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A static-website based on S3 with CloudFront CDN


The following requirements are needed by this module:


The following providers are used by this module:


No modules.


The following resources are used by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:

Description: n/a


    domain_name             = string
    path                    = optional(string)
    domain_alias            = optional(set(string), [])
    index_document          = optional(string, "index.html")
    error_document          = optional(string, "error.html")
    error_document_code     = optional(set(string), [400, 405, 414, 416, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504])
    response_headers_policy = optional(string, "Managed-SecurityHeadersPolicy")
    force_ssl_in_transit    = optional(bool, false)
    kms_arn                 = optional(string)
    acm_certificate_arn     = optional(string)
    log_retention           = optional(number, 35)
    expiration_days         = optional(number, 0)
    origin_shield_region    = optional(string)
    language_redirect       = optional(map(string), {})
    disallow_robots         = optional(bool, false)

    additional_origins = optional(map(object({
      domain_name     = string
      path            = optional(string)
      shielded        = optional(bool, false)
      protocol_policy = optional(string, "https-only")
      http_port       = optional(number, 80)
      https_port      = optional(number, 443)
      headers         = optional(map(string), {})
    })), {})

    additional_behaviors = optional(map(object({
      origin                   = string
      origin_protocol_policy   = optional(string, "https-only")
      allowed_methods          = optional(set(string), ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"])
      cached_methods           = optional(set(string), ["GET", "HEAD"])
      cache_policy             = optional(string, "Managed-CachingDisabled")
      origin_request_policy    = optional(string, "Managed-AllViewer")
      response_headers_policy  = optional(string, "Managed-SecurityHeadersPolicy")
      viewer_request_function  = optional(string)
      viewer_response_function = optional(string)
    })), {})

    firewall = optional(object({
      block_by_default = optional(bool, false)

      aws_managed_rules = optional(map(object({
        rule_action_override = optional(map(string), {})
      })), {
        AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList = {},
        AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet = {}

      blocked_ip_cidrs  = optional(set(string), [])
      blocked_countries = optional(set(string), [])
      allowed_ip_cidrs  = optional(set(string), [])
      allowed_countries = optional(set(string), [])
      rule_groups       = optional(map(string), {})
      bot_control = optional(object({
        start_path       = optional(string, "/")
        inspection_level = optional(string, "COMMON")
    }), {})


module "website" {
  source = ""

  providers = {
    aws      = aws
    aws.use1 = aws.use1

  name_prefix = replace("${terraform.workspace}-", "_", "-")
  config = {
    domain_name     = "example"
    error_document  = "404.html"
    log_retention   = 35
    expiration_days = 30
    disallow_robots = true
    language_redirect = {
      "da" = "/da/"
      "en" = "/en/"
      "*"  = "/en/"
    firewall = {
      block_by_default = length(var.allowed_ip_addresses) > 0
      allowed_ip_cidrs = [for ip in var.allowed_ip_addresses : "${ip}/32"]
      bot_control = {
        start_path       = "/api/"
        inspection_level = "TARGETED"
      aws_managed_rules = {
        AWSManagedRulesAmazonIpReputationList = {},
        AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet = {
          rule_action_override = {
            SizeRestrictions_BODY = "allow"

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):

Description: A map of default tags, that will be applied to all resources applicable.

Type: map(string)

Default: {}

Description: A prefix that will be used on all named resources.

Type: string

Default: "pippi-"


The following outputs are exported:

Description: n/a

Description: n/a

Description: The domain name of the CloudFront distribution.

Description: The id of the CloudFront distribution.

Description: The ARN of the KMS Key.

Description: The website S3 bucket.

Description: The website S3 bucket ARN.

Description: The website S3 bucket.

Description: n/a