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e2e-webdriver plugin for vue-cli

Injected Commands

Run e2e tests with WebdriverIO

    yarn run test:e2e [options]
    yarn run test:e2e
      --baseUrl http://localhost:8080
      --capabilities desktop,iphone
      --specs spec/**
      --mode development
    yarn run test:e2e --config wdio.conf.js
    yarn run test:e2e --suite focus --bail 1

    -b, --baseUrl [STRING<URI>]      Run e2e tests against dev server running at given url. Auto starts dev server if absent.
    --capabilities [STRING[,STRING]] Specify browser capabilities to run (default: desktop)
    --config [STRING<PATH>]          Use your own WebdriverIO configuration; overrides plugin defaults (relative to <projectRoot>)
    --headless, --no-headless        Run e2e tests in headless mode without GUI (default capabilities only)
    --debug, --no-debug              Enable Node inspector and debugging tools
    --mode [STRING]                  Run the dev server in specified mode (default: production)
    --specs [STRING[,STRING]]        Glob pattern determines specs to run (relative to <projectRoot>)

Additionally, all WebdriverIO CLI options are supported.

The task may also be run via vue ui.


  • 1.x only supports webdriverio@4.x
  • 2.x only supports webdriverio@5.x


Defaults defined on plugin invocation will be stored in vue.config.js.

Defaults will be overriden by command line options on command invocation.

Settings defined within <projectRoot>/wdio.conf.js will be merged with the plugin's defaults.

To override internal configuration entirely use option --config to specify alternate configuration file. If you haven't already, run ./node_modules/.bin/wdio to configure WebdriverIO.

This plugin provides a number of WebdriverIO capabilities each utilising ChromeDriver. If you wish to run e2e tests with different capabilities, define them within <projectRoot>/wdio.conf.js.

When using --capabilities to run specs against a subset of devices, you must first capabilities.register within <projectRoot>/wdio.conf.js.

  // wdio.conf.js
  const { capabilities, Chrome } = require('vue-cli-plugin-e2e-webdriverio').capabilities

  capabilities.register('device', new Chrome({
    // ...options

  capabilities.register('other', new Chrome({
    // ...options

Then you can run a subset of capabilities like so yarn test:e2e --capabilities device

By default, tests are run in interactive mode, to run in headless mode (for CI) use option --headless.

Selenium commands will be executed synchronously by default. To override:

  // wdio.conf.js
  exports.config = {
    sync: false
    // ...

WebdriverIO hooks defined in <projectRoot>/wdio.conf.js will be appended to behaviour provided by plugin defaults unless run with alternate --config.

  // wdio.conf.js
  const { WDIOConfigDefault, capabilities, util } = require('vue-cli-plugin-e2e-webdriverio')
  const { resizeViewport, isDebug } = util
  const { Chrome } = capabilities

  const base = WDIOConfigDefault().config

  exports.config = {
    // your overrides here...
    capabilities: [
      new Chrome({
        browserName: 'chrome',
        chromeOptions: {
          args: [
            // etc...
        viewportSize: {
          width: 1024,
          height: 768,
        // etc...

    beforeSuite: [

    afterTest: [
      (test) => {
        if (isDebug() && !test.passed) {
          saveScreenshot(test, 'path/to/screenshot.png')
      // ...

    // OR

    beforeSuite: (suite) => {
      // your behaviour here...

Consult WebdriverIO Configuration for available options and browser configuration.

You may need to set NODE_ENV and VUE_CLI_MODE if running tests in mode other than plugin default, production. The enviroment variable must be set before Vue CLI Service loadEnv called.

  // package.json
    "scripts": {
      "test:e2e": "NODE_ENV=development VUE_CLI_MODE=development vue-cli-service test:e2e"

Refer to Vue CLI Service Plugin defaultModes


WDIOConfigDefault() : object

Returns the plugin's internal WebdriverIO configuration.



Constructor prepares ChromeDriver options from given input.

viewportSize { width: number, height: number }

userAgent : string

mobileEmulation : object

capabilities.find(names: string | string[]) : Array<object>

Returns a list of registered capabilities matching given name(s). Accepts a comma delimited list or Array.

capabilities.register(name: string, capability: object)

Adds the named capability to the capabilities container.

capabilities.desktop(options: object) : capabilities.Chrome

Returns the predefined capability.

capabilities.iphone(options: object) : capabilities.Chrome

Returns the predefined capability.

capabilities.ipad(options: object) : capabilities.Chrome

Returns the predefined capability. object) : capabilities.Chrome

Returns the predefined capability.

util.resizeViewport() : void

If current capability has property viewportSize this function will issue WebdriverIO command to resize the current browser window so that inner dimensions match viewportSize.

util.saveScreenshot(test: object, path: string) : void

Saves screenshot to given path or tmp directory and logs error info to stdout.

util.printBrowserConsole() : void

Log all browser output to stdout.

Installing in an Already Created Project

Commit your project and run vue add vue-cli-plugin-e2e-webdriverio