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This is a latex package help you creating a good looking QoTD's. For your educational discussion in LaTeX.


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This is a latex package help you creating a good looking QoTD's. For your educational discussion in LaTeX.


The installation is so easy, it is just like copy and pasting a file from one drive to another.

To start with copy the code from the file qotd.sty and paste it in a new file in Overleaf but that file must be having an extension of .sty. And now just paste this command in the preamble


and after this pasting your file manager on left side should look like this preamble

An important NOTE this package requires logo.jpg file to work properly so ensure that you have that too in the file manager. logo.jpg

Features it includes

  1. It has got all the basic packages which is required for mathematics and physics. Like amsmath, amssymb, amsthm, physics and mathtools.
  2. It has a special condition
    which renders all the inline mathematical expression as like in maths-mode.
  3. Having all the important packages for image formatting like graphicx, float, wrapfig, and adjustbox.
  4. Having all the important packages for table formatting like array, tabularx, multirow, longtable.
  5. Making the page top margin = 5mm and bottom margin = 1mm and width be unchanged from standard a4paper.
  6. Having tikz package pre-installed.
  7. And having alot of customised commands for fast typesetting of maths and physics:
    \newcommand{\floor}[1]{\left\lfloor #1 \right\rfloor}
    \newcommand{\ceil}[1]{\left\lceil #1 \right\rceil}
    and some short commands for easy maths-fonts
  8. By using following packages and options you are given with 2 tcolorboxes.
    • First box is given a name qotdphybox
      \newtcolorbox{qotdphybox}[2][]{enhanced,skin=enhancedlast jigsaw, attach boxed title to top left={xshift=-4mm,yshift=-0.5mm}, fonttitle=\large\bfseries\sffamily,varwidth boxed title=0.7\linewidth, colbacktitle=blue!45!white,colframe=red!50!black, interior style={top color=blue!10!white,bottom color=red!10!white}, boxed title style={empty,arc=0pt,outer arc=0pt,boxrule=0pt}, underlay boxed title={\fill[blue!45!white] (title.north west) -- (title.north east) -- +(\tcboxedtitleheight-1mm,-\tcboxedtitleheight+1mm) -- ([xshift=4mm,yshift=0.5mm]frame.north east) -- +(0mm,-1mm) -- (title.south west) -- cycle; \fill[blue!45!white!50!black] ([yshift=-0.5mm]frame.north west) -- +(-0.4,0) -- +(0,-0.3) -- cycle; \fill[blue!45!white!50!black] ([yshift=-0.5mm]frame.north east) -- +(0,-0.3) -- +(0.4,0) -- cycle; }, title={#2},#1}
    • Second box is given a name qotdmathsbox
      \newtcolorbox{qotdmathsbox}[2][]{colback=yellow!5!white, colframe=blue!50!black, coltitle=white, fonttitle = \sffamily\bfseries\large , halign title = center,title={#2},#1}
  9. Improving the enumerate environment creating a new environment by the name of qotdques
        \begin{enumerate}[label = \fbox{\emph{\textbf{Q\arabic*:}}}]
    And tweaking \item command to use it with a parameter explaining marks of that perticular question.
    \newcommand{\ques}[1]{\item (#1 marks)}
  10. Making a handy QoTD title command like \qotdtitle{#QoTD No.}{#Week No.}{#Challenge No.}
  11. Making a easy Creator name command like \qotdcreator{#Creator's Name}

Basic Uses

In this section you will get to know all the features available to use right out of the box.

New Commands

  • QoTD Number


    as all the parameters is explained in features point 10..

    Output for the code \qotdtitle{56}{7}{1} qotdtitle

  • QoTD Creator


    as use of this code is explained in features point 11..

    Output for the code \qotdcreator{JØKÊR} qotdcreator

    NOTE: This command is right justified by \rightline{} command so it may require \\ or \newline command before this to work perfectly.

New Environment

  • QoTD Physics Box

    \begin{qotdphybox}{#Title of the box}

    Its use as simple as writing a text message.

    Output for code

       \lipsum[1-2]    % Use \usepackage{lipsum} in preamble.


    NOTE: The title parameter is must to avoid broken results or if you don't have any title then use it like \begin{qotdphybox}{}.

  • QoTD Maths Box

    \begin{qotdmathsbox}{#Title of the box}

    Use it same as Physics Box.

    Output for the code

    \begin{qotdmathsbox}{} % No title box
       \lipsum[1-2]    % Use \usepackage{lipsum} in preamble.


  • Question Enumerate Box


    This is the environment used for writing questions. Making the content colour Red and make label boxed and number goes like Q1:.

    Output for code

        \item \lipsum[1]
        \item \lipsum[2]


    Incorporating this environment with tweaked \item command i.e. \ques{} where, parameter is the marks given that ques. You will get Output like: qotd-ques


I'll be working more on this package in coming future to broaden the versatility of this package.

For any further questions you can contact me on the following media:


This is a latex package help you creating a good looking QoTD's. For your educational discussion in LaTeX.








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