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pittypanda edited this page Jan 16, 2011 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the CouchDB Eclipse Plugin wiki!

  • Pre-requisites: couchapp needs to be installed first.
  • Make sure couchapp is available via your default path (on *nix systems, ‘cd /bin; ln -s <couchapp>’)
  • No pre-requisites/dependencies anymore: couchapp comes now builtin! one click install ;-)
  • Simple Eclipse Forms based editor to the couchapp.rc configuration file:


  • Ability to change the name of the design documents (currently hardcoded to ‘app’ – cf. issue 1)
  • Provide more couchapp commands (or some flexible way to invoke any of them) as hinted by henchan.

If any questions or issues, just drop us an email (well.. thats just the one developer atm ;-)

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