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add shared react types package
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Alex Prokop committed Mar 2, 2023
1 parent 0077ff3 commit 960985b
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Showing 3 changed files with 398 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions packages/react-types/
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# React Types

Typescript types shared across all modular packages
361 changes: 361 additions & 0 deletions packages/react-types/index.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
import type { Component } from 'react';
import type React from 'react';
import type { ForwardRefExoticComponent, PropsWithoutRef, RefAttributes } from 'react';

export type PropsType = { [key: string]: any };

interface MinimalDisplayObject
emit: (type: any, data: any) => void;
visible: boolean;
destroy: (opts: { children?: boolean; texture?: boolean; baseTexture?: boolean }) => void;

// Defines a minimal expected type for a PIXI Container to allow for different implementations across PIXI versions
export interface MinimalContainer extends MinimalDisplayObject
children: any[];
addChild: (...children: any[]) => any;
removeChild: (child: any) => void;
getChildIndex: (child: any) => number;
setChildIndex: (child: any, index: number) => void;
addChildAt: (child: any, index: number) => void;

export interface PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer extends MinimalContainer
config?: lifeCycleConfigType;
applyProps?: applyPropsType<PropsType, any>;
didMount?: didMountType<any>;
willUnmount?: willUnmountType<any>;
__reactpixi?: {
root: any | null;

export type UpdatePayload = Array<any> | null;

export type NoTimeout = -1;

export type TimeoutHandle = ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;

// Defines a minimal expected type for PixiReactFiber to allow for different implementations across React versions
export type createInstanceType<Container extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = (
type: string,
props: PropsType,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: any,
internalHandle: any,
) => Container;

