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Sample developer challenge

This is sample developer challenge in PHP7/Symfony 3.

User story

After an Agent gets automatically assigned to a Job, he or she can either accept or decline it.

When declining a Job, the Agent should provide a reason, so the operators can better respond

to it and find a replacement Agent.

Project goal

The project goal is to create a user interface for the Agent to enter a decline reason.

Functional requirements

The Agent can choose from 2 Predefined reasons (“i have a conflicting appointment”, “the travel time is too long”) or select “other”, represented by a list of radio buttons.

  • Only when “other” reason is selected, some text must be entered in textbox below.
  • When the form is first opened, no reason is preselected.
  • The form must be submitted without reloading the page.
  • The entered data also has to conform to business rules and needs to be validated.
  • After the form has been submitted successfully, it should be replaced with a success message.
  • In case an invalid form was submitted, validation errors have to be displayed.

Non-functional requirements

Project based on an empty Symfony template.

  • Symfony version >= 2.4
  • Use symfony forms.
  • PHP version >= 5.6
  • Frontend framework: jQuery
  • No persistence layer, no database access.
  • Have a clear separation between application layers and responsibilities.


  1. Clone project
  2. Run composer install
  3. Install assets: php bin/console assets:install
  4. Start server: php bin/console server:run
  5. Open



Batmaid developer challenge






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