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Pixelbin Core SDK helps you integrate Pixelbin with your Frontend JS Application


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Pixelbin Core SDK

Pixelbin Core SDK helps you integrate Pixelbin with your Frontend JS Application.


npm install @pixelbin/core --save



// Import the Pixelbin class
import Pixelbin from "@pixelbin/core";

// Create your instance
const pixelbin = new Pixelbin({
    cloudName: "demo",
    zone: "default", // optional

Transform and Optimize Images

// Import transformations
import Pixelbin, { transformations } from "@pixelbin/core";

const EraseBg = transformations.EraseBg;
const Basic = transformations.Basic;

// Create a new instance. If you have't (see above for the details)
const pixelbin = new Pixelbin({

// Create transformation
let t1 =;

// Create resize transformation
const t2 = Basic.resize({ height: 100, width: 100 });

// create a new image
const demoImage = pixelbin.image("path/to/image"); // File Path on Pixelbin

// Add the transformations to the image

// Get the image url
// output

Add Pixelbin to HTML

Add the this distributable in a script tag

<script src="pixelbin.v6.0.0.js"></script>
// Pixelbin is available in the browser as `Pixelbin` on the window object
const pixelbin = new Pixelbin({ cloudName: "demo", zone: "default" });

// create an image with the pixelbin object
const image = pixelbin.image("demoImage.jpeg");

// create a transformation
let t = Pixelbin.transformations.Basic.resize({ height: 100, width: 100 });

// add Transformations to the image

// get the url
// output

Upload images to pixelbin

The SDK provides a upload utility to upload images directly from the browser with a presigned url.

upload(file, signedDetails):

parameter type
file (File) File to upload to Pixelbin
signedDetails (Object) signedDetails can be generated with the Pixelbin Backend SDK @pixelbin/admin.
options (Object) Additional options for fine-tuning the upload process. Default: { chunkSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024, maxRetries: 2, concurrency: 3 }
chunkSize (Number) Size of each chunk to upload. Default is 1 megabyte. Recommended chunk size for 3g network - upto 5kb, 4g network - 500kb to 1MB, 5g network - 1MB to 2MB
maxRetries (Number) Maximum number of retries if an upload fails. Default is 2 retries.
concurrency (Number) Number of concurrent chunk upload tasks. Default is 3 concurrent chunk uploads.

returns: Promise

  • Resolves with no response on success.
  • Rejects with error on failure.

Example :

  1. Define an html file input element
<input type="file" id="fileInput" />
  1. Generate the presignedUrl with the backend sdk. click here.

  2. Use the response object as is with the upload api as shown below.

const fileInput = document.getElementById("fileInput");
// the signed url and fields can be generated and served with @pixelbin/admin

const handleFileInputEvent = function (e) {
    const file =[0];
    Pixelbin.upload(file, signedDetails, {
        chunkSize: 2 * 1024 * 1024,
        maxRetries: 1,
        concurrency: 2,
        .then(() => console.log("Uploaded Successfully"))
        .catch((err) => console.log("Error while uploading"));
fileInput.addEventListener("change", handleFileInputEvent);


Pixelbin provides url utilities to construct and deconstruct Pixelbin urls.


Deconstruct a pixelbin url

Parameter Description Example
url (string) A valid Pixelbin URL,w:200)~t.flip()/path/to/image.jpeg
opts (Object) Options for the conversion Default: { isCustomDomain: false }
opts.isCustomDomain Indicates if the URL belongs to a custom domain (default: false)


Property Description Example
baseURL (string) Base path of the URL
filePath (string) Path to the file on Pixelbin storage /path/to/image.jpeg
version (string) Version of the URL v2
cloudName (string) Cloud name from the URL your-cloud-name
transformations (array) A list of transformation objects [{ "plugin": "t", "name": "flip" }]
zone (string) Zone slug from the URL z-slug
pattern (string) Transformation pattern extracted from the URL t.resize(h:100,w:200)~t.flip()
worker (boolean) Indicates if the URL is a URL Translation Worker URL false
workerPath (string) Input path to a URL Translation Worker resize:w200,h400/folder/image.jpeg
options (Object) Query parameters added, such as "dpr" and "f_auto" { dpr: 2.5, f_auto: true}


