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Dan Nemeth edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 3 revisions


  • User: Any authenticated user
  • Lessee: The owner of a lease
  • Infrastructure Admin: Privileged user responsible for the provisioning, configuration, and operations of virtual and physical infrastructure in the scrapyard.
  • System Admin: Privileged user responsible for the maintenance and operations of the software layer.


  • kit: physical or virtual component to be registered in pez
  • type: (vague) a piece, or group, of kit that can be leased
  • item: (vague) a specific instance of a type
  • lease: finite contract binding a user to an item of a given type

Expected Role Actions

Infrastructure Admin

  • Register/Unregister kit
  • Allocate/Deallocate kit
  • View unallocated kit
  • Create/Update/Delete type
  • Create/Update/Delete item
  • View leased/unleased items
  • View items by type
  • View leases
  • View pending leases


  • View types
  • View available types
  • View type details
  • Lease type


  • View my leases
  • Renew/Extend lease
  • Cancel lease
  • (item-specific functions available only to lessee?)

System Admin

  • necessary role?


  1. Can a user have more than one lease? (Assume yes)
  2. Will pez offer any kind of operational metrics?
  3. Is there an approval process needed for a lease?
  4. How much of an item can be created programmatically? Or is it more of a function to just identifying what kit is associated with an item-guid?
  5. What is the rationale for separating the inventory and dispenser APIs as separate libraries?
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