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Initial start. How to make the application work

Yuriy Serdyuk edited this page May 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Deploy the application

  2. Edit appsettings.json (or appsettings.production.json) - correct connection string to fit your actual MySQL-connection.

  3. Apply migrations in the database with dotnet ef database update --context BlogDbContext

  4. Apply migrations in the identity database with dotnet ef database update --context ApplicationDbContext

  5. Go to url of your application's homepage.

  6. Register as a user. Login with your username and password.

  7. Run init script at https://your-domain/init. If you are redirected to the homepage, init script worked as expected. If you got response 404, it means that someone else run the init script before you and become root and admin. In this case drop the database with dotnet ef database drop --context ApplicationDbContext and recreate it.

  8. Logout and login again. Menu items for Posts, Categories, Users and Roles should become available. If it is so, the application is deployed successfully.

  9. Create at least one category