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Star-Cluster-Identifier | Hackathon | Inter IIT Tech Meet @ IIT Bombay

Data Analysis

The problem will involve data analysis and inference from dataset(s) for a globular star cluster. The datasets would have the coordinates, color index (for different wavelengths) and magnitude of every star in the cluster. The task would involve using the datasets appropriately to analyze the globular cluster to determine some parameters and peculiarities of the same. Theoretical information necessary for understanding the cluster dynamics will be provided during the hackathon.

Problem Statement

  1. Original Dataset

  2. Preprocessed Dataset

  3. Problem statement


  1. Notebooks submitted by IIT Bhilai i.e my team

    Some solutions submitted by us are not completely correct.

    Group Members:
    1. Ahtisham Ali Ansari
    2. Anuj Singh
    3. Arjun Singh Kushwaha
    4. Pintu Kumar
  2. Provided by Organising Team



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