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PXY Common WebUI

English 中文

  • Joystick component, fro virtual joystick UI, when config larksr object to this component, auto send operate command to cloud rendering.

Quick Start


  1. npm
npm i pxy_webcommonui
  1. plain html
<script src="pxy_webcommonui.min.js"></script>


Pacakge Name

  1. import ./test/App.tsx
import PxyCommonUI from 'pxy_webcommonui';
const { 
} = PxyCommonUI;
  1. Plain html import to global object pxy_webcommonui, use new pxy_webcommonui.Joystick({...config}) to create, see./sample-plain-html/source/index.html

Joystick Component

Use import as exp:

this.joystick = new Joystick({
    // root html element. 
    rootElement: this.uiContainerRef.current, 

    // Option,larksr object,create with larksr websdk
    // If set auto send operate command to cloud, or use callback joystickstart joystickmove joystickend.
    // npm
    // doc
    // demos
    larksr: this.larksr,

    // Option subType  1 wasd  2 updownleftright 3 joystick 0 none
    // Joystick type
    // 1 Keyboard WASD key
    // 2 Keyboard UpDownLeftRight Key
    // 3 Joystick
    // 0 None
    // 默认为 1
    subType: 1,

    // Option, component position
    // If not set use parent position.
    position: {
        top: 150,
        left: 100,

    // Option, component size
    // If not set use parent html element size.
    size: {
        width: 200, 
        height: 200,

    // Option, component center point size.
    // Default = total width 25%
    centerSize: {
        width: 100,
        height: 100,

    // Option,extral style css.
    extralJoystickStyle: 'background-color: red;',

    // Option, extral center point css style.
    extralCenterStyle: 'background-color: #fff;',

    // Option, background url. set within css prop background-image
    joystickBackgroundUrl: "",

    // Option,center point background url,set within css prop background-image
    centerBackgroundUrl: "",

    // Option,send command interval.
    repeatTimeout: 10,

Destory Joystick:

// Destory joystick DOM element.

Listen event.

this.joystick.on(KJoystickEvents.EVENTS_JOYSTICK_START, function(e) {
    console.log("joystickstart", e.detail);
this.joystick.on(KJoystickEvents.EVENTS_JOSYTICK_MOVE, function(e) {
    console.log("joystickmove", e.detail);
this.joystick.on(KJoystickEvents.EVENTS_JOYSTICK_END, function(e) {
    console.log("joystickend", e.detail);

Generally two way to use this component. Use fixd position size or parent html element position size.


 * Refresh component size.
public resize()
 * Show component.
public show()
 * Hide component.
public hide()

Send command (WASD) and Joystick touch position.

Keyboard Component

Use import as exp:

this.keyboard = new Keyboard({
    // root html element. 
    rootElement: this.uiKeyboardRef.current, 
    // must set larksr object
    larksr: this.larksr,

    // zh en
    language: 'En',

    theme: 'dark'
// show virtual keyboard;

// hide virtual keyboard

Listen event for input text.

this.keyboard.on('keyboardVal', function(e) {


  1. Running test, config ./test/App.tsx larksr object.
yarn run dev

  1. Release
yarn run dist