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Releases: philpw99/Stash_Helper

Fix CSS magic

21 Apr 15:49
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Need to implement "Copy Scene info from another scene" feature. It's surprisingly time-consuming.

Fixed the "Create movie from scene" feature.

Fixed movie poster CSS. Movie posters should be larger, not the way they are now.
Remove some CSS entries that are no longer useful. Fix some others so they can be used in the new version.
Tested on v0.25.1 Stash. Windows build.

Tiny fix:

  • Create movie from scene crashes if the scene has no url.
  • Create movie with empty title.

Bug fixes

20 Apr 16:33
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This is a bug-fix-release regarding the issues:
#28 Error getting data from the stash server
#29 A3X Error
#30 Error getting chrome driver
Thank you guys for pointing out the problems, and sorry that I haven't check here as often as I used to be !

Add option for Ctrl + Mouse Right Button

01 Feb 05:55
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Since people asked, I added this little feature that you can choose Ctrl + Middle Button or Ctrl + Right Button to invoke the mini menu.

Somewaht better handling of browser crash

05 Jan 05:19
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The web driver browser crashes are always frustrating. In one day it seemed work fine, only the same problem the next day.
Only the Firefox seems stable enough. Chrome and Edge are giving me headaches, and sorry that I don't have time to do detail trouble shooting.
Updated the web driver to 1.30. It seems after a force update, Chrome works again, but you never know when it will crash again.

So in this version, if the browser crash, you can choose "No" in the warning dialog, and restart the program to run the initial setting again. This time choose "Firefox".

Small improvement and updates

25 Jun 22:37
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  • Update Webdriver to 1.0.3 and fix a problem with chrome browser
  • Now you need to press Ctrl + MidMouseButton(wheel) to launch that mini-menu. It will not have conflict with regular mid-mouse-button operations any more.
  • The mini-menu's "Add item to playlist" got some improvement. Now you can filter the scenes, then add them all to the list with 1 click.
  • Fix a problem with empty scene titles of playlist. If the scene title is empty, it will use the "basename" instead.

Some great features.

06 Jan 03:31
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  • Change Middle Mouse Button to show a mini menu in browser.
  • Remember the last visited page and open it next time Stash Helper runs. Can disable it in the settings.
  • Set a 2 second limit between clicks, to prevent mouse wheel button from clicking too many times.
  • Fix Stash console not showing problem. Also fix stash console not closing when exit.
  • Improve the GetURL and OpenURL ( for the 10th+ time).
  • Fix Firefox "w3c" wrong argument issue.
  • Add x64 AutoIt shortcut.
    (update: fix some problem for the mini-menu,
    update2: more problems from mini-menu.

Fix a big bug in playlist and play scene/movies

03 Jan 07:53
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I didn't know what @githubxnoob talked about until I tried to add a scene to the playlist myself. There is a big bug in URLtoQuery.au3.
So more improvement of course. Also finally I realize that the middle mouse button is quite useful.

  • Auto download the py_common folder and files in Scraper Manager.
  • Add Opera as an option in the first time setup.
  • Better way to know if the current browser tab is in the front.
  • Fix a big bug of URLtoQuery. Now the playlist and play feature works normally.
  • Now you can use middle-mouse-button to play the current scene/movie/image/gallery, or Ctrl-MidMouseButton to add it to the playlist.

Updated Webdriver

28 Dec 19:37
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@saccohuo reported problems with Chrome, I ran the test myself and found nothing wrong.
But then Viskym reported that he got the same sort of problem with Edge, and this time I got the same problem.
So I dug down quite a rabbit hole to find out what was wrong, and ended up updated Webdriver to 0.11 just for the sake of testing it. There are some improvements:

  • The new Webdriver 0.11 finally support Opera, so I added the option. Didn't test it though. I just followed some online example.
  • It can handle the "desireCapabilities" gracefully. Much easier to add/remove/change your browser settings.
  • Finally I was able to figure out the problem. It was kind of "much ado about nothing", but I am glad that the Webdriver is upgraded and improved.

Fix the handling of json strings

21 Dec 14:30
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I had a jsonEscape() function, which actually handles Json strings in an incomplete or wrong way. Hence problems if the string have unicode.
Since this program is mostly a json string caller to the Stash. So this fix is important.
Also have some other minor fixes.

Small browser profile fix

18 Dec 17:13
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Just realized that the program assume the user's local profile is always in "C:\Users\user\AppData..." People might use D or E drive for windows installation, so it needs to be fixed.