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FooBarWidget committed Aug 24, 2009
1 parent 796d094 commit 7215630
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 0 deletions.
65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Release 2.2.5

* [Nginx] Support for streaming responses (e.g. Comet or HTTP push)
Buffering of backend responses is now disabled. This fixes support for
streaming responses, something which the Apache version has supported
for a while now. One can generate streaming responses in Ruby on Rails
like this:

render :text => lambda { |response, output|
10_000.times do |i|
output.write("hello #{i}!\n")

* Fixed STDERR capturing
While spawning an application, Phusion Passenger captures any output written
to STDERR so that it can show them later if the application failed to start.
This turns out to be much more difficult than expected, with all kinds of
corner cases that can mess up this feature.

For example, if the Rails log file is not writable, then this can cause
Rails to crash with a bizarre and unhelpful error message whenever it tries
to write to STDERR:

/!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Thu Aug 20 14:58:39 +1000 2009
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

Some applications reopen STDERR to a log file. This didn't work.

Of all of these problems have been fixed now. (Bug #332)

* [Apache] Added a configuration option for resolving symlinks in the document
root path Phusion Passenger 2.2.0 and higher no longer resolve symlinks in
the document root path in order to properly support Capistrano-style
directory structures. The exact behavior is documented in the Users Guide,
section "How Phusion Passenger detects whether a virtual host is a web

However, some people relied on the old behavior. A new configuration option,
PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot, has been added to allow reverting
back to the old behavior.

* [Apache] mod_env variables are now also passed through CGI environment headers
Prior to version 2.2.3, environment variables set by mod_env are passed to
the application as CGI environment headers, not through Ruby's ENV variable.
In the last release we introduced support for setting ENV environment
variables with mod_env, and got rid of the code for setting CGI environment
headers. It turns out that some people relied on the old behavior, we so now
environment variables set with mod_env are set in both ENV and in the CGI

Fixes bug #335.

* Fixed compilation problems on IA-64 (bug #118). We also reduced the stack
sizes for the threads by half, so Phusion Passenger should use even less
virtual memory now.
* Fixed a few compatibility problems with 64-bit OpenBSD.
* Fixed a few typos and minor bugs.

Older releases
Please consult the blog posts on for the information about older releases.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -834,3 +834,84 @@ task :sloccount do
system "rm -rf #{tmpdir}"

desc "Convert the NEWS items for the latest release to HTML"
task :news_as_html do
# The text is in the following format:
# Release x.x.x
# -------------
# * Text.
# * More text.
# * A header.
# With yet more text.
# Release y.y.y
# -------------
# .....
require 'cgi'
contents ="NEWS")

# We're only interested in the latest release, so extract the text for that.
contents =~ /\A(Release.*?)^(Release|Older releases)/m

# Now split the text into individual items.
items = $1.split(/^ \*/)
items.shift # Delete the 'Release x.x.x' header.

puts "<dl>"
items.each do |item|

# Does this item have a header? It does if it consists of multiple lines, and
# the next line is capitalized.
lines = item.split("\n")
if lines.size > 1 && lines[1].strip[0..0] == lines[1].strip[0..0].upcase
puts "<dt>#{lines[0]}</dt>"
item = lines.join("\n")

# Split into paragraphs. Empty lines are paragraph dividers.
paragraphs = item.split(/^ *$/m)

def format_paragraph(text)
# Get rid of newlines: convert them into spaces.
text.gsub!("\n", ' ')
while text.index(' ')
text.gsub!(' ', ' ')

# Auto-link to issue tracker.
text.gsub!(/(bug) #(\d+)/i) do
url = "{$2}"
%Q(<a href="#{url}">#{$1} ##{$2}</a>)


if paragraphs.size > 1
paragraphs.each do |paragraph|
paragraph.gsub!(/\A\n+/, '')
paragraph.gsub!(/\n+\Z/, '')

if (paragraph =~ /\A /)
# Looks like a code block.
paragraph.gsub!(/^ /m, '')
puts "<pre lang=\"ruby\">#{CGI.escapeHTML(paragraph)}</pre>"
puts "<p>#{format_paragraph(paragraph)}</p>"
puts "<dd>#{format_paragraph(item)}</dd>"
puts "</dl>"

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