export type MinimalHostConfig<Container extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = {
supportsMutation: boolean;
supportsPersistence: boolean;
createInstance: createInstanceType<Container>;
createTextInstance(text: string, rootContainer: Container, hostContext: any, internalHandle: any): any;
appendInitialChild(parentInstance: Container, child: Container): void;
instance: Container,
type: string,
props: PropsType,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: any,
): boolean;
instance: Container,
type: string,
oldProps: PropsType,
newProps: PropsType,
rootContainer: Container,
hostContext: any,
): UpdatePayload;
shouldSetTextContent(type: string, props: PropsType): boolean;
getRootHostContext(rootContainer: Container): any;
getChildHostContext(parentHostContext: any, type: string, rootContainer: Container): any;
getPublicInstance(instance: Container): Container;
prepareForCommit(containerInfo: Container): Record<string, any> | null;
resetAfterCommit(containerInfo: Container): void;
preparePortalMount(containerInfo: Container): void;
scheduleTimeout(fn: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown, delay?: number): TimeoutHandle;
cancelTimeout(id: TimeoutHandle): void;
noTimeout: NoTimeout;
supportsMicrotasks?: boolean;
scheduleMicrotask?(fn: () => unknown): void;
isPrimaryRenderer: boolean;
warnsIfNotActing?: boolean;
getCurrentEventPriority(): any;
getInstanceFromNode(node: any): any;
beforeActiveInstanceBlur(): void;
afterActiveInstanceBlur(): void;
prepareScopeUpdate(scopeInstance: any, instance: any): void;
getInstanceFromScope(scopeInstance: any): null | Container;
detachDeletedInstance(node: Container): void;
appendChild?(parentInstance: Container, child: Container): void;
appendChildToContainer?(container: Container, child: Container): void;
insertBefore?(parentInstance: Container, child: Container, beforeChild: Container): void;
insertInContainerBefore?(container: Container, child: Container, beforeChild: Container): void;
removeChild?(parentInstance: Container, child: Container): void;
removeChildFromContainer?(container: Container, child: Container): void;
resetTextContent?(instance: Container): void;
commitTextUpdate?(textInstance: Container, oldText: string, newText: string): void;
commitMount?(instance: Container, type: string, props: PropsType, internalInstanceHandle: any): void;
instance: Container,
updatePayload: UpdatePayload,
type: string,
prevProps: any,
nextProps: any,
internalHandle: any,
): void;
hideInstance?(instance: Container): void;
hideTextInstance?(textInstance: Container): void;
unhideInstance?(instance: Container, props: PropsType): void;
unhideTextInstance?(textInstance: Container, text: string): void;
clearContainer?(container: Container): void;
instance: Container,
updatePayload: UpdatePayload,
type: string,
oldProps: PropsType,
newProps: PropsType,
internalInstanceHandle: any,
keepChildren: boolean,
recyclableInstance: Container,
): Container;
createContainerChildSet?(container: Container): any;
appendChildToContainerChildSet?(childSet: any, child: Container): void;
finalizeContainerChildren?(container: Container, newChildren: any): void;
replaceContainerChildren?(container: Container, newChildren: any): void;
cloneHiddenInstance?(instance: Container, type: string, props: PropsType, internalInstanceHandle: any): Container;
cloneHiddenTextInstance?(instance: Container, text: any, internalInstanceHandle: any): Container;
supportsHydration: boolean;
canHydrateInstance?(instance: Container, type: string, props: PropsType): null | Container;
canHydrateTextInstance?(instance: Container, text: string): null | Container;
canHydrateSuspenseInstance?(instance: Container): null | Container;
isSuspenseInstancePending?(instance: Container): boolean;
isSuspenseInstanceFallback?(instance: Container): boolean;
registerSuspenseInstanceRetry?(instance: Container, callback: () => void): void;
getNextHydratableSibling?(instance: Container): null | Container;
getFirstHydratableChild?(parentInstance: Container): null | Container;
instance: Container,
type: string,
props: PropsType,
rootContainerInstance: Container,
hostContext: any,
internalInstanceHandle: any,
): null | any[];
hydrateTextInstance?(textInstance: Container, text: string, internalInstanceHandle: any): boolean;
hydrateSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: Container, internalInstanceHandle: any): void;
getNextHydratableInstanceAfterSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: Container): null | Container;
getParentSuspenseInstance?(targetInstance: any): null | Container;
commitHydratedContainer?(container: Container): void;
commitHydratedSuspenseInstance?(suspenseInstance: Container): void;
didNotMatchHydratedContainerTextInstance?(parentContainer: Container, textInstance: Container, text: string): void;
parentType: any,
parentProps: PropsType,
parentInstance: Container,
textInstance: Container,
text: string,
): void;
didNotHydrateContainerInstance?(parentContainer: Container, instance: Container): void;
didNotHydrateInstance?(parentType: any, parentProps: PropsType, parentInstance: Container, instance: Container): void;
didNotFindHydratableContainerInstance?(parentContainer: Container, type: string, props: PropsType): void;
didNotFindHydratableContainerTextInstance?(parentContainer: Container, text: string): void;
didNotFindHydratableContainerSuspenseInstance?(parentContainer: Container): void;
parentType: any,
parentProps: PropsType,
parentInstance: Container,
type: string,
props: PropsType,
): void;
parentType: any,
parentProps: PropsType,
parentInstance: Container,
text: string,
): void;
didNotFindHydratableSuspenseInstance?(parentType: any, parentProps: PropsType, parentInstance: Container): void;
errorHydratingContainer?(parentContainer: Container): void;

export type MinimalPixiReactFiber<Container extends MinimalContainer> = {
createContainer: (
containerInfo: Container,
tag: any,
hydrationCallbacks: any,
isStrictMode: boolean,
concurrentUpdatesByDefaultOverride: null | boolean,
identifierPrefix: string,
onRecoverableError: (error: Error) => void,
transitionCallbacks: any,
) => any;
updateContainer: (
element: React.ReactNode | null,
container: any,
parentComponent?: Component<any, any> | null,
callback?: (() => void) | null,
) => number;
getPublicRootInstance: (container: any) => Component<any, any> | Container | null;