const pixelbinUrl =

const obj = Pixelbin.utils.urlToObj(pixelbinUrl);
// obj
// {
//     "cloudName": "your-cloud-name",
//     "zone": "z-slug",
//     "version": "v2",
//     "transformations": [
//         {
//             "plugin": "t",
//             "name": "resize",
//             "values": [
//                 {
//                     "key": "h",
//                     "value": "100"
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "key": "w",
//                     "value": "200"
//                 }
//             ]
//         },
//         {
//             "plugin": "t",
//             "name": "flip",
//         }
//     ],
//     "filePath": "path/to/image.jpeg",
//     "baseUrl": "",
//     "wrkr": false,
//     "workerPath": "",
//     "options": {}
// }
const customDomainUrl =

const obj = Pixelbin.utils.urlToObj(customDomainUrl, { isCustomDomain: true });
// obj
// {
//     "zone": "z-slug",
//     "version": "v2",
//     "transformations": [
//         {
//             "plugin": "t",
//             "name": "resize",
//             "values": [
//                 {
//                     "key": "h",
//                     "value": "100"
//                 },
//                 {
//                     "key": "w",
//                     "value": "200"
//                 }
//             ]
//         },
//         {
//             "plugin": "t",
//             "name": "flip",
//         }
//     ],
//     "filePath": "path/to/image.jpeg",
//     "baseUrl": "",
//     "wrkr": false,
//     "workerPath": "",
//     "options": {}
// }
const workerUrl =

const obj = Pixelbin.utils.urlToObj(pixelbinUrl);
// obj
// {
//     "cloudName": "your-cloud-name",
//     "zone": "z-slug",
//     "version": "v2",
//     "transformations": [],
//     "filePath": "",
//     "worker": true,
//     "workerPath": "resize:h100,w:200/folder/image.jpeg",
//     "baseUrl": ""
//     "options": {}
// }


Converts the extracted url obj to a Pixelbin url.

Property Description Example
cloudName (string) The cloudname extracted from the URL your-cloud-name
zone (string) 6 character zone slug z-slug
version (string) CDN API version v2
transformations (array) Extracted transformations from the URL [{ "plugin": "t", "name": "flip" }]
filePath (string) Path to the file on Pixelbin storage /path/to/image.jpeg
baseUrl (string) Base URL
isCustomDomain (boolean) Indicates if the URL is for a custom domain false
worker (boolean) Indicates if the URL is a URL Translation Worker URL false
workerPath (string) Input path to a URL Translation Worker resize:w200,h400/folder/image.jpeg
options (Object) Query parameters added, such as "dpr" and "f_auto" { "dpr": "2", "f_auto": "true" }
const obj = {
    cloudName: "your-cloud-name",
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    transformations: [
            plugin: "t",
            name: "resize",
            values: [
                    key: "h",
                    value: "100",
                    key: "w",
                    value: "200",
            plugin: "t",
            name: "flip",
    filePath: "path/to/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "",
const url = Pixelbin.utils.objToUrl(obj); // obj is as shown above
// url

Usage with custom domain

const obj = {
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    transformations: [
            plugin: "t",
            name: "resize",
            values: [
                    key: "h",
                    value: "100",
                    key: "w",
                    value: "200",
            plugin: "t",
            name: "flip",
    filePath: "path/to/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "",
    isCustomDomain: true,
const url = Pixelbin.utils.objToUrl(obj); // obj is as shown above
// url

Usage with URL Translation Worker

const obj = {
    cloudName: "your-cloud-name",
    zone: "z-slug",
    version: "v2",
    transformations: [],
    filePath: "",
    worker: true,
    workerPath: "resize:h100,w:200/folder/image.jpeg",
    baseUrl: "",
const url = Pixelbin.utils.objToUrl(obj); // obj is as shown above
// url


A transformation is an operation or a list of operations that can be performed on an image. Please refer list of supported transformations for details.

// import a resize transformation
import Pixelbin, { transformations } from "@pixelbin/core";

const { resize } = transformations.Basic;

// create the resize transformation
const t = resize({ height: 100, width: 100 });

Multiple transformations can be chained by using and on the created transformation object

// import a resize transformation
import Pixelbin, { transformations } from "@pixelbin/core";

const { resize, flip } = transformations.Basic;

// create the basic transformations
const t1 = resize({ height: 100, width: 100 });
const t2 = flip();
const t3 = t1.pipe(t2);


Image class represents an image on Pixelbin.

//To use the url translation worker feature, call image method on the pixelbin object whilst passing `worker` as true;
const image = pixelbin.image("path/to/image", { worker: true });
//To create an Image, call image method on the pixelbin object;
const image = pixelbin.image("path/to/image");

Transformations can be set on an image by using setTransformation on the image object.


Note: Transformations won't be applied to the worker URLs generated from the SDK.

