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shichun-0415 committed Dec 12, 2022
1 parent dacfc6c commit 71d5a0b
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Expand Up @@ -339,21 +339,6 @@ This feature is disbled by default. You can enable it by modifying the server or

Add a system variable [`tidb_allow_fallback_to_tikv`](/ to fall back queries to TiKV when TiFlash fails. The default value is `OFF`.

### Improve TiCDC stability and alleviate the OOM issue caused by replicating too much incremental data

[User document](/ticdc/, [#1150](

In TiCDC v4.0.9 or earlier versions, replicating too much data change might cause OOM. In v5.0, the Unified Sorter feature is enabled by default to mitigate OOM issues caused by the following scenarios:

- The data replication task in TiCDC is paused for a long time, during which a large amount of incremental data is accumulated and needs to be replicated.
- The data replication task is started from an early timestamp, so it becomes necessary to replicate a large amount of incremental data.

Unified Sorter is integrated with the `memory`/`file` sort-engine options of earlier versions. You do not need to manually configure the change.


- You need to provide sufficient disk capacity according to the amount of your incremental data. It is recommended to use SSDs with free capacity greater than 128 GB.

## High availability and disaster recovery

### Improve system availability during Region membership change
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Expand Up @@ -322,9 +322,9 @@ TiDB v6.0.0 is a DMR, and its version is 6.0.0-DMR.
| TiFlash | [`profiles.default.dt_compression_level`](/tiflash/ | Newly added | Specifies the compression level of TiFlash. The default value is `1`. |
| DM | [`loaders.<name>.import-mode`](/dm/ | Newly added | The import mode during the full import phase. Since v6.0, DM uses TiDB Lightning's TiDB-backend mode to import data during the full import phase; the previous Loader component is no longer used. This is an internal replacement and has no obvious impact on daily operations.<br/>The default value is set to `sql`, which means using `tidb-backend` mode. In some rare cases, `tidb-backend` might not be fully compatible. You can fall back to Loader mode by configuring this parameter to `loader`. |
| DM | [`loaders.<name>.on-duplicate`](/dm/ | Newly added | Specifies the methods to resolve conflicts during the full import phase. The default value is `replace`, which means using the new data to replace the existing data. |
| TiCDC | [`dial-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in establishing a connection with the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |
| TiCDC | [`read-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in getting a response returned by the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |
| TiCDC | [`write-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in sending a request to the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |
| TiCDC | [`dial-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in establishing a connection with the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |
| TiCDC | [`read-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in getting a response returned by the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |
| TiCDC | [`write-timeout`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | The timeout in sending a request to the downstream Kafka. The default value is `10s`. |

### Others

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Expand Up @@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ In 6.1.0, the key new features or improvements are as follows:
| TiKV | [`storage.background-error-recovery-window`](/ | Newly added | The maximum recovery time is allowed after RocksDB detects a recoverable background error. |
| TiKV | [`storage.api-version`](/ | Newly added | The storage format and interface version used by TiKV when TiKV serves as the raw key-value store. |
| PD | [`schedule.max-store-preparing-time`](/ | Newly added | Controls the maximum waiting time for the store to go online. |
| TiCDC | [`enable-tls`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Whether to use TLS to connect to the downstream Kafka instance. |
| TiCDC | `sasl-gssapi-user`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-password`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-auth-type`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-service-name`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-realm`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-key-tab-path`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-kerberos-config-path` | Newly added | Used to support SASL/GSSAPI authentication for Kafka. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `kafka`](/ticdc/ |
| TiCDC | [`avro-decimal-handling-mode`](/ticdc/<br/>[`avro-bigint-unsigned-handling-mode`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Determines the output details of Avro format. |
| TiCDC | [`enable-tls`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Whether to use TLS to connect to the downstream Kafka instance. |
| TiCDC | `sasl-gssapi-user`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-password`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-auth-type`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-service-name`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-realm`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-key-tab-path`<br/>`sasl-gssapi-kerberos-config-path` | Newly added | Used to support SASL/GSSAPI authentication for Kafka. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `kafka`](/ticdc/ |
| TiCDC | [`avro-decimal-handling-mode`](/ticdc/<br/>[`avro-bigint-unsigned-handling-mode`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Determines the output details of Avro format. |
| TiCDC | [`dispatchers.topic`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Controls how TiCDC dispatches incremental data to different Kafka topics. |
| TiCDC | [`dispatchers.partition`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | `dispatchers.partition` is an alias for `dispatchers.dispatcher`. Controls how TiCDC dispatches incremental data to Kafka partitions. |
| TiCDC | [`schema-registry`](/ticdc/ | Newly added | Specifies the schema registry endpoint that stores Avro schema. |
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Expand Up @@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ TiCDC provides partial support for large transactions (more than 5 GB in size).
- When TiCDC's internal processing capacity is insufficient, the replication task error `ErrBufferReachLimit` might occur.
- When TiCDC's internal processing capacity is insufficient or the throughput capacity of TiCDC's downstream is insufficient, out of memory (OOM) might occur.

