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This project contains the implementation of the following ICLR 2021 paper:

Title: Contextual Transformation Networks for Online Continual Learning (ICLR 2021). [openreview], [pdf].

Authors: Quang Pham, Chenghao Liu, Doyen Sahoo, and Steven Hoi

CTN proposes a novel network design with a controller that can efficiently extract task-specific features from a base network. Both the base network and the controller have access to their own memory units and are joinly trained via a bilevel optimization strategy.



  • Pytorch 1.5.0
  • CUDA 10.2

All experiments in this work was run on a single K80 GPU with 12Gb memory.


1. Prepare data

Follow the instructions in the data/ folders to prepare the benchmarks.

2. Run experiments

To replicate our results on the Permuted MNIST, Split CIFAR100, CORE50, and Split miniImagenet, run

chmod 777 scripts/

The results will be put in the resuts/ folders.

3. Parameter Setting

The provided script scripts/ includes the best hyper-parameter cross-validated from the cross-validation tasks. The following is the list of parameters you can experiment with

Parameter Description Values
data_path path where the data sets are saved e.g. data/
data_file name of the data file e.g.
use randomly use a subset of data. When use < 1, use% of the original data, when use > 1, select use samples from the data e.g. 0.5 (select 50% of data), 1000 (select 1000 data samples)
n_memories number of data stored per task e.g. 50
memory_strength value of the regularizer's coefficient e.g. 100
temperature temperature of the softmax in knowledge distillation e.g. 5
lr (inner) learning rate e.g. 0.1
beta (outer) learning rate e.g. 0.3
inner_steps number of SGD udpates per samples e.g. 2
n_meta number of outer updates per samples e.g. 2
n_val percentage of the total memory used for the semantic memory (in CTN) e.g. 0.2
replay_batch_size number of data in the memory used per experience replay step e.g. 64


If you found CTN useful for your research, please consider citing.

  title={Contextual transformation networks for online continual learning},
  author={Pham, Quang and Liu, Chenghao and Sahoo, Doyen and Steven, HOI},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


This project structure is based on the GEM repository with additional methods, metrics and implementation improvements. For the CORe50 benchmark, we modify the data loader from MIR.


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