To get the url of the image with the applied transformations, use the getUrl on the image object.


For a working example, refer here

List of supported transformations

1. DetectBackgroundType

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

2. Artifact

1. remove

Usage Example

const t = remove({});

3. AWSRekognitionPlugin

1. detectLabels

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
maximumLabels integer 5
minimumConfidence integer 55

Usage Example

const t = detectLabels({
    maximumLabels: 5,
    minimumConfidence: 55,
2. moderation

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
minimumConfidence integer 55

Usage Example

const t = moderation({
    minimumConfidence: 55,

4. BackgroundGenerator

1. bg

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
backgroundPrompt custom YSBmb3Jlc3QgZnVsbCBvZiBvYWsgdHJlZXMsd2l0aCBicmlnaHQgbGlnaHRzLCBzdW4gYW5kIGEgbG90IG9mIG1hZ2ljLCB1bHRyYSByZWFsaXN0aWMsIDhr
backgroundImage file ``
focus enum : Product , Background Product
negativePrompt custom ``
seed integer 123

Usage Example

const t = bg({
    backgroundImage: "",
    focus: "Product",
    negativePrompt: "",
    seed: 123,

5. EraseBG

1. bg

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
industryType enum : general , ecommerce , car , human general
addShadow boolean false
refine boolean true

Usage Example

const t = bg({
    industryType: "general",
    addShadow: false,
    refine: true,

6. GoogleVisionPlugin

1. detectLabels

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
maximumLabels integer 5

Usage Example

const t = detectLabels({
    maximumLabels: 5,

7. ImageCentering

1. detect

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
distancePercentage integer 10

Usage Example

const t = detect({
    distancePercentage: 10,

8. IntelligentCrop

1. crop

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
requiredWidth integer 0
requiredHeight integer 0
paddingPercentage integer 0
maintainOriginalAspect boolean false
aspectRatio string ``
gravityTowards enum : object , foreground , face , none none
preferredDirection enum : north_west , north , north_east , west , center , east , south_west , south , south_east center
objectType enum : airplane , apple , backpack , banana , baseball_bat , baseball_glove , bear , bed , bench , bicycle , bird , boat , book , bottle , bowl , broccoli , bus , cake , car , carrot , cat , cell_phone , chair , clock , couch , cow , cup , dining_table , dog , donut , elephant , fire_hydrant , fork , frisbee , giraffe , hair_drier , handbag , horse , hot_dog , keyboard , kite , knife , laptop , microwave , motorcycle , mouse , orange , oven , parking_meter , person , pizza , potted_plant , refrigerator , remote , sandwich , scissors , sheep , sink , skateboard , skis , snowboard , spoon , sports_ball , stop_sign , suitcase , surfboard , teddy_bear , tennis_racket , tie , toaster , toilet , toothbrush , traffic_light , train , truck , tv , umbrella , vase , wine_glass , zebra person

Usage Example

const t = crop({
    requiredWidth: 0,
    requiredHeight: 0,
    paddingPercentage: 0,
    maintainOriginalAspect: false,
    aspectRatio: "",
    gravityTowards: "none",
    preferredDirection: "center",
    objectType: "person",

9. ObjectCounter

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

10. NSFWDetection

1. detect

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
minimumConfidence float 0.5

Usage Example

const t = detect({
    minimumConfidence: 0.5,

11. NumberPlateDetection

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

12. ObjectDetection

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

13. CheckObjectSize

1. detect

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
objectThresholdPercent integer 50

Usage Example

const t = detect({
    objectThresholdPercent: 50,

14. TextDetectionandRecognition

1. extract

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
detectOnly boolean false

Usage Example

const t = extract({
    detectOnly: false,

15. PdfWatermarkRemoval

1. remove

Usage Example

const t = remove({});

16. ProductTagging

1. tag

Usage Example

const t = tag({});

17. CheckProductVisibility

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

18. Basic

1. resize

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
height integer 0
width integer 0
fit enum : cover , contain , fill , inside , outside cover
background color 000000
position enum : top , bottom , left , right , right_top , right_bottom , left_top , left_bottom , center center
algorithm enum : nearest , cubic , mitchell , lanczos2 , lanczos3 lanczos3
dpr float 1

Usage Example

const t = resize({
    height: 0,
    width: 0,
    fit: "cover",
    background: "000000",
    position: "center",
    algorithm: "lanczos3",
    dpr: 1,
2. compress

