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@michael-grunder michael-grunder tagged this 02 Sep 01:39
** Features / Improvements

* Randomized reconnect delay for RedisArray @mobli
  This feature adds an optional parameter when constructing a RedisArray object
  such that a random delay will be introduced if reconnections are made,
  mitigating any 'thundering herd' type problems.

* Lazy connections to RedisArray servers @mobli
  By default, RedisArray will attempt to connect to each server you pass in
  the ring on construction.  This feature lets you specify that you would
  rather have RedisArray only attempt a connection when it needs to get data
  from a particular node (throughput/performance improvement).

* Allow LONG and STRING keys in MGET/MSET

* Extended SET options for Redis >= 2.6.12

* Persistent connections and UNIX SOCKET support for RedisArray

* Allow aggregates for ZUNION/ZINTER without weights @mheijkoop

* Support for SLOWLOG command

* Reworked MGET algorithm to run in linear time regardless of key count.

* Reworked ZINTERSTORE/ZUNIONSTORE algorithm to run in linear time

** Bug fixes

* C99 Compliance (or rather lack thereof) fix @mobli
* Added ZEND_ACC_CTOR and ZEND_ACC_DTOR @euskadi31
* Stop throwing and clearing an exception on connect failure @matmoi
* Fix a false positive unit test failure having to do with TTL returns
Assets 2