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Quick Start

In the following "I" represents the configuration used by the author of this document. "You" should feel free to change "I"'s settings. I run the following commands to install the prerequisites on Ubuntu.

  sudo apt-get install mongodb-server
  sudo apt-get install mongodb-clients
  sudo apt-get install git

Clone the repository into an appropriate place and build the application.

  mkdir -p ~/projects/brass
  cd ~/projects/brass
  git clone
  cd webgme-immortals

  curl -o- | bash
  nvm install v6.10.0
  nvm use v6.10.0

  npm install


Running webgme as a user process is simply performed:


You should now be able to connect to the running webGME server,

There are a couple of other things that should be done to run webgme as it is intented to be run. One is setting up proper authentication which is covered in the following section. The other is to make webgme a proper systemd service.


The authentication scheme for Json Web Token uses OpenSSL RSA256 keys. The config for the editor is set up to find a public and private key in the files private_key and public_key inside a folder named token_keys next to the folder containing the webgme git repository.

pushd ..
mkdir token_keys
openssl genrsa -out token_keys/private_key 1024
openssl rsa -in token_keys/private_key -pubout > token_keys/public_key

To be clear, the location of the token_keys and authentication generally is controlled in /webgme/src/ts/config/config.immortals.ts

Long Running Service

see brass/webgme-immortals/init/


There are a few sample projects... webgme-immortals/samples/

Slow Start (explanations provided)

webGME and its derivatives are node.js applications which use mongodb as the backing store and git for version-control. Development and operation are possible on MS-Windows and Mac-OSX. The following instructions are for Ubuntu 16.10 (which I use). Note that mongodb-clients is not necessary but it can be useful.

  sudo apt-get install mongodb-server
  sudo apt-get install mongodb-clients
  sudo apt-get install git

Clone the webgme-immortals project into an appropriate place. I work in a project folder and clone projects into that:

  mkdir -p ~/projects/brass
  cd ~/projects/brass

  git clone

  cd webgme-immortals

WebGME does not closely track node.js nor npm therefore it is useful to use the node-version-manager (nvm to establish a consistent set of Javascript packages. If you will be working on this for a while it is better to do a manual install.

  export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm" && (
  git clone "${NVM_DIR}"
  cd "${NVM_DIR}"
  git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags --match "v[0-9]*" origin`
) && . "${NVM_DIR}/"

Add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or ~/.zshrc file. This will source nvm automatically upon login. (You may have to add to more than one of the mentioned files)

export NVM_DIR="${HOME}/.nvm"
[ -s "${NVM_DIR}/" ] && . "${NVM_DIR}/" # This loads nvm

Close and reopen your terminal to start using nvm (or source .bashrc).

Once nvm installed the appropriate bundle for webGME is enabled.

  nvm install v6.10.0
  nvm use v6.10.0

Update all the npm packages within the webgme-immortals directory. This establishes a set of node_modules specifically for the project.

  cd ~/projects/brass/webgme-immortals
  npm install

We also need to build the javascript from the typescript.


Things are now configured to start the webGME server. Pay attention to the output as the URL for connecting to the 'gme web server' will be written stdout.

   export NODE_ENV=immortals
   pushd .
   [[ -d ./log ]] || mkdir ./log
   node ./dist-client/main/app_bootstrap.js

Ctrl-C is used to shut the server down.

You should now be able to connect to the running webGME server,

Some changes to the running system will necessitate restarting the server. This includes changes to the packages listed in 'packages.json' (npm), or 'bower.json'. Changes to Javascript or CSS will only require an refresh on the browser.


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