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Installing Git: Mac

alexlafroscia edited this page Sep 17, 2014 · 1 revision

Installation Steps on OSX

Homebrew (Recommended)

1. Install Homebrew

Homebrew is a package manager for OSX, which allows you to install a lot of different tools without having to worry about where to find them or how to add them to your PATH. Simply open up your terminal (you can find it in Spotlight, or by looking in your Applications folder) and run the below command and you'll be on your way!

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

That's it! Once Homebrew is finished installing, move onto the next step

2. Installing Git

Git happens to be one of Homebrew's many awesome packages. To get Git installed on your computer, simply run the following in your terminal:

brew install git

Boom. Git installed. Two commands. Mind = blown. 💥

Graphical Installer

Git has a graphical installer for OSX that you can find here. It might be an easier option for some users, however we still recommend Homebrew because you'll likely need to install it sooner or later, and it makes it really easy to update to a newer version in the future.

Now that Git is installed on your system, check out our beginner project to get familiar with how it works!

Installing Git


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