Skip to content


*: update link path for SEO (#679)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* fix: remove hardcode 'v.1.0.0~'  for pdf version (#436)

* scripts: fix typo (#435)

* op-guide: update ansible and offline deployment (#431)

* op-guide: update ansible and offline deployment

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#682

* Address the comment

* op-guide: address the comment

* docs/op-guide: create GC document (#433)

* docs/op-guide: create GC document

* Update

* Update

* Update GC

via: pingcap/docs-cn#689

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* tools: add TiDB Controller guide (#432)

* tools: add TiDB Controller guide

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#683

* Address comments

* tools: address controller comments

* Fix broken link in (#437)

Caused by a capitalization mismatch

* op-guide: update format (#438)

* quickstart: update one step description (#440)

* op-guide: fix the file name and join (#441)

* op-guide: fix the file name

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#677

* op-guide: fix join

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#680

* sql: add auto-analyze-ratio (#442)

* Update wording (#446)

* Update wording

* Add "the" before "TiDB services"

* benchmark: add sysbench 2.0 vs. 1.0 (#444)

* benchmark: add sysbench 2.0 vs. 1.0

via: pingcap/docs-cn#699

* Update

* Update

* Update

* releases: fix typo and update format in 1.1 Alpha (#447)

* benchmark: fix format (#448)

* benchmark: add TPC-H benchmark result (#443)

* benchmark: create tpch document

via pingcap/docs-cn#698

* benchmark: update test result

via pingcap/docs-cn@0878112

* Update

* Add files via upload

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* tools: add TiKV Control User Guide (#439)

* tools: add TiKV Control User Guide

* tools: update wording

* tools: address comments

* tools: address comments

* releases/readme: add the release notes for TiDB 2.0 (#449)

* releases/readme: add the release notes for 2.0

* releases: address comments

* Change the statement of one feature (#450)

* Change the statement of one feature

* Remove the TPC-H image

* Update the TPCH image

* releases: update wording

* Update (#453)

* sql: update ddl table_option (#445)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#686

* Update the TiDB production (#454)

Update the TiDB introduction

* sql: fix the SQL for SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS (#451)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#707

* op-guide, readme: add TiDB 2.0 Upgrade Guide (#455)

* op-guide: add fontconfig note (#456)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#714

* op-guide: fix code block format at website (#457)

* roadmap: fix the list level (#458)

* Updated (#452)

Cleaned up certain parts of the bottom section to provide more clarity.

* Update document structure (#459)

* sql: update tidb_batch_insert/delete autocommit (#462)

* sql: update tidb_batch_insert autocommit

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#721

* sql: update tidb_batch_insert autocommit

* tispark: update the link and expression (#464)

* op-guide: add pip version requirement (#460)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#719

*  Fix the wrong statement (#465)

* Fix the wrong statement

* Fix a typo

* sql: add two TiDB error codes (#466)

* sql: add two TiDB error codes

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#728

* sql: update error code description

* faq: update description and delete repeated question (#467)

* releases: add the release notes for TiDB 2.0.1 (#469)

* releases: add the release notes for TiDB 2.0.1

* releases: update release list

* releases: update wording

* releases: address the comment

* adopters: add WEIRUIDA (#470)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#731

* adopters: add China Telecom BestPay (#471)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#734

* update the go version (#463)

* releases: rename to fix the display issue (#473)

* releases: add the release notes for TiDB 2.0.2 (#474)

* releases: add the release notes for TiDB 2.0.2

* releases: update readme and address the comment

* sql: fix the scope of some tidb variables (#476)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#738

* adopters: add Keruyun (#479)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#744

* sql: fix privilege errors (#478)

* sql: fix privilege errors

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#745

* sql: fix tables_priv

* Update the confusing statements (#468)

* Fix the wrong statement

* Fix a typo

* Fix the statement

* Fix the quotation mark

* Update the statement of tikv-ctl

* Update the MySQL related statement

* Update the statement regarding the MySQL client

* *: add TiKV overview, installation, and client driver (#472)

* *: add TiKV Quick Start Guide

* tikv: update code display effect

* tikv: update the ParseInt code

* tikv: fix a step typo

* tikv: update wording

* tikv, readme: reorganize TiKV documents

* tikv, readme: reorganize the structure and update content based on comments

* tikv, readme: add Install TiKV Using Docker Compose

* tikv: add two links to API usage

* tikv, readme: update file name and readme

* tikv: update wording

* tikv: update two links

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.0.3 (#481)

* tikv: add a go client link to docker compose deployment (#485)

