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Sample - Turn By Turn with Landmarks

This sample is configured almost the same as TurnByTurnViewController.swift, except that it will utilize Landmark information in the route instructions, when available.


  • Display turn-by-turn route instruction card on top of map, taking advantage of POIs and Waypoints configured as Landmarks.
  • Swipe turn-by-turn card to select a route instruction.


  • Fill out applicationId, accessKey, signatureKey, buildingIdentifier, startPOIIdentifier and destinationPOIIdentifier.

Sample Code

Step 1: Copy the following files to your project

  • TurnByTurnCollectionView.swift
  • TurnByTurnInstructionCollectionViewCell.swift
  • TurnByTurnInstructionCollectionViewCell.xib
  • DirectionImages.xcassets

Step 2: Present turn by turn view on the map whenever building and route are loaded, configuring the route to enable Landmarks

func startRoute() {
    // Set tracking mode to follow me
    mapView.trackingMode = .follow
    // Find the destination POI
    guard let startPOI = mapView.building.pois.first(where: { $0.identifier == startPOIIdentifier }),
        let destinationPOI = mapView.building.pois.first(where: { $0.identifier == destinationPOIIdentifier }) else {
        warning("Please put valid data for `startPOIIdentifier` and `destinationPOIIdentifier` in RoutingViewController.swift")
    // Create a PWRouteOptions object with landmarksEnabled set to true so landmarks will be injected into route info (if available)
    let routeOptions = PWRouteOptions(accessibilityEnabled: false,
                                      landmarksEnabled: true,
                                      excludedPointIdentifiers: nil)
    // Calculate a route and plot on the map with our specified route options
    PWRoute.createRoute(from: startPOI,
                        to: destinationPOI,
                        options: routeOptions,
                        completion: { [weak self] (route, error) in
        guard let route = route else {
            self?.warning("Couldn't find a route between POI(\(self?.startPOIIdentifier ?? 0)) and POI(\(self?.destinationPOIIdentifier ?? 0)).")
        // Plot route on the map
        let uiOptions = PWRouteUIOptions()
        self?.mapView.navigate(with: route, options: uiOptions)
        // Initial route instructions

func initializeTurnByTurn() {
    if turnByTurnCollectionView == nil {
        turnByTurnCollectionView = TurnByTurnCollectionView(mapView: mapView)
        turnByTurnCollectionView?.turnByTurnDelegate = self

Because the view controller is a delegate of the TurnByTurnCollectionView, the collection view will ask the view controller for an InstructionViewModel to display for each instruction. The instruction view model is responsible for generating the turn by turn text that we display. Here, we use the LandmarkInstructionViewModel to calculate this from the current instruction, which will take any available landmarks into account:

func turnByTurnCollectionView(_ collectionView: TurnByTurnCollectionView, viewModelFor routeInstruction: PWRouteInstruction) -> InstructionViewModel {
    return LandmarkInstructionViewModel(for: routeInstruction)

When the button to show the entire route list is displayed, show the route instruction list

func turnByTurnCollectionViewInstructionExpandTapped(_ collectionView: TurnByTurnCollectionView) {
    let routeInstructionViewController = RouteInstructionListViewController()
    routeInstructionViewController.delegate = self
    routeInstructionViewController.configure(route: mapView.currentRoute)

The view controller is also a delegate of the RouteInstructionListCollectionView, which also needs an InstructionViewModel to generate the instruction text, similarly to the TurnByTurnCollectionView. We'll use LandmarkInstructionViewModel for this as well:

func routeInstructionListViewController(_ viewController: RouteInstructionListViewController, viewModelFor routeInstruction: PWRouteInstruction)
    -> InstructionViewModel {
    return LandmarkInstructionViewModel(for: routeInstruction)

The following is the code from LandmarkInstructionViewModel that generates the actual instruction text. Note that we use an internal type Instruction to analyze the maneuver object (PWRouteInstruction) to make the text generation more straightforward. Also note that we only use the last landmark for a manuever (i.e. the closest landmark to the manuever endpoint) to generate the text:

var attributedText: NSAttributedString {
    let straightString = NSLocalizedString("Continue straight", comment: "")
    switch instruction.instructionType {
    case .straight:
        if let landmark = instruction.routeInstruction.landmarks?.last {
            let templateString = NSLocalizedString("$0 for $1 towards $2", comment: "$0 = Continue straight, $1 = distance, $2 = landmark")
            let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: straightString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            let distanceString = instruction.routeInstruction.distance.localizedDistanceInSmallUnits
            attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: distanceString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            attributed.replace(substring: "$2", with:, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            return attributed
        } else {
            let templateString = NSLocalizedString("$0 for $1", comment: "$0 = Continue straight, $1 = distance")
            let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: straightString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            let distanceString = instruction.routeInstruction.distance.localizedDistanceInSmallUnits
            attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: distanceString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            return attributed
    case .turn(let direction):
        if let landmark = instruction.routeInstruction.landmarks?.last {
            let templateString = NSLocalizedString("$0 in $1 $2 $3", comment: "$0 = direction, $1 = distance, $2 = at/after, $3 = landmark name")
            let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            let turnString = string(forTurn: direction) ?? ""
            attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: turnString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            let distanceString = instruction.routeInstruction.distance.localizedDistanceInSmallUnits
            attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: distanceString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            let positionString = (landmark.position == .at)
                ? NSLocalizedString("at", comment: "")
                : NSLocalizedString("after", comment: "")
            attributed.replace(substring: "$2", with: positionString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            attributed.replace(substring: "$3", with:, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            return attributed
        } else {
            let templateString = NSLocalizedString("$0 in $1", comment: "$0 = direction, $1 = distance")
            let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            let turnString = string(forTurn: direction) ?? ""
            attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: turnString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
            let distanceString = instruction.routeInstruction.distance.localizedDistanceInSmallUnits
            attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: distanceString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
            return attributed
    case .upcomingFloorChange(let floorChange):
        let templateString = NSLocalizedString("$0 $1 towards $2 to $3", comment: "$0 = Continue straight, $1 = distance, $2 floor change type, $3 = floor name")
        let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
        attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: straightString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
        let distanceString = instruction.routeInstruction.distance.localizedDistanceInSmallUnits
        attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: distanceString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
        let floorChangeTypeString = string(for: floorChange.floorChangeType)
        attributed.replace(substring: "$2", with: floorChangeTypeString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
        attributed.replace(substring: "$3", with: floorChange.floorName, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
        return attributed
    case .floorChange(let floorChange):
        let templateString = (floorChange.floorChangeDirection == .sameFloor)
            ? NSLocalizedString("Take the $0 to $2", comment: "$0 = floor change type, $2 = floor name")
            : NSLocalizedString("Take the $0 $1 to $2", comment: "$0 = floor change type, $1 = floor change direction, $2 = floor name")
        let attributed = NSMutableAttributedString(string: templateString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
        let floorChangeTypeString = string(for: floorChange.floorChangeType)
        attributed.replace(substring: "$0", with: floorChangeTypeString, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
        let directionString = string(forFloorChangeDirection: floorChange.floorChangeDirection) ?? ""
        attributed.replace(substring: "$1", with: directionString, attributes: standardOptions.attributes)
        attributed.replace(substring: "$2", with: floorChange.floorName, attributes: highlightOptions.attributes)
        return attributed


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