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File metadata and controls

552 lines (451 loc) · 20.4 KB


You can implement a form in two ways – using AJAX and without using AJAX. PHPLucidFrame provides AJAX form submission by default.

Creating AJAX Form

Create a form tag as usual. If you do not set the attribute action, LucidFrame will look for action.php in the same directory and will submit to it. Until this time of writing, id="formId" must be used. Your form should also have a message container in which any error message can be shown.

<form name="yourFormName" id="yourFormId" method="post">
    <div class="message error"></div>
    <!-- HTML input elements here as usual -->
    <?php form_token(); ?>

You can also provide the action attribute for your desired form handling file.

<form name="yourFormName" id="yourFormId" action="<?php echo _url('path/to/action.php'); ?>" method="post">
    <div class="message error"></div>
    <!-- HTML input elements here as usual -->
    <?php form_token(); ?>

One of the following two button implementation should be made to your AJAX form.

  1. <input type="submit" /> or <button type="submit">..</button>
  2. <input type="button" class="submit" /> or <button type="button" class="submit">...</button>

If your form has no submit type button and if you want the form submission when pressing "Enter" in any text box, set class="default-submit" to the form tag.

Creating A Generic Form Without AJAX

You can make a generic form submission without AJAX using class="no-ajax" in the <form> tag.

<form name="yourFormName" id="yourFormId" method="post" class="no-ajax">
    <div class="message error"></div>
    <!-- HTML input elements here as usual -->
    <?php form_token(); ?>

Form Action Handling & Validation

The following is a scaffold of AJAX form handling and validation. You can check the sample codes in the release.

 * The action.php (optional) handles form submission.
 * It should perform form validation, create, update, delete of data manipulation to database.
 * By default, a form is initiated for AJAX and action.php is automatically invoked if the action attribute is not given in the <form> tag.
$success = false;

if (sizeof($_POST)) {
    $post = _post($_POST); // Sanitize your inputs

    /** Form validation prerequisites here, for example */
    $validations = array(
        'txtTitle' => array(
            'caption'   => _t('Title'),
            'value'     => $post['txtTitle'],
            'rules'     => array('mandatory'),
        'txtBody' => array(
            'caption'   => _t('Body'),
            'value'     => $post['txtBody'],
            'rules'     => array('mandatory'),

    if (form_validate($validations) == true) {
        Database operations here

        if ($success) {
            form_set('success', true);
            form_set('message', _t('Your successful message is here'));

            // If you want to redirect to another page, use the option 'redirect'
            // form_set('redirect', _url('path/to/your/page'));
    } else {
        form_set('error', validation_get('errors'));

// Respond to the client
form_respond('yourFormId'); // HTML form ID must be used here

If your form is a generic form without using AJAX, the last line in above code is not required in action.php. Instead, you have to use form_respond('yourFormId', validation_get('errors')) at the end of the form in view.php in order to show error messages correctly.

<form name="yourFormName" id="yourFormId" method="post" class="no-ajax">
    <div class="message error"></div>
    <!-- HTML input elements here as usual -->
    <?php form_token(); ?>
<?php form_respond('yourFormId', validation_get('errors')); ?>

Setting Data Validation

PHPLucidFrame provides a number of functions that aid in form validation. There are several validation rules provided and using them can be quite easy. First of all, a validation array has to be defined and the syntax of the validation array is:

$validations = array(
    'htmlIdOrName' => array( // The HTML id or name of the input element
        'caption'    => _t('Your Element Caption'); // The caption to show in the error message
        'value'      => $value, // The value to be validated
        'rules'      => array(), // Array of validation rules defined, e.g., array('mandatory', 'email')
        'min'        => '', // The required property for the rule 'min', 'minLength', 'between'
        'max'        => '', // The required property for the rule 'max', 'maxLength', 'between'
        'protocol'   => '', // The required property for the rule 'ip'
        'maxSize'    => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileMaxSize'
        'maxWidth'   => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileMaxWidth', 'fileMaxDimension'
        'maxHeight'  => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileMaxHeight' 'fileMaxDimension'
        'width'      => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileExactDimension'
        'height'     => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileExactDimension'
        'extensions' => '', // The required property for the rule 'fileExtension'
        'dateFormat' => '', // The required property for the rule 'date', 'datetime'
        'pattern'    => '', // The required property for the rule 'custom'
        'parameters' => array(
            // The arguments (starting from the second) passing to the custom validation functions
            // this may be needed when you set your custom rule in the property 'rules'
            'validate_customRule' => array('param2', 'param3')
        'messages'   => array(
            // to overwrite the default validation messages OR
            // to define the custom message for the custom validation rules
            'coreRule' => _t('The overwritten message here'), // 'coreRule' means the core validation rule provided by LucidFrame, e.g., mandatory, email, username, etc.
            'validate_customRule' => _t('Your custom message here')
    'anotherInputHtmlIdOrName' => array(
        // similiar options described above ...