* tikv: add a go client link to docker compose deployment

* tikv: update wording

* tikv: delete extra words

* tikv, readme: add "Install and Deploy TiKV Using Ansible" (#482)

* tikv, readme: add "Install and Deploy TiKV Using Ansible"

* tikv: address some of the comments

* tikv: add description about cluster topology

* tikv: add two links

* tikv: update wording

* tikv: address comments

* readme: add the link to the tutorial (#489)

* Fix the wrong statement

* Fix a typo

* Fix the statement

* Fix the quotation mark

* Update the statement of tikv-ctl

* Update the MySQL related statement

* Update the statement regarding the MySQL client

* Add the link to the tutorial

* sql: fix typo about COLUMN_PRIVILEGES (#490)

* op-guide, tikv: update ansible deployment for TiDB and TiKV (#491)

* sql: update the description of auto id conflicts (#488)

* sql: update the description of auto id conflicts

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#758

* sql: add whitespace to closed intervals

* sql: update wording to address comments

* tikv, readme: add "Install and Deploy TiKV Using Docker" (#486)

* tikv, readme: add "Install and Deploy TiKV Using Docker"

* tikv: update Docker description

* op-guide: update ansible deployment steps and wording (#483)

* op-guide: update ansible deployment steps and wording

* op-guide: add description under a headline

* adopters: add Seasun Games (#493)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#761

* adopters: add Zhuan Zhuan (#495)

* op-guide, sql: add description about TSO support (#492)

* tools: add checking Region properties to TiKV Control (#494)

* faq: add ERROR 1148 (42000) (#480)

* faq: add ERROR 1148 (42000)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#732

* faq: fix a typo

* ROADMAP: Update roadmap (#499)

* ROADMAP: Update roadmap

The roadmap is out of date. So we need to update it.

* Address comment

* Address comment

* op-guide: add note for lower-case-table-names (#497)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#742

* tikv: update the usage example for Txn KV API (#487)

* tikv: update the usage example for Txn KV API

* tikv: update the code fencing

* tikv: address comments

* FAQ: add processing time of DDL (#502)

* FAQ: add processing time of DDL

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#752

* FAQ: address comments

* FAQ: udpate wording

* roadmap: fix the list format (#503)

* sql: add tidb_retry_limit (#501)

* sql: add tidb_retry_limit

* sql: address the comment

* op-guide, tikv: update docker compose deployment (#496)

* op-guide, tikv: update docker compose deployment

Via: pingcap/tidb-docker-compose#25

* op-guide: add the TiSpark section

* op-guide: add a 5-minute tutorial link

* op-guide: update wording

* remove leading Besides (#505)

In general introductory adverbs create more complex structure.
With "Besides," it is confusing as to whether the following
sentence is supposed to be supporting or contrasting.

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.0.4 (#506)

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.0.4

* Update 2.0.4

* op-guide, media: update overview dashboard (#500)

* op-guide, media: update overview dashboard

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#760

* Revert "op-guide, media: update overview dashboard"

This reverts commit cbee1b7.

* op-guide, media: update overview dashboard

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#760

* media: add overview image

* op-guide: address the comment

* op-guide: refine Ansible deployment of TiDB (#508)

* op-guide: refine Ansible deployment of TiDB

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#766

* op-guide: update wording

* op-guide: update wording

* op-guide: update wording to address comments

* op-guide: fix typo

* op-guide: address comments

* tikv: Fix typo (#512)

* op-guide: ansible deployment add dev_mode variable note (#510)

* *: reorganize TiDB deployment related docs (#511)

* *: reorganize TiDB deployment related docs

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#766, pingcap/docs-cn#770, pingcap/docs-cn#772

* op-guide: address comments

* op-guide: address comments

* op-guide: update links, format, and port variable (#513)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#766, pingcap/docs-cn#782

* op-guide: update deployment links and fix typo (#514)

* faq: add FAQ questions (#509)

* faq: add FAQ questions

* Fix typo and format

* Update wording

* Update wording and delete an extra period

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 beta (#516)

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 beta

* Fix the format

* tikv: update ansible deployment links (#518)

* tikv: remove the TiKV binary deployment doc (#519)

* tools: replace generate binlog position with binlogctl (#517)

* tools: replace generate binlog position with binlogctl

* Update

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.0.5 (#522)

* tools: update wording (#523)

* update TiKV roadmap (#525)

* sql: disable transaction auto retry (#521)

* sql: disable transaction auto retry

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#784

* sql: address the comment

* adopters: add, update and remove certain adopters (#526)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#786, pingcap/docs-cn#801

* Update Adopters' Industry Category (#524)

Updated certain adopters' industry category with more standard and well-understood names.

