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Matt Friedman edited this page Nov 27, 2015 · 3 revisions


  1. Custom Page Link Icons
  2. Custom Page Templates

Custom Page Link Icons

Whether you want a more personalised look or need icons that will work with each of your installed styles' color palettes, it's easy to add your own unique custom page link icons.

GIF Icons

To get started, your custom icons must follow a specific naming structure of the form: pages_route.gif wherein route must be the name of the route defined for the page the icon is associated with. For example, a page with the route foobar would use the icon pages_foobar.gif. The image must also be a GIF.

The custom icons should be kept in phpBB's style/*/theme/images directories, for example: phpbb/styles/prosilver/theme/images/pages_foobar.gif. You should add your custom icon to every style installed on your board (you can design different icons for each style if necessary). If Pages can't find an icon it will fallback to its default icon.

Advanced CSS

Alternatively, style authors and other experienced users that don't want to use individual GIF files for icons can use the CSS classes which are added to the page links automatically. These classes allow you to change the styling of the link (including icons) using CSS. These classes follow a naming structure of the form: icon-page-route wherein route is the name of the route defined for the page the class is associated with.

For example, to display a Font Awesome icon for a page with the route foobar, the following CSS would be added to any available CSS file, e.g.: prosilver/theme/stylesheet.css:

/* remove default icon styling */
.icon-page-foobar {
	background: none !important;

/* remove default icon styling */
.icon-page-foobar > a {
	padding: 0;

/* apply font icon styling */
.icon-page-foobar > a:before {
	content: "\f086"; /**/
	font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome;
	display: inline-block;
	width: 1.28571429em;
	text-align: center;
	text-rendering: auto;
	-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
	-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
	padding-right: 2px;

Custom Page Templates

Custom page templates offer tremendous flexibility for the appearance and content of your Pages. They can be used to bring additional HTML content, javascript and CSS to your Pages or to better integrate your Pages with other styles installed on your board.

Page templates must follow a naming structure of the form: pages_*.html where * can be any name you want. Pages ships with two templates that can be used as a basis for your custom templates, and they have helpful comments in them about including external javascript and CSS files. All available page templates will appear in the ACP when you create/edit pages where they can be assigned to a page.

Because these are actual templates, just like any other style template files, you can use phpBB's template syntax (or TWIG) in them as well, to add events, include additional template files, and render or display content based on available template variables. They can NOT, however, be used to execute PHP code.

Page templates follow phpBB's style inheritance. A page template designed for Prosilver and Prosilver-based styles need only be added to Prosilver's template directory. However, you can add other versions of that page template to other styles too, if needed (such as to match the look of the specific style). Page templates found in child styles of Prosilver or subsilver2 will override page templates inherited from the parent style. The only caveat is that you can not override the two page templates that ship with this extension, meaning you can not use pages_default.html or pages_blank.html for names of your custom page templates. Additionally, custom page templates should be kept in phpBB's style/*/template directories; not in the Pages extension's style directories.

We recommend keeping custom icons and templates stored in phpBB's style directories rather than in Pages' style directories, as this prevents accidental deletion of your custom files whenever the Pages extension is updated.