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VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ [Kubernetes] docs

THIS REPO IS NOT CURRENTLY IN USE. For documentation for the RabbitMQ Cluster Operator for Kubernetes (formerly known as VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ [Kubernetes]), see the open source RabbitMQ Documentation.

There are two paused concourse pipelines associated with this repo:

Branches in this Content Repo

The master branch is the tree-trunk, so always make changes you want carried forward in this branch. This includes:

  • Unreleased features
  • Doc bug fixes
  • Doc reorganization or enhancement

Then, if necessary, immediately cherry-pick/copy any changes that you want to push immediately to production into the appropriate branches listed below:

Branch Name Use for…
master Not in use
0.7 Not in use
0.6 Not in use
0.5 Not in use
0.4 Not in use

Book Repo

The book repo associated with this content is pivotal-cf/docs-book-rmq-k8s.

Staging Environment

When a commit is made into any of the above branches, the documentation is deployed by [this concourse build][docs-staging-deploy]. All the supported versions will be accessible on the staging website.

Making Your Documentation Changes Live

Click the deploy button in the pipeline! Living the dream :-D

Contributing Documentation

If there is some documentation to add for an unreleased patch version of RabbitMQ then create a branch off of the live branch you intend to modify and create a pull request against that branch. After the version that change is targeting is released, the pull request can be merged and will be live the next time a documentation deployment occurs.

If the documentation is meant to be target several released versions, then you will need to:

  • create a pull request for each individual minor version
  • or ask the technical writer to cherry-pick to particular branches/versions.


Cross-product partials (if any) for VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ [Kubernetes] are single sourced from the Docs Partials repository.

Releasing a New Minor Version

Because master is the latest and greatest documentation, the process would be to cut a x.x-live branch for the version that master was targeting during that time. A corresponding section in config.yml in the [docs-book-pcfservices][docs-book-pcfservices] repository would also need to be made.

After this point, master will then be the target for the next version of the RabbitMQ product.

Style Guide

This is a word list for terminology and word usage specific to the VMware Tanzu RabbitMQ [Kubernetes] for docs.

Word Explanation
Kubernetes Operator This operator refers to an Operator pattern, which is a Kubernetes concept. You can have a container image for the Operator code but it is not an image itself. Always capitalize it to help differentiate the term from the Alana persona operator.
service broker Unless you are specifically refering to the Open Source Service Broker API, do not capitalize service broker.
RabbitmqCluster vs RabbitMQ cluster Both are used and I think both are needed but should define and disambiguate. [JD]
ServiceType vs service type Both are used but I'm not clear about the distinction. [JD]


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