* FAQ: add 4 new questions and answers (#527)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#783

* Update (#528)

Tiny typo.

* adopter, faq: update the adopter list (#529)

* Fix the wrong statement

* Fix a typo

* Fix the statement

* Fix the quotation mark

* Update the statement of tikv-ctl

* Update the MySQL related statement

* Update the statement regarding the MySQL client

* Add the link to the tutorial

* adopter: update the latest adopter list

* fix a type in faq

* Address comments

* op-guide: add configuring CPUfreq governor mode (#531)

* op-guide: add configuring CPUfreq governor mode

* Fix the code block format

* Update

* Update wording

* adopters: update table format (#533)

* adopters: update table format

* adopters: fix table format

* adopters: update table alignment (#536)

* op-guide: add configuring CPUfreq governor mode (#534)

* tools, FAQ, op-guide: update compact, drainer, questions and upgrade info (#537)

* tools: add drainer output

via: pingcap/docs-cn#795

* tools: update compact command

via: pingcap/docs-cn#771

* FAQ: update questions

Transpose one question according to the Chinese version.
via: pingcap/docs-cn#792

* op-guide: add upgrade info

via: pingcap/docs-cn#799

* tools: address comment

via: #530

* tools, op-guide: address comment

via: #537

* remove plan cache in config file (#538)

* correct gc duration error message (#539)

* op-guide: add description for txn-local-latches  (#535)

* tools: add drainer output

via: pingcap/docs-cn#795

* op-guide: add description for txn-local-latches

via: pingcap/docs-cn#776

* op-guide: address comment

Via: #535

* tools, op-guide: update configuration and PD Control (#532)

* tools, op-guide: update configuration and PD Control

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#781, pingcap/docs-cn#794, pingcap/docs-cn#796, pingcap/docs-cn#802, pingcap/docs-cn#803

* tools: address the comment

* tools: address comments

* tools: add jq usages for pd-ctl (#542)

* tools: add jq usages for pd-ctl

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#790

* tools: address the comment


* op-guide: use tidb user with sudo privilege to run deploy_ntp.yml (#544)

* tools: add dynamically modifying RocksDB configuration (#541)

* tools: add dynamically modifying RocksDB configuration

* Update wording

* tools: update the code block in PD Control (#545)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#809

* op-guide: add accessing Spark with Python or R (#546)

Via: pingcap/tidb-docker-compose#27

* op-guide: add notes about @@ (#547)

* op-guide: add notes about @@

* Update wording

* Update wording

* Update wording

* *: add summary metadata to all docs files for SEO (#550)

* op-guide, tool: add summary metadata  (#548)

* op-guide: add summary metadata

* op-guide: add summary metadata#2

* tool: add summary metadata

* op-guide: address comment

* *: add summary metadata to 63 docs files (#549)

* *: add summary metadata to 63 docs files

* tikv: update summary wording

* faq: fix typo and update wording (#552)

* tools: add cluster version in pd-control  (#551)

* tools: add cluster version

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#812

* tools: address the comment

* op-guide: fix generated-docker-compose description (#555)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#820

* tispark: update title level and description (#554)

* tools: update the leader transfer example (#553)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#819

* op-guide: fix display of a code block in note (#556)

* op-guide: fix code block display (#557)

* op-guide: fix grammar mistakes in gc (#558)

* tools, readme: add pd recover usage document (#560)

* tools, readme: add pd recover usage document

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#818

* tools: address comment

* tikv, op-guide: refine TiKV Ansible deployment steps and update IPs (#559)

* tikv, op-guide: refine TiKV Ansible deployment steps and update IPs

Via: #508, #531, ...

* op-guide, tikv: address comments

* op-guide: add advertise-address to TiDB configuration (#543)

* add advertise-address to

* refine comment

* refine comment

* refine code

* releases, readme: add TiDB 2.0.6 release notes (#562)

* op-guide, sql, tool: fix comma misuse (#565)

To change the Chinese commas into the English commas in three English documents

* op-guide, tikv: update ansible `useradd` command (#564)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#834

* op-guide: update cross-region deployment description (#563)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#824

* op-guide: update PD scaling steps (#567)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#836

* scripts/check_requirement: match one or more digits (#569)

* op-guide: fix some indicators (#568)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#810

* tools/pd-control: add option of disable-namespace-relocation (#573)

* tools: add more sub commands for tikv-ctl (#572)

Signed-off-by: qupeng <>

* tools: fix typo and add a blank line (#576)

* job_id must not be quoted (#575)

The correct syntax requires no quotes.

