuG TeX Live offers. See also the matrices below for a list of docker images and their dependencies.

If you chose your image, e.g., philipptempel/docker-ubuntu-tug-texlive:2020-basic you can simply use it as a docker image e.g., docker run -t philipptempel/docker-ubuntu-tug-texlive:2020-basic inside of which you can run any LaTeX-related compiler. To compile using latexmk, just start the image and rund latexmk <file.tex>. Same goes for lualatex, pdflatex, xelatex, and other derivatives.

In addition, you can also install additional packages if need be using tlmgr install <package>.

Using the Image with GitLab CI

Use the following example .gitlab-ci.yml. It is split into two targets, one running on master branch (job final) and one running on any other branch (job draft). The latexmk call assumes that you have configured your project with a .latexmkrc so that the @default_files variable is set. Otherwise, of course, it must be latexmk source.tex. For any further adjustments of the GitLab CI configuration, please refer to the GitLab docs.

  stage: latexmk
      - master
    - 'latexmk'
      - '*.log'
      - '*.pdf'
    expire_in: 1 week

  stage: latexmk
      - master
    - 'latexmk'
      - '*.log'
      - '*.pdf'
    expire_in: 1 week

Available Images

The latest tag always refers to the current year and a build that is at most 1 week old. This way, updated packages will always be included very timely. Older i.e., deprecated or archived versions, are also available, however, these will not be updated anymore: only the underlying Ubuntu will be updated monthly with available security fixes, however, TeX Live will not receive any updates as the upstream does not receive updates. Every year comes in various flavors representing the different texlive schemes. You may choose from the following images matrix

Scheme infraonly minimal basic small medium full
2022 latest:infraonly latest:minimal latest:basic latest:small latest:medium latest:full
2021 2021:infraonly 2021:minimal 2021:basic 2021:small 2021:medium 2021:full
2020 2020:infraonly 2020:minimal 2020:basic 2020:small 2020:medium 2020:full
2019 2019:infraonly 2019:minimal 2019:basic 2019:small 2019:medium 2019:full
2018 2018:infraonly 2018:minimal 2018:basic 2018:small 2018:medium 2018:full
2017 2017:infraonly 2017:minimal 2017:basic 2017:small 2017:medium 2017:full
2016 2016:infraonly 2016:minimal 2016:basic 2016:small 2016:medium 2016:full