The validation array should be passed to form_validate() to be processed.

if (form_validate($validations) === true) { // or validation_check($validations)
    // ...


  • validation_check() doesn't check the form token generated by form_token().

Core Validation Rules

The core validation rules are defined in /lib/helpers/validation_helper.php and you could also define your own custom validation functions in /app/helpers/validation_helper.php which will be auto-loaded.


The field must only contain letters and numbers (integers). Spaces are not allowed to include.


The field must only contain letters, numbers (integers) and dashes.


The field must only contain letters, numbers (integers) and spaces.


This rule checks the data for the field is within a range. The required options - min, max.

$validations = array(
    'txtVote' => array( // txtVote is HTML input element name or id
        'caption' => _t('Vote');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('mandatory', 'between'),
        'max'     => 0,
        'max'     => 5,
); // The error message will be shown as "'Vote' should be between 0 and 5".


It is used when a custom regular expression is needed. The required option - pattern.

$validations = array(
    'txtPhone' => array(
        'caption'  => _t('Phone');
        'value'    => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'    => array('custom'),
        'pattern'  => '/^\(?([0-9])*\)?([ 0-9\-])*([0-9])+$/',
        'messages' => array(
            'custom' => _t('Phone number should have a valid format, e.g., (123) 456 7890'),
            // if this is not specified, the default message "'Phone' should be a valid format." will be shown.


This checks the field is a valid date. The option is dateFormat - y-m-d, d-m-y or m-d-y where separators can be a period, dash, forward slash, but not allowed space. Default is y-m-d.

$validations = array(
    'txtDate' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Date');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('date'),
        'dateFormat'=> 'd-m-y', // if not given, the default is y-m-d


This checks the field is a valid date and time. The option is dateFormat - y-m-d, d-m-y or m-d-y where separators can be a period, dash, forward slash, but not allowed space. Default is y-m-d. The option timeFormat can also given - 12 or 24. See time.

$validations = array(
    'txtDate' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Date');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('datetime'),
        'dateFormat'=> 'd-m-y', // if not given, the default is y-m-d
        'timeFormat'=> '24', // 12 or 24; if not given, default is both which validates against both format


This checks the field is a valid domain (alpha-numeric and dash only). It must start with letters and end with letters or numbers.

$validations = array(
    'txtSubDomain' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Sub-domain');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory', 'domain'),
); // The error message will be shown as "'Sub-domain' should be a valid domain name with letters, numbers and dash only.".


This checks the field is a valid email address.

$validations = array(
    'txtEmail' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Email');
        'value'     => $valueToChecck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory', 'email'),
); // The error message will be shown as "'Email' should be a valid format, e.g.,".


This rule allows you to check the uploaded file extension. The required option is extension - array of extensions. See example at fileMaxDimension.


This rule checks the uploaded file size meets the maximum allowed size. The require option is maxSize in MB. See example at fileMaxDimension.


This rule checks the width and height of the uploaded image file to not exceed the maximum image dimension allowed. The required options are maxWidth and maxHeight in pixels.

$validations = array(
    'filLogo' => array(
        'caption'    => _t('Logo');
        'value'      => $valueToCheck, // $_FILES['logo']
        'rules'      => array('fileExtension', 'fileMaxSize', 'fileMaxDimension'),
        'extensions' => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'), // for the rule 'fileExtension'
        'maxSize'    => 20 // 20MB for the rule 'fileMaxSize'
        'maxWidth'   => 1280, // for the rule 'fileMaxDimension'
        'maxHeight'  => 986 // for the rule 'fileMaxDimension',


This rule checks the width and height of the uploaded image file to meet the image dimension specified. The required options are width and height in pixels.


This rule checks the width of the uploaded image file to not exceed the maximum image width allowed. The required option is maxWidth in pixels.


This rule checks the height of the uploaded image file to not exceed the maximum image width allowed. The required option is maxHeight in pixels.


The rule checks the field is a positive or negative integer. No decimal is allowed.


This rule checks the field is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address. The required property is protocol - v4, ipv4, v6, ipv6 or both (default).

$validations = array(
    'txtIP' => array(
        'caption'  => _t('IP');
        'value'    => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'    => array('ip'),
        'protocol' => 'ipv4',


This checks the field is required. 0 is allowed. If you don’t want to allow 0, use the rule notAllowZero in combination.

$validations = array(
    'txtName' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Name');
        'value'     => $nameValueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory'),
    'cboCountry' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Country');
        'value'     => $countryValueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory'),
        'messages'  => array(
            'mandatory' => _t('Country must be selected.') // this overwrites the default message


This checks at least one field of the field group is required.