* FAQ: add 3 questions (#571)

* FAQ: add 3 questions and update description

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#832

* FAQ: address the comment

* overview, media: add TiSpark and update architecture image (#579)

* overview, media: add TiSpark and update architecture image

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#838, pingcap/docs-cn#850

* overview: address the comment

* roadmap: TiDB operator has been released (#574)

* TiDB operator has been released

Since TiDB operator has been released, does it make sense to check off this box?

* roadmap: fix typo

* op-guide: remove inventory.ini variable (#580)

* tools: add two commands in tikv-ctl (#581)

* tools: add two commands in tikv-ctl

* tools: address the comment

* tools: address comments

* tools: update wording

* sql: update explain format for TiDB 2.1 (#578)

* op-guide: add missing arguments (#582)

* sql: update the step of the "Auto Increment ID" (#577)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#842

* releases, readme: Add release notes for 2.1 RC1 (#586)

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 RC1

* Revert "releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 RC1"

This reverts commit 5d7d5b8.

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 RC 1

* sql: add 8003 error code description (#588)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#839

* *: add slow-query doc (#587)

* sql: add default differences between TiDB and MySQL (#591)

* sql: add default differences between TiDB and MySQL

Via: #590

* sql: address the comment

* op-guide: update tikv rolling udpate policy (#592)

* sql: add new tidb specific system variables (#589)

* sql: add new tidb specific system variables

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#852

* sql: address the comment

* QUICKSTART, op-guide: reorganize the content (#583)

* QUICKSTART, op-guide: reorganize and add the content

* op-guide, QUICKSTART: address the comment

* *: address the comment

* *: address the comment

* op-guide: update the monitoring section

* readme, quickstart: reorganize the quick start structure (#594)

* readme, quickstart: reorganize the quick start structure

* QUICKSTART: add a link to try tidb

* trytidb: add more information

* Address comments

* Address comments

* quickstart: add a blank line

* refine two inaccurate description (#595)

* refine two inaccurate description

* address comment

* op-guide: Add Kubernetes Deployment (#593)

* Add GKE Deployment

* Added GKE Tutorial

* Renamed to Kubernetes

* Update

* Update

* Changed to Kubernetes generic

* Update

* op-guide: update wording (#600)

* *: Reorganize quick start to promote other platforms (#598)

* Change to links to major deployment platforms

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Update

* Remove tutorial from navigation

It is in Quickstart now.

* Improved link to edit directly

* Update

* Minor correction

Minor editorial correction to framing components of TiDB platform

* Changed third party to unofficial

i.e. not part of official documentation project, but may include PingCAP employees.

* Addressing Feedback

* Update

* op-guide: fix a code typo in Ansible scaling (#602)

* readme, releases: add 2.0.7 release notes (#603)

* releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 RC1

* Revert "releases, readme: add the release notes for 2.1 RC1"

This reverts commit 5d7d5b8.

* readme, releases: add 2.0.7 release notes

* sql: Default tidb_ddl_reorg_priority is slow (#610)

* Default tidb_ddl_reorg_priority is slow
* Fix incorrect indent level

* *: split into sub documents (#611)

Reorganized Introduction

* sql: YEAR(2) is not supported, M is display width (#608)

* YEAR(2) is not supported, M is display width
* Fixed punctuation point (existing issue)

* sql: Remove unsupported functions (#607)

* Document support for IGNORE n LINES (#601)

* sql: Clarify default character-set is utf8 (#609)

* Clarified default characterset.

* latin1 keyword as code

* sql: remove documentation about read committed (#614)

* op-guide: update tidb-ansible and version note (#615)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#872

* *: Include bikeshare example database in manual (#596)

Include bikeshare example database.

* sql: Add example to QEP manual page (#599)

Add example EXPLAIN usage with bikeshare sample database

* op-guide: update timezone variable (#618)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#877

* sql, readme: update timezone support (#617)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#876

* Added link to compatibility man page (#613)

* error: change the  to (#616)

* sql: Added incompatibilities with MySQL (#604)

* Added incompatibilities with MySQL

events, sys do not exist
pfs exists but returns empty.

* Changed monitoring to performance metrics

* Improve unsupported features

* Make all items plural

* Improved Clarity

Remove 'the' from Foreign keys / fulltext / spatial indexes
Clarify that it is not non-utf8 characters, but character sets other than utf8.

* utf8 as code

* Added Storage engines to compatibility

* Update

* Added link to --store

* Add large transactions and EXPLAIN command

* Added Optimizer Trace

To differentiate: TiDB has query-tracing, mysql has optimizer tracing.

