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296 lines (215 loc) · 11.9 KB


The script can be executed via command-line:

# if cloned from GitHub, from the repository's root directory:
export PYTHONPATH="`pwd`"
./scripts/arouteserver bird --ip-ver 4 -o /etc/bird/bird4.conf

# if installed using pip:
arouteserver bird --ip-ver 4 -o /etc/bird/bird4.conf

It produces the route server configuration for BIRD and saves it on /etc/bird/bird4.conf. To build the configuration for OpenBGPD, the bird sub-command must be replaced with openbgpd.

The --target-version argument can be used to set the version of the target BGP daemon for which the configuration is generated: this allows to enable features that are supported only by more recent versions of BGP speakers and that, otherwise, would produce an error.

The script exits with 0 if everything is fine or with an exit code different than zero if something wrong occurs.

It can be scheduled at regular intervals to re-build the configuration (for example to add new clients or to update IRRDB information), test it and finally to deploy it in production:

# The following assumes that ARouteServer runs on the
# route server itself, that is a thing that you may want
# to avoid.
arouteserver bird --ip-ver 4 -o /etc/bird/ && \
    bird -p -c /etc/bird/ && \
    cp /etc/bird/ /etc/bird/bird4.conf && \
    birdcl configure

Route server graceful shutdown

Prior to a maintenance that requires the route server shutdown a graceful shutdown can be triggered by using the --perform-graceful-shutdown argument. This option allows to build a temporary configuration that includes an outbound policy which is applied to BGP sessions toward the clients and which adds the GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN BGP community (65535:0) to all the routes that the route server announces to them.

Please note that the configuration built when using this argument should be used only temporarly before starting the maintenance; it should be replaced with the production configuration before the route server is reloaded.

Resources and MemoryError error messages

When building large configurations, for example those generated when huge AS-SETs need to be expanded, the program may crash with a MemoryError message or other memory related exceptions. In this case, raising ulimits for max locked memory (-l) and stack size (-s) has proven to be effective in solving the problem:

$ ulimit -l 2097152; ulimit -s 8192; arouteserver openbgpd ...


ARouteServer can be used as a Python library too: see :doc:`LIBRARY` for more details.

Textual representation

To build an HTML textual representation of route server's options and policies, the html command can be used:

arouteserver html -o /var/www/html/rs_description.html

This command writes an HTML page that contains a brief textual representation of route server's policies. An example can be found here.

Automatic clients.yml creation

Create clients.yml file from PeeringDB records

The clients-from-peeringdb command can be used to automatically create a clients.yml file on the basis of PeeringDB records. Given an IX LAN ID, it collects all the networks which are registered as route server clients on that LAN, then it builds the clients file accordingly.

If the IX LAN ID argument is not given, the script uses the IX-F database to show a list of IXPs and their PeeringDB ID; this can be used to easily search for the IXP PeeringDB ID.

$ arouteserver clients-from-peeringdb
Loading IX-F database... OK

Select the IXP for which the clients list must be built
Enter the text to search for (IXP name, country, city): LINX
     ID  IXP description
     18  GB, London, London Internet Exchange LON1 (LINX LON1)
    777  US, Ashburn, LINX NoVA (LINX NoVA)
    321  GB, London, London Internet Exchange LON2 (LINX LON2)

Enter the ID of the IXP you want to use to build the clients list: 18

Create clients.yml file from Euro-IX member list JSON file

The Euro-IX member list JSON schema defines a portable output format to export the list of members connected to an Internet Exchange. These files can be used to fetch the list of clients and their attributes (AS-SETs, max-prefix limits) and to use them to automatically build the clients.yml file used by ARouteServer to generate route server's configuration.

