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Creating address

PHPCoin edited this page Oct 2, 2023 · 12 revisions

Address is basic identifier on PHPCoin network. It is public and open to everyone, but protected with private key in user possesion. Address can be created im many different ways:

  • in online walet
  • in standalone CLI or GUI wallet
  • through code
  • through node API

Create address in online wallet

Online wallet is available as decentralized app (dapp) on every node. As an example for main node it can be accessed on link:

Visit wallet and click on link "Authenticate" and then "Create new address".

Note and copy (or write down) generated data.

Most important is that generated public key is never given or revealed to other party. It must be stored securely somewhere. Without private key account can not be restored.

Address in standalone wallet

User can create address (and account) in his own system (standalone).

For that user need to download CLI or GUI wallet for his system.

CLI wallet

CLI is wallet without user interface which is executed in console. It is available only for Linux (Ubuntu 20.04) on link After downloading wallet:


make it executable:

chmod +x phpcoin-wallet

and start it with command:


On start, wallet with automaticaly create account and address. Account data is then stored on user system. If user wants wallet can be encrypted also.

GUI wallet

This is standalone desktop application with versions for Windows and Linux. It has also integrated miner. With starting wallet if not found it will create account and address and store it in user system. Address is available and visible in header of application.

Generate address through code

While standalone CLI or GUI wallet are only available for supported systems, account can be also created on any system that is able to run php.

User need to download or clone PHPCoin source code.

git clone

Then wallet can be accessed through command

cd node/utils
php wallet.php

Generate address through node API

On each node is available API which can be used to generate account.

Simply visit url:

and write down generated data.