* lowercase t

* Include PR605

Add default differences

* lower m

* Fixed spacing

* Addressed PR Feedback

* Addressed PR feedback

* Fix broken manual page (#620)

Inline code inside blockquote

* Improved consistency of variable descriptions (#612)

* tools: add more commands in pd-control  (#619)

* releases, readme: add 2.1 RC2 release notes (#621)

* sql: add parentheses for TIDB_VERSION (#622)

* overview: update a link (#623)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#890

* sql: fix wording (#624)

* Added hostname support (#631)

Recently added pingcap/tidb#7750

* Document character sets / collations (#628)

This was recently improved in pingcap/tidb#7647

* sql: Add recent JSON functionality (#632)

* Add recent JSON functionality

* Update

* pd-ctl: add topsize command and change the default value of limit to 16 (#627)

* update the go version

* add topsize command; change the default value of the limit to 16

* Update (#634)

* benchmark, media: add tpc-h benchmark (#636)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#896

* op-guide, tikv: update tidb and tikv docker compose steps (#635)

* op-guide: move buildFrom to buildPath for docker compose guide

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#893, pingcap/tidb-docker-compose#3

* op-guide: modify yaml to yml

* op-guide: address comments

* op-guide: update wording to address the comment

* tikv: improve code

* op-guide: update `vim` in TiDB docker compose

* faq: some adjustments to Syncer related content (#638)

* releases, readme: add 2.1 RC3 release notes (#639)

* releases, readme: add 2.1 RC3 release notes

* releases: update format

* tikv: update docker compose steps (#641)

Via: tikv/tikv#3643

* op-guide: update TiDB download links (#640)

* op-guide: update TiDB download links

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#899

* op-guide: address comments

* op-guide: fix monitor typos (#652)

* roadmap: update TiKV roadmap (#651)

Via: tikv/tikv#3641

* pd-ctl: update the output of command health. (#642)

* update the go version

* add topsize command; change the default value of the limit to 16

* update the output of command health

* benchmark, media: add v2.1 vs v2.0 sysbench results (#643)

* benchmark, media: add v2.1 vs v2.0 sysbench results

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#897

* benchmark: address the comment

* benchmark: address comments

* roadmap: update TiDB roadmap (#654)

* roadmap: update TiDB roadmap

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#912

* roadmap: address the comment

* op-guide: fix a typo in ansible deployment (#655)

* sql: fix a typo and update wording (#653)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#917

* fix some tikv-ctl parameters (#637)

* readme: link TiKV docs to the tikv repo (#659)

* readme: improved best practices link (#650)

Set to canonical location.

* tools: update operator Region split (#658)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#866

* Remove deprecation note (#648)

Unrelated to TIDB

* op-guide, tools: Recommend mydumper from enterprise tools (#644)

Recommend our mydumper over upstream mydumper.
Updated backup-restore, FAQ and added a tools page describing the differences.

* architecture, features: Improve Overview (#649)

* Update

* Remove TiDB Features

* Delete

* Updated links

* Removed Roadmap and connect with us

Both are already top-level menu items

* Update tikv faq (#664)

* Trim whitespace

* Update tikv faq

* FAQ: Restore deleted content (#665)

* sql: update slow query document (#663)

* sql: update slow query document

* address comment

* address comment

* address comment

* faq, sql: Document tidb_force_priority (#645)

Add FAQ, server option docs.

* Added xprotocol to unsupported (#661)

* sql: Rename TiDB proprietary variables to TiDB specific (#666)

* Update

* Update

* Improved introduction

* Update

* sql, readme: add SQL optimization process (#660)

* Add XML functions to incompatible (#668)

* op-guide: fix variable description (#670)

Via: pingcap/docs-cn#928

* *: update ETL description (#671)

* overview, readme: update ETL wording (#677)

* releases, readme: add 2.0.8 release notes (#676)

* releases, readme: add 2.0.8 release notes

* Update format

* Revert "overview, readme: update ETL wording" (#678)

* Revert "releases, readme: add 2.0.8 release notes (#676)"

This reverts commit e466fd3.

* Revert "overview, readme: update ETL wording (#677)"

This reverts commit 6a754d9.

* readme, sql: Improve JSON Documentation (#656)

* Reduced duplication with generated columns vs json functions pages.
* Added section for unsupported functions.
* Improved example

* *: update links for SEO
  • Loading branch information
lilin90 authored and xuechunL committed Oct 18, 2018
1 parent 0b9e930 commit e079ad7
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Showing 137 changed files with 6,939 additions and 2,376 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
303 changes: 261 additions & 42 deletions

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