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How was born ring election

Alessandro Pio Ardizio edited this page Dec 30, 2019 · 2 revisions

Special thanks

Ring election was born speaking with a some dear colleagues : Alberto Savarese, Arnaldo De Maio , Luca Santaniello , Raffaele Liguoro .

The Path

During our job for an important client , we were thinking about high availability and recovery NFRs , our tech stack included cassandra and kafka , two distributed systems of which we studied internal behavior. Kafka used Zookeeper to keep track of assigned partitions to each consumer , Cassandra had a gossip algorithm between nodes and divides data in partition ranges .

The idea

So I was starting to think if there was any library ( not an external service like zookeeper ) that had an algorithm with gossip implemented so that people could build some new distributed system more easily.

That library does not exist , and then I created ring-election .

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