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Docker images

⚠️ We're no longer maintaining this image.

This repo will contain docker images with Whitesource Agent

Current versions available:

├── 21
│   ├── docker
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── dotnetcore
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   ├── java
│   │   └── Dockerfile
│   └── node
│       └── Dockerfile


Images can be found on

docker run -v $PWD:/code philipssoftware/whitesource:21 java -jar /app/wss-unified-agent.jar -d /code -c /code/whitesource.config

In order to analyse a project use the following structure.

Replace all variables with your own variables


The images obviously contain whitesource and java8, but also two other files:

  • REPO
  • TAGS


This file has a url to the REPO with specific commit-sha of the build. Example:

$ docker run philipssoftware/whitesource:21 cat REPO


This contains all the similar tags at the point of creation.

$ docker run philipssoftware/whitesource:21 cat TAGS
whitesource whitesource:21 whitesource:21.6 whitesource:21.9.1

You can use this to pin down a version of the container from an existing development build for production. When using whitesource:21 for development. This ensures that you've got all security updates in your build. If you want to pin the version of your image down for production, you can use this file inside of the container to look for the most specific tag, the last one.

Simple Tags


whitesource with node

  • whitesource:node, whitesource:21-node, whitesource:21.9-node, whitesource:21.9.1-node 21/node/Dockerfile

whitesource with dotnetcore

  • whitesource:dotnetcore, whitesource:21-dotnetcore, whitesource:21-dotnetcore-3, whitesource:21.9-dotnetcore, whitesource:21.9-dotnetcore-3.0, whitesource:21.9.1-dotnetcore, whitesource:21.9.1-dotnetcore-3.0.101 21/dotnetcore/Dockerfile

whitesource with docker

  • whitesource:docker, whitesource:21-docker, whitesource:21.9-docker, whitesource:21.9.1-docker 21/docker/Dockerfile


Why do we have our own docker image definitions?

We often need some tools in a container for checking some things. F.e. jq, aws-cli and curl. We can install this every time we need a container, but having this baked into a container seems a better approach.

That's why we want our own docker file definitions.

Known Issues

Currently this image only has java. Running a project with yarn or npm will not work yet.




License is MIT. See LICENSE file


Philips Forest

This module is part of the Philips Forest.

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                                                  / / | (_) | | |  __/\__ \ |_
                                                  \/   \___/|_|  \___||___/\__|  


Talk to the forestkeepers in the docker-images-channel on Slack.



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