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Available Templates

The Goal of this generator is to be your one stop shop for any type of element that you are interested in making. It focuses on best practices, setting you up with a basic test suite, documentation, demos, and github pages deployment.

Template Support Matrix

Versions Type Supported
Polymer 1.X Component
Polymer 1.X Style
Polymer 1.X Behavior
Polymer 2.0 Component
Polymer 2.0 Style 🕙
Polymer 2.0 Behavior
Vanilla Web Components Component 〰️ 💭
Vanilla Web Components Style ⁉️
Vanilla Web Components Behavior ⁉️

These templates all have two versions - bower and internal

  • The bower version is meant to stand alone as a project and includes all of the features listed below.
  • The internal version is meant to be created within a project that already uses web components. Its can be used to create something purely presentational or as an adpater or extenstion for an existing component, It includes just the 3 main files.

Features Support

  • Gulp based build system.

  • Browser Sync for enjoyable development.

  • Auto generated docs

  • 1.x Component

  • 1.x Style Library

  • Basic travis testing support

    • 1.7 Component
    • 1.x Style Library
  • Extended support for Sauce labs

    • 1.7 Component
    • 1.x Style Library
  • Github pages deployment

    • 1.7 Component
    • 1.x Style Library


npm install -g yo
npm install -g polymer-cli
npm install -g generator-polymer-init-element-scaffold
  • Create folder mkdir new-ele and move cd new-ele into it.
  • Run polymer init to start it.
  • Select element-scaffold and follow the instructions


  • Clone the repo

  • run npm link in the project directory.

    • this will allow you to use the project as though you've installed it globally with npm.
  • Updating on npm

    • npm version #.#.#
    • push changes and tags
    • npm publish

Development Help

Watch Polycasts Ep. 53 to learn the basics of how this was built. Yeoman docs