The clients-from-euroix command can be used for this purpose.

arouteserver clients-from-euroix --url <URL> <ixp_id> -o <output_file>

The JSON file may contain information about more than one IXP for every IX. For example, AMS-IX has 'AMS-IX', 'AMS-IX Caribbean', 'AMS-IX Hong Kong' and more. To filter only those clients which are connected to the IXP of interest an identifier (ixp_id) is needed. When executed without the ixp_id argument, the command prints the list of IXPs and VLANs reported in the JSON file; the ID can be found on this list:

$ arouteserver clients-from-euroix --url
IXP ID 1, short name 'AMS-IX'
 - VLAN ID 502, name 'GRX', IPv4 prefix, IPv6 prefix 2001:7f8:86:1::/64
 - VLAN ID 504, name 'MDX', IPv4 prefix
 - VLAN ID 600, name 'PI'
 - VLAN ID 501, name 'ISP', IPv4 prefix, IPv6 prefix 2001:13c7:6004::/64
IXP ID 3, short name 'AMS-IX Caribbean'
 - VLAN ID 600, name 'PI'
 - VLAN ID 501, name 'ISP', IPv4 prefix, IPv6 prefix 2001:13c7:6004::/64
IXP ID 2, short name 'AMS-IX Hong Kong'
 - VLAN ID 501, name 'ISP', IPv4 prefix, IPv6 prefix 2001:13c7:6004::/64

Finally, the list of clients and their attributes can be fetched:

$ arouteserver clients-from-euroix --url 1 --vlan 502
- asn: 58453
  description: China Mobile International Limited
- asn: 33849
  description: Comfone AG
- asn: 8959
  description: Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) (GRX)
- asn: 8959
  description: Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) (GRX)
- asn: 12322
  description: Free SAS

An example from the LONAP:

$ arouteserver clients-from-euroix --url 1
- asn: 42
        - AS-PCH
        limit_ipv4: 100
  description: Packet Clearing House AS42
- asn: 42
        - AS-PCH
        limit_ipv6: 100
  description: Packet Clearing House AS42
  ip: 2001:7f8:17::2a:1
- asn: 714
        - AS-APPLE
        limit_ipv4: 1000
  description: Apple Europe Ltd

To get a list of all the available options, run the arouteserver clients-from-euroix --help command.

Integration with IXP-Manager

Since the popular IXP-Manager allows to export the list of members in Euro-IX JSON format, the arouteserver clients-from-euroix command can also be used to integrate the two tools and to build ARouteServer's list of clients automatically:


set -e

# Setup an API key on IXP-Manager and write it below.

# Adjust the URL below and point it to your IXP-Manager application.

# This is the IXP ID you want to export members from.
# It must match with the 'ixp_id' field.

# Path of the output clients file that will be built.

# Build the clients file using info from IXP-Manager.
arouteserver clients-from-euroix \
        -o $clients_file \
        --url "$url" $ixp_id

# Build the route server configuration.
arouteserver bird \
        --clients $clients_file \
        --ip-ver 4 \
        -o /etc/bird/

# Now test the new configuration and, finally,
# push it to the route server.

IX-F Member Export JSON file from clients.yml

The ixf-member-export command can be used to generate IX-F Member Export JSON files from the list of clients that are configured on the route server. Although the clients.yml file used by ARouteServer to build the route server configuration contains only those clients that are supposed to connect to the route server itself, it's a quite common practice to preconfigure passive BGP sessions for all the IXP members there. When that's true the clients file contains a comprehensive representation of all the IXP participants.

Please note: the output file generated with this command contains only a subset of the attributes available in the IX-F JSON schema: ASN, IP addresses, max-prefix limits and AS macros. Only information that are hard-coded in the clients.yml file are exported: AS-SETs or max prefix limits that during the configuration building process are fetched from PeeringDB or other external data sources are not included in the output file.

$ arouteserver ixf-member-export --clients examples/rich/clients.yml "Test IXP"
  "version": "0.6",
  "timestamp": "2017-11-24T17:23:41Z",
  "ixp_list": [
      "ixp_id": 0,
      "shortname": "Test IXP",
      "vlan": [
          "id": 0
  "member_list": [
      "asnum": 10745,
      "connection_list": [
          "ixp_id": 0,
          "vlan_list": [
              "vlan_id": 0,
              "ipv4": {
                "address": ""

Live tests, development and customization

Template context data

To dump the list of variables and data that can be used inside a template, the template-context command can be used:

arouteserver template-context

It produces a YAML document that contains the context variables and their values as they are passed to the template engine used to build configurations.

Initialize a custom live test scenario

To setup a new live test scenario:

arouteserver init-scenario ~/ars_scenarios/myscenario

More details on :ref:`How to build custom scenarios`.