Since v6.2, TiCDC supports splitting a single-table transaction into multiple transactions. This can greatly reduce the latency and memory consumption of replicating large transactions. Therefore, if your application does not have a high requirement on transaction atomicity, it is recommended to enable the splitting of large transactions to avoid possible replication latency and OOM. To enable the splitting, set the value of the sink uri parameter [`transaction-atomicity`](/ticdc/ to `none`.
Since v6.2, TiCDC supports splitting a single-table transaction into multiple transactions. This can greatly reduce the latency and memory consumption of replicating large transactions. Therefore, if your application does not have a high requirement on transaction atomicity, it is recommended to enable the splitting of large transactions to avoid possible replication latency and OOM. To enable the splitting, set the value of the sink uri parameter [`transaction-atomicity`](/ticdc/ to `none`.

If you still encounter an error above, it is recommended to use BR to restore the incremental data of large transactions. The detailed operations are as follows:

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Expand Up @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Currently, the TiCDC sink component supports replicating data to the following d

> **Note:**
> Since v6.2, you can use the sink uri parameter [`transaction-atomicity`](/ticdc/ to control whether to split single-table transactions. Splitting single-table transactions can greatly reduce the latency and memory consumption of replicating large transactions.
> Since v6.2, you can use the sink uri parameter [`transaction-atomicity`](/ticdc/ to control whether to split single-table transactions. Splitting single-table transactions can greatly reduce the latency and memory consumption of replicating large transactions.
- Kafka sink

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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The following are descriptions of options available in a `cdc server` command:
- `advertise-addr`: The advertised address via which clients access TiCDC. If unspecified, the value is the same as that of `addr`.
- `pd`: A comma-separated list of PD endpoints.
- `config`: The address of the configuration file that TiCDC uses (optional). This option is supported since TiCDC v5.0.0. This option can be used in the TiCDC deployment since TiUP v1.4.0. For detailed configuration description, see [TiCDC Changefeed Configurations](/ticdc/
- `data-dir`: Specifies the directory that TiCDC uses when it needs to use disks to store files. Unified Sorter uses this directory to store temporary files. It is recommended to ensure that the free disk space for this directory is greater than or equal to 500 GiB. For more details, see [Unified Sorter](/ticdc/ If you are using TiUP, you can configure `data_dir` in the [`cdc_servers`](/tiup/ section, or directly use the default `data_dir` path in `global`.
- `data-dir`: Specifies the directory that TiCDC uses when it needs to use disks to store files. If you are using TiUP, you can configure `data_dir` in the [`cdc_servers`](/tiup/ section, or directly use the default `data_dir` path in `global`.
- `gc-ttl`: The TTL (Time To Live) of the service level `GC safepoint` in PD set by TiCDC, and the duration that the replication task can suspend, in seconds. The default value is `86400`, which means 24 hours. Note: Suspending of the TiCDC replication task affects the progress of TiCDC GC safepoint, which means that it affects the progress of upstream TiDB GC, as detailed in [Complete Behavior of TiCDC GC safepoint](/ticdc/
- `log-file`: The path to which logs are output when the TiCDC process is running. If this parameter is not specified, logs are written to the standard output (stdout).
- `log-level`: The log level when the TiCDC process is running. The default value is `"info"`.
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Info: {"sink-uri":"kafka://

- `--changefeed-id`: The ID of the replication task. The format must match the `^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$` regular expression. If this ID is not specified, TiCDC automatically generates a UUID (the version 4 format) as the ID.
- `--sink-uri`: The downstream address of the replication task. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `kafka`](#configure-sink-uri-with-kafka).
- `--sink-uri`: The downstream address of the replication task. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `kafka`](#configure-sink-uri-for-kafka).
- `--start-ts`: Specifies the starting TSO of the changefeed. From this TSO, the TiCDC cluster starts pulling data. The default value is the current time.
- `--target-ts`: Specifies the ending TSO of the changefeed. To this TSO, the TiCDC cluster stops pulling data. The default value is empty, which means that TiCDC does not automatically stop pulling data.
- `--config`: Specifies the changefeed configuration file. For details, see [TiCDC Changefeed Configuration Parameters](/ticdc/
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Info: {"sink-uri":"mysql://root:123456@","opts":{},"create-time":

- `--changefeed-id`: The ID of the replication task. The format must match the `^[a-zA-Z0-9]+(\-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*$` regular expression. If this ID is not specified, TiCDC automatically generates a UUID (the version 4 format) as the ID.
- `--sink-uri`: The downstream address of the replication task. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `mysql`/`tidb`](#configure-sink-uri-with-mysqltidb).
- `--sink-uri`: The downstream address of the replication task. For details, see [Configure sink URI with `mysql`/`tidb`](#configure-sink-uri-for-mysql-or-tidb).
- `--start-ts`: Specifies the starting TSO of the changefeed. From this TSO, the TiCDC cluster starts pulling data. The default value is the current time.
- `--target-ts`: Specifies the ending TSO of the changefeed. To this TSO, the TiCDC cluster stops pulling data. The default value is empty, which means that TiCDC does not automatically stop pulling data.
- `--config`: Specifies the changefeed configuration file. For details, see [TiCDC Changefeed Configuration Parameters](/ticdc/
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