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Movable DSL


  1. 批量添加参数,如 Cubix


Comby is a tool for structural code search and replace that supports ~every language.


if :[expr] != nil {
  for :[x] := range :[expr] {

once match code replace to

for :[x] := range :[expr] {

Comby DSL in code

open MParser

module Syntax = struct
  include Generic.Syntax

  let escapable_string_literals =
    [ {|"|}
    ; {|'|}

  let escape_char =

  let raw_string_literals =

  let comment_parser s =
     <|> Parsers.Comments.c_newline) s

include Matcher.Make(Syntax)

first origin version:

./comby -stdin 'printf(":[1] :[2]")' 'printf("comby, :[1]")' << EOF 2> /dev/null
int main(void) {
  printf("hello world");


int main(void) {
  printf("comby, hello");
  • Adding a -json flag will output JSON content of the rewrite:
    "range": {
      "start": { "offset": 19, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
      "end": { "offset": 41, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
    "replacement_content": "printf(\"comby, hello\")",
    "environment": [
          "value": "hello",
          "range": {
            "start": { "offset": 15, "line": -1, "column": -1 },
            "end": { "offset": 20, "line": -1, "column": -1 }
  • Adding a -match-only flag will output JSON content of all matches:
    "range": {
      "start": { "offset": 19, "line": 1, "column": 20 },
      "end": { "offset": 40, "line": 1, "column": 41 }
    "environment": [
          "value": "hello",
          "range": {
            "start": { "offset": 27, "line": 1, "column": 28 },
            "end": { "offset": 32, "line": 1, "column": 33 }
          "value": "world",
          "range": {
            "start": { "offset": 33, "line": 1, "column": 34 },
            "end": { "offset": 38, "line": 1, "column": 39 }
    "matched": "printf(\"hello world\")"


Cubix is a framework for language-parametric program transformation, i.e.: defining a single source-to-source program transformation tool that can be run on multiple languages. In Cubix, you can write transformations with a type signature like "This transformation works for any language that has assignments, loops, and a name-binding analysis," and instantly get separate tools for C, Java, etc.

Code examples: The RWUS (Real World, Unchanged Semantics) benchmark suite for testing multi-language semantics-preserving source-to-source transformations

Cubix is the world's first framework that can build language-parametric source-to-source transformations. As the first of its kind, it often gets mistaken for a solution to more familiar problems. In particular, it is not:

  • A tool for translating one language into another. Cubix allows you to create a single tool that can transform C programs into better C programs and Java programs into better Java programs. It is not designed for building tools that can transform C programs into Java programs. Indeed, much of its power comes from its ability to preserve all the information of the original program.
  • A collection of ready-to-use refactoring tools. Thus far, all transformations built on Cubix are tech demos. While a couple are theoretically useful, they have not undergone the amount of UX engineering needed to actually be time-savers.
  • A framework for writing multi-language program analyses. Cubix transformations may consume results provided by other analyses, which may be written in either a single-language or multi-language fashion.
  • A framework for analysis/transformation of polyglot programs, i.e.: programs (or single source files) written in multiple languages.

However, Cubix's generic-programming capabilities make it a powerful tool for building all kinds of programming tools, even for only one language. We are particularly excited about the potential of extending Cubix to transform polyglot programs.


Instaparse aims to be the simplest way to build parsers in Clojure.

  • Turns standard EBNF or ABNF notation for context-free grammars into an executable parser that takes a string as an input and produces a parse tree for that string.
  • No Grammar Left Behind: Works for any context-free grammar, including left-recursive, right-recursive, and ambiguous grammars.
  • Extends the power of context-free grammars with PEG-like syntax for lookahead and negative lookahead.
  • Supports both of Clojure's most popular tree formats (hiccup and enlive) as output targets.
  • Detailed reporting of parse errors.
  • Optionally produces lazy sequence of all parses (especially useful for diagnosing and debugging ambiguous grammars).
  • "Total parsing" mode where leftover string is embedded in the parse tree.
  • Optional combinator library for building grammars programmatically.
  • Performant.
Category Notations Example
Rule : := ::= = S = A
End of rule ; . (optional) S = A;
Concatenation whitespace or , A B
Grouping () (A
Optional ? [] A? [A]
One or more + A+
Zero or more * {} A* {A}
String terminal "" '' 'a' "a"
Regex terminal #"" #'' #'a' #"a"
Epsilon Epsilon epsilon EPSILON eps ε "" '' S = 'a' S
Comment (* *) (* This is a comment *)


;; Clojure
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta :refer [defparser]])
;; ClojureScript
(:require [instaparse.core :as insta :refer-macros [defparser]])

=> (time (def p (insta/parser "S = A B; A = 'a'+; B = 'b'+")))
"Elapsed time: 4.368179 msecs"
=> (time (defparser p "S = A B; A = 'a'+; B = 'b'+")) ; the meat of the work happens at macro-time
"Elapsed time: 0.091689 msecs"
=> (defparser p "") ; works even in cljs!
=> (defparser p [:S (c/plus (c/string "a"))]) ; still works, but won't do any extra magic behind the scenes
=> (defparser p "S = 1*'a'" :input-format :abnf :output-format :enlive) ; takes additional keyword arguments



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