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A library for fully typed client-server communication with and TypeScript.

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A library for fully typed client-server communication with and TypeScript.

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Source code on GitHub: phiresky/

Note that an alternative implementation of (purely compile-time) typed events are included starting from 4.x itself. This library was written a few years earlier. The implementation and functionality is somewhat different. This library also has optional runtime type checking with io-ts (for a production environment you'll not get around runtime type checking), other than that I'm not sure if it's still worth using.

Basic Usage (purely compile-time)

Simple Example:

Let's say you want to have a simple chat server, where users can connect and send messages to an english and a russian channel, and all received messages will be forwarded to all other connected users.

Using this library, you can do this with both the server and the client having 100% type safety. Here's how it looks:

  • server.ts
import * as io from "";

const server = io(8000) as TypedServer;
const chatServer = server.of("/chat");

chatServer.on("connection", client => {
    client.on("postMessage", (info, callback) => {
        // typeof info.message === string
        // typeof === "en" | "ru"
        chatServer.emit("chatMessage", {
            /* something: 1,

          ┃ [ts] Object literal may only specify known properties,        ┃
          ┃      and 'something' does not exist in type                   ┃
          ┃ '{ sender: string; message: string; channel: "en" | "ru"; }'. ┃
          ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ */
        callback(null, "ok");

    /* client.emit("otherMessage", 123);

              ┃ [ts] Argument of type '"otherMessage"' is not assignable  ┃
              ┃      to parameter of type '"chatMessage"'.                ┃
              ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ */
  • client.ts
import * as io from "";

const host = "http://localhost:8000";
const ns = "/chat";
const client: TypedChatClient = io(host + ns) as any;

const channelNames = { en: "English", ru: "Russian" };

client.on("chatMessage", ({ sender, message, channel }) => {
    // assert typeof channel === "en" | "ru"
    // assert typeof message === string
    console.log(`${channelNames[channel]}: ${sender}: ${message}`);

    { message: "Hello World", channel: "en" },
    (error, response) => {
        if (error) return console.error(error);
        // typeof response === "ok" here

client.emit("postMessage", { message: "Hello World", channel: "es" }, () => {});
/*                                        ▲
              ┃ [ts] Type '"es"' is not assignable to type '"en" | "ru"'. ┃
              ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ */

The only thing you need to glue this together is a file that is imported on the client and the server with the type definition, that looks as follows:

  • common.ts
import { ServerDefinition, SimpleNamespace,
         RootServer, ClientSideSocket } from "";

type ChatMessage = {
    sender: string;
    message: string;
    channel: "en" | "ru";
export interface MyServerDefinition extends ServerDefinition {
    namespaces: {
        "/chat": SimpleNamespace<{
            // messages the server may send to the clients
            ServerMessages: {
                chatMessage: ChatMessage;
                history: ChatMessage[];
            // messages clients can send to the server, with a typed response
            ClientRPCs: {
                postMessage: {
                    request: { message: string; channel: "en" | "ru" };
                    response: "ok";
                    error: string;
            // messages clients can send to the server (without a response)
            ClientMessages: {
                // (not needed here)
        // ...

export type TypedServer = RootServer<MyServerDefinition>;
export type TypedChatClient = ClientSideSocket<MyServerDefinition, "/chat">;

A runnable version of this example is in example/basic-chat.

Note that when using this library this way, the types are only checked at compile-time, which means that you trust your clients to send the correct data at runtime.


For all RPCs, you can also use promises via .onAsync instead of .on on the server and and .emitAsync instead of .emit on the client, by calling promisifySocket(client) from

// server
chatServer.on("connection", client => {
    client.on("postMessage", async info => {
        chatServer.emit("chatMessage", {
        return "ok"; // must return "ok" here (or throw), because thats what the ServerDefinition says.

// client
const response = await client.emitAsync(
    { message: "Hello World", channel: "en" }
// assert response === "ok"

Runtime Component

If you want runtime type safety, you can use the following classes:


By using this class all client requests will be type checked and rejected if they don't match the given schema.

Example: See example/chat-with-runtime-checks/server.ts

Needs a peer dependency to


This class ensures that you listen to all messages a server can send.

Example: See example/chat-with-runtime-checks/client.ts

Needs a peer dependency to


A library for fully typed client-server communication with and TypeScript.






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