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="phones">
    <input type="text" name="txtPhones[]" />
    <input type="text" name="txtPhones[]" />

### PHP ###
$post = _post($_POST);

$validations = array(
    'phones[]' => array( // HTML id of the group element
        'caption'   => _t('Phone(s)');
        'value'     => $post['txtPhones'],
        'rules'     => array('mandatoryOne'),


This checks all fields of the field group is required.

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="phones">
    <input type="text" name="txtPhones[]" />
    <input type="text" name="txtPhones[]" />

### PHP ###
$post = _post($_POST);

$validations = array(
    'phones[]' => array( // HTML id of the group element
        'caption'   => _t('Phone(s)');
        'value'     => $post['txtPhones'],
        'rules'     => array('mandatoryAll'),


This rule checks the data for the field is equal or less than a specific maximum number. The required option - max.

$validations = array(
    'txtMaxVote' => array(
        'caption' => _t('Max. Vote');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('mandatory', 'max'),
        'max'     => 5,


This rule checks the field string length is less than a specific length. The required option - max.

$validations = array(
    'txtPassword' => array(
        'caption' => _t('Password');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('mandatory', 'minLength', 'maxLength'),
        'min'     => 8,
        'max'     => 20,


This rule checks the data for the field is equal or greater than a specific minimum number. The required option - min.

$validations = array(
    'txtNoOfPage' => array(
        'caption' => _t('No. of Pages');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('min'),
        'min'     => 100,
); // The error message will be shown as "'No. of Pages' should be greater than or equal to 100.".


This rule checks the field string length is greater than a specific length. The required option - min.

$validations = array(
    'txtPassword' => array(
        'caption' => _t('Password');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('mandatory', 'minLength'),
        'min'     => 8,


The rule checks the field is a positive integer starting from 1. No decimal is allowed.


This ensures that the field is not zero.


It checks the field is numeric.


The field must only contain numbers (integers) and dashes.


The field must only contain numbers (integers) and spaces.


It checks the field is a positive numbers. It allows decimals.


It checks the field is a positive or negative numbers. It allows decimals.


This checks the field is a valid 24-hr or 12-hr format. The optional option is timeFormat - 12, 24 or both where both is default.

$validations = array(
    'txtTime' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Time');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('time'),
        'timeFormat'=> '24',


This rule checks for valid URL formats. It supports http, http(s) and ftp(s). "www" must be included.

$validations = array(
    'txtWebsite'  => array(
        'caption' => _t('Company Website');
        'value'   => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'   => array('url'),


The rule is used to make sure that the field must not contain any special character, start with letters, end with letters and numbers. It can contain underscores (_), dashes (-) and periods (.) in the middle.

$validations = array(
    'txtUsername' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Username');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory', 'username'),


The rule checks the field is a positive integer starting from 0. No decimal is allowed.

$validations = array(
    'txtPrice' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Price');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory', 'wholeNumber'),
); // The error message will be shown as "'Price' should be a positive integer.".

Custom Validation Rules

In addition to the core validation rules, you could also define your own custom validation functions in /app/helpers/validation_helper.php. They will be auto-loaded. The custom validation rule must start with validate_.

For example,

$validations = array(
    'txtUsername' => array(
        'caption'   => _t('Username');
        'value'     => $valueToCheck,
        'rules'     => array('mandatory', 'username', 'validate_duplicateUsername'),
        'parameters' => array(
            'validate_duplicateUsername' => array($theEditId), // $theEditId will be the second argument to validate_duplicateUsername()
        'messages' => array(
            'validate_duplicateUsername' => _t('Username already exists. Please try another one.'),

Then, you must define a function validate_duplicateUsername() in /app/helpers/validation_helper.php, for example,

 * Custom validation function to check username is duplicate
 * @param string $value Username to be checked
 * @param integer $id The edit id if any
 * @return boolean TRUE for no duplicate; FALSE for duplicate
function validate_duplicateUsername($value, $id = 0) {
    $value = strtolower($value);
    if (empty($value)) {
        return true;

    $qb = db_count('user')
        ->condition('LOWER(username)', strtolower($value));
    if ($id) {
        $qb->condition('id <>', $id);

    return $qb->fetch() ? false, true;

Alternatively, if you don't want to define a function, you could add it right in your form action handling as the code snippet below. In this case, you have to call Validation::addError('htmlIdOrName', 'Error message to be shown'), but it is not recommended.

if (form_validate($validations) == true) {
    $qb = db_count('user')
        ->condition('LOWER(username)', strtolower($value));

    if ($id) {
        $qb->condition('id <>', $id);

    if ($qb->fetch()) {
        validation_addError('txtUsername', _t('Username already exists. Please try another one.'));
    } else {
        // No duplicate && success