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PSR-X: Autoloader

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

  1. Overview

This PSR specifies the rules for an interoperable autoloader.

  1. Definitions

  • class: The term "class" refers to PHP classes, interfaces, and traits.

  • fully qualified class name: The full namespace and class name, with leading backslash. (This is per the Name Resolution Rules from the PHP manual.)

  • namespace: Given a fully qualified class name of \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux, the namespace is \Foo\Bar\Baz\.

  • namespace name: Given a fully qualified class name of \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux, the namespace names are Foo, Bar, and Baz.

  • namespace prefix: One or more contiguous namespace names at the start of the namespace. Given a fully qualified class name of \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux, the namespace prefix may be \Foo\, \Foo\Bar\, or \Foo\Bar\Baz\.

  • relative class name: The parts of the fully qualified class name that appear after the namespace prefix. Given a fully qualified class name of \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux and a namespace prefix of \Foo\Bar\, the relative class name is Baz\Qux.

  • base directory: The absolute directory path in the file system where the files for relative class names have their root.

  1. Specification

  • A class file MUST contain only one class definition.

  • A fully qualified class name MUST begin with a top-level namespace name, which MUST be followed by zero or more sub-namespace names, and MUST end in a class name.

  • The namespace prefix of a fully qualified class name MUST be mapped to a base directory; that namespace prefix MAY be mapped to more than one base directory.

  • The relative class name MUST be mapped to a sub-path by replacing namespace separators with directory separators, and the result MUST be suffixed with .php.

  • The registered autoloader callback MUST NOT throw exceptions, MUST NOT raise errors of any level, and SHOULD NOT return a value.

  1. Example Implementations

The example implementations MUST NOT be regarded as part of the specification; they are examples only. Class loaders MAY contain additional features and MAY differ in how they are implemented. As long as a class loader adheres to the rules set forth in the specification it MUST be considered compatible with this PSR.

N.b.: Before PHP 5.3.3, registered autoloaders would receive the fully qualified class name with the leading backslash in place; in PHP 5.3.3 and later, they receive the fully qualified class name without the leading backslash. The example implementations strip leading backslashes to make allowance for that inconsistency, but any autoloader that wishes to exclusively target PHP 5.3.3 or greater can ignore this extra processing.

Example: Project-Specific Implementation

The following is one possible project-specific implementation of the specification.

// if this closure is registered in a file at /path/to/project/autoload.php ...
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
    // the project namespace prefix
    $prefix = 'Foo\\Bar\\';
    // remove any leading backslash
    $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
    // does the class match the namespace prefix?
    if (strncmp($prefix, $class, strlen($prefix)) === 0) {
        // filename relative to the namespace path
        $relative = substr($class, strlen($prefix));
        // build the path to the file containing the class
        $file = __DIR__ . '/src/' . str_replace('\\', '/', $relative) . '.php';
        if (is_readable($file)) {
            include $file;

// ... then the following line would cause the autoloader to attempt to load
// the \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux class from /path/to/project/src/Baz/Qux.php
new \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux;

Example: General-Purpose Implementation

The following is one possible general-purpose implementation of the specification.

namespace Example;

 * An example implementation of the above specification that includes the
 * optional functionality of allowing multiple base directories for a single
 * namespace prefix.
 * Note that this is only an example, and is not a specification in itself.
class ClassLoader
     * An associative array where the key is a namespace prefix and the value
     * is an array of base directories for classes in that namespace.
     * @var array
    protected $prefixes = array();

     * Register loader with SPL autoloader stack.
    public function register()
        spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'loadClass'));

     * Adds a base directory for a namespace prefix.
     * @param string $prefix The namespace prefix.
     * @param string $base A base directory for class files in the namespace.
    public function addNamespace($prefix, $base)
        $prefix = trim($prefix, '\\');
        $base = rtrim($base, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
        $this->prefixes[$prefix][] = $base;

     * Loads the class file for a given class name.
     * @param string $class The fully-qualified class name.
    public function loadClass($class)
        // remove any leading backslash
        $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
        // class file relative to the namespace base directory
        $relative = '';
        // go through the parts of the fully-qualified class name
        $parts = explode('\\', $class);
        while ($parts) {
            // append the last element of the fully-qualified class name
            // to the relative filename
            $relative .= DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . array_pop($parts);
            // the remaining elements indicate the namespace prefix
            $prefix = implode('\\', $parts);
            // are there any base directories for this namespace prefix?
            if (isset($this->prefixes[$prefix]) === false) {
                // no
            // look through base directories for this namespace prefix
            foreach ($this->prefixes[$prefix] as $base) {
                // create a complete file name from the base directory and
                // relative file name
                $file = $base . $relative . '.php';
                // can we read the file from the filesystem?
                if (is_readable($file)) {
                    // yes, we're done
                    include $file;

Given the example general-purpose implementation, and a foo-bar package of classes in the file system at the following paths ...

        Baz.php             # Foo\Bar\Baz
            Quux.php        # Foo\Bar\Qux\Quux
        BazTest.php         # Foo\Bar\BazTest
            QuuxTest.php    # Foo\Bar\Qux\QuuxTest

... add the path to the class files for the \Foo\Bar\ namespace prefix as follows:

// instantiate the loader
$loader = new \Example\ClassLoader;

// register the autoloader

// register the base directories for the namespace prefix
$loader->addNamespace('Foo\Bar', '/path/to/packages/foo-bar/src');
$loader->addNamespace('Foo\Bar', '/path/to/packages/foo-bar/tests');

// the following line would cause the autoloader to attempt to load
// the Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux class from /path/to/packages/foo-bar/src/Qux/Quux.php
new \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux;

// the following line would cause the autoloader to attempt to load
// the Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux\QuuxTest class from /path/to/packages/foo-bar/tests/Qux/QuuxTest.php
new \Foo\Bar\Baz\Qux\QuuxTest;