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
quality integer 80

Usage Example

const t = compress({
    quality: 80,
3. extend

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
top integer 10
left integer 10
bottom integer 10
right integer 10
background color 000000
borderType enum : constant , replicate , reflect , wrap constant
dpr float 1

Usage Example

const t = extend({
    top: 10,
    left: 10,
    bottom: 10,
    right: 10,
    background: "000000",
    borderType: "constant",
    dpr: 1,
4. extract

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
top integer 10
left integer 10
height integer 50
width integer 20
boundingBox bbox

Usage Example

const t = extract({
    top: 10,
    left: 10,
    height: 50,
    width: 20,
    boundingBox: null,
5. trim

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
threshold integer 10

Usage Example

const t = trim({
    threshold: 10,
6. rotate

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
angle integer 0
background color 000000

Usage Example

const t = rotate({
    angle: 0,
    background: "000000",
7. flip

Usage Example

const t = flip({});
8. flop

Usage Example

const t = flop({});
9. sharpen

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
sigma float 1.5

Usage Example

const t = sharpen({
    sigma: 1.5,
10. median

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
size integer 3

Usage Example

const t = median({
    size: 3,
11. blur

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
sigma float 0.3
dpr float 1

Usage Example

const t = blur({
    sigma: 0.3,
    dpr: 1,
12. flatten

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
background color 000000

Usage Example

const t = flatten({
    background: "000000",
13. negate

Usage Example

const t = negate({});
14. normalise

Usage Example

const t = normalise({});
15. linear

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
a integer 1
b integer 0

Usage Example

const t = linear({
    a: 1,
    b: 0,
16. modulate

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
brightness float 1
saturation float 1
hue integer 90

Usage Example

const t = modulate({
    brightness: 1,
    saturation: 1,
    hue: 90,
17. grey

Usage Example

const t = grey({});
18. tint

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
color color 000000

Usage Example

const t = tint({
    color: "000000",
19. toFormat

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
format enum : jpeg , png , webp , tiff , avif , bmp , heif jpeg
quality integer 75

Usage Example

const t = toFormat({
    format: "jpeg",
    quality: 75,
20. density

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
density integer 300

Usage Example

const t = density({
    density: 300,
21. merge

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
mode enum : overlay , underlay , wrap overlay
image file ``
transformation custom ``
background color 00000000
height integer 0
width integer 0
top integer 0
left integer 0
gravity enum : northwest , north , northeast , east , center , west , southwest , south , southeast , custom center
blend enum : over , in , out , atop , dest , dest-over , dest-in , dest-out , dest-atop , xor , add , saturate , multiply , screen , overlay , darken , lighten , colour-dodge , color-dodge , colour-burn , color-burn , hard-light , soft-light , difference , exclusion over
tile boolean false
listOfBboxes bboxList
listOfPolygons polygonList

Usage Example

const t = merge({
    mode: "overlay",
    image: "",
    transformation: "",
    background: "00000000",
    height: 0,
    width: 0,
    top: 0,
    left: 0,
    gravity: "center",
    blend: "over",
    tile: false,
    listOfBboxes: null,
    listOfPolygons: null,

19. SoftShadowGenerator

1. gen

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
backgroundImage file
backgroundColor color ffffff
shadowAngle float 120
shadowIntensity float 0.5

Usage Example

const t = gen({
    backgroundImage: null,
    backgroundColor: "ffffff",
    shadowAngle: 120,
    shadowIntensity: 0.5,

20. SuperResolution

1. upscale

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
type enum : 2x , 4x 2x
enhanceFace boolean false
model enum : Picasso , Flash Picasso
enhanceQuality boolean false

Usage Example

const t = upscale({
    type: "2x",
    enhanceFace: false,
    model: "Picasso",
    enhanceQuality: false,

21. ViewDetection

1. detect

Usage Example

const t = detect({});

22. WatermarkRemoval

1. remove

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
removeText boolean false
removeLogo boolean false
box1 string 0_0_100_100
box2 string 0_0_0_0
box3 string 0_0_0_0
box4 string 0_0_0_0
box5 string 0_0_0_0

Usage Example

const t = remove({
    removeText: false,
    removeLogo: false,
    box1: "0_0_100_100",
    box2: "0_0_0_0",
    box3: "0_0_0_0",
    box4: "0_0_0_0",
    box5: "0_0_0_0",

23. WatermarkDetection

1. detect

Supported Configuration

parameter type defaults
detectText boolean false

Usage Example

const t = detect({
    detectText: false,


Pixelbin Core SDK helps you integrate Pixelbin with your Frontend JS Application







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