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File metadata and controls

11 lines (7 loc) · 922 Bytes



Name Type Description Notes
email String The email of the user
access [UserAccess] The access given to the user. Each item in the array represents access to a specific app. Optionally may include either admin flag or permission set ID to specify which access to give within the app. If both are omitted, the default access for the corresponding app will be used. It requires structure as follows: `[{ app: 'sales', permission_set_id: '62cc4d7f-4038-4352-abf3-a8c1c822b631' }, { app: 'global', admin: true }, { app: 'account_settings' }]` [optional]
activeFlag Boolean Whether the user is active or not. `false` = Not activated, `true` = Activated [optional] [default to true]