export type ReactRoot = {
render: (element: JSX.Element) => any;
unmount: () => void;

export type RootEntry = {
pixiFiberContainer: any;
reactRoot: ReactRoot;

export type Roots<Container extends MinimalContainer> = Map<Container, RootEntry>;

export type CreateRootType<Container extends MinimalContainer> = (container: Container) => ReactRoot;

export type RenderType<Container extends MinimalContainer> = (
element: JSX.Element,
container: Container,
callback?: () => void,
) => any;

export type UnmountComponentAtNodeType<Container extends MinimalContainer> = (container: Container) => void;

type MountUnmountType<Application> = (app: Application) => void;

export type StageProps<Application, ApplicationOptions> = {
children: React.ReactNode;
width?: number;
height?: number;
onMount?: MountUnmountType<Application>;
onUnmount?: MountUnmountType<Application>;
raf?: boolean;
renderOnComponentChange?: boolean;
options?: ApplicationOptions;

export type StageType<BaseStage, Application, ApplicationOptions> = ForwardRefExoticComponent<
PropsWithoutRef<PropsType & StageProps<Application, ApplicationOptions>> & RefAttributes<BaseStage>

export type applyPropsType<P extends PropsType, PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = (
instance: PixiContainer,
oldProps: Readonly<P>,
newProps: Readonly<P>,
) => boolean;

// TODO: consider if we want to provide a different type for instance and parent!!
export type didMountType<PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = (
instance: PixiContainer,
parent: PixiContainer,
) => void;

export type willUnmountType<PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = (
instance: PixiContainer,
parent: PixiContainer,
) => void;

export type lifeCycleConfigType = {
* Destroy instance on unmount?
* @default true
destroy?: boolean;

* Destroy child instances?
* @default true
destroyChildren?: boolean;

* Destroy underlying Texture instance
* @default false
destroyTexture?: boolean;

* Destroy underlying BaseTexture instance
* @default false
destroyBaseTexture?: boolean;

// Used in place of ICustomComponent for internal components
export type createCustomComponentType<P extends PropsType, PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer> = (
root: PixiContainer,
props: P,
) => PixiContainer;

export interface ICustomComponent<P extends PropsType, PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer>
* Create the PIXI instance
* The component is created during React reconciliation.
* @param props passed down props
* @param {PixiContainer} root passed down props
* @returns {PixiContainer}
create(props: P, root?: PixiContainer | null): PixiContainer;

* Instance mounted
* This is called during React reconciliation.
* @param {PixiContainer} instance
* @param {PixiContainer} parent
didMount?: didMountType<PixiContainer>;

* Instance will unmount
* This is called during React reconciliation.
* @param {PixiContainer} instance
* @param {PixiContainer} parent
willUnmount?: willUnmountType<PixiContainer>;

* Apply props for this custom component.
* This is called during React reconciliation.
* @param {PixiContainer} instance
* @param oldProps
* @param newProps
applyProps?: applyPropsType<P, PixiContainer>;

* Reconcile config
config?: lifeCycleConfigType;

export type ComponentType<
P extends PropsType,
PixiContainer extends PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer = PixiReactMinimalExpandoContainer,
> = createCustomComponentType<P, PixiContainer> | ICustomComponent<P, PixiContainer>;

export type ComponentsType = Record<string, ComponentType<any, any>>;

export type PixiComponentType<P extends PropsType, ComponentType> = (
type: string,
lifecycle: ComponentType,
) => React.ComponentType<P>;

export type PixiReactRenderEventType =
| 'appendInitialChild'
| 'appendChild'
| 'appendChildToContainer'
| 'removeChild'
| 'removeChildFromContainer'
| 'insertInContainerBefore'
| 'commitUpdate';

export type PixiReactRenderEventPayload = {
detail: PixiReactRenderEventType;

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