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pjamesjoyce committed Mar 9, 2017
1 parent 4ffb9c3 commit 784bcbf
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Showing 31 changed files with 3,060 additions and 80 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/lcopt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
from import *
from lcopt.model import *
321 changes: 321 additions & 0 deletions build/lib/lcopt/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
from lcopt.bw2_export import Bw2Exporter

import brightway2 as bw2
import bw2analyzer

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import networkx as nx

from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import groupby

import json'ggplot')
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5, 5)

class Bw2Analysis():
def __init__(self, modelInstance):
self.modelInstance = modelInstance
self.exporter = Bw2Exporter(modelInstance)

self.bw2_database_name, self.bw2_database = self.exporter.export_to_bw2()

self.bw2_project_name =

def setup_bw2(self):
if self.bw2_project_name in bw2.projects:
print ('Switched to existing bw2 project - {}'.format(self.bw2_project_name))
return True

elif 'setup_TO_COPY' in bw2.projects:
bw2.projects.copy_project(self.bw2_project_name, switch = True)
print ('Created new bw2 project - {}'.format(self.bw2_project_name))
return True

print ("bw2 project setup failed, please create the 'setup_TO_COPY' project in advance with the biosphere and necessary external databases (e.g. 'Ecoinvent_3_3_cutoff') ")
return False

def update_exchange_amounts(self, database, parameter_set):
for i in database:

for e in i.exchanges():

if 'parameter_hook' in e.keys():
#print (i)
#print("\t {}".format(e))
#print("\t\t {}".format(e['parameter_hook']))
#print("\t\t {}".format(e.amount))
e['amount'] = parameter_set[e['parameter_hook']]
#print("\t\t {}".format(e.amount))

def run_analyses(self, demand_item, demand_item_code, amount = 1, method = ('IPCC 2013', 'climate change', 'GWP 100a'), top_processes = 10, gt_cutoff = 0.01, pie_cutoff =0.05):

ready = self.setup_bw2()
name = self.bw2_database_name

if ready:
if name in bw2.databases:
del bw2.databases[name]
print ('Rewriting database ({}) ...'.format(name))
print ('Writing database ({})...'.format(name))
new_db = bw2.Database(name)


def get_product(search_term):
my_results =
if len(my_results) == 0:
print('No item found to analyse called {}... aborting'.format(search_term))
return False
elif len(my_results) > 1:
print('Multiple items found containing {}'.format(search_term))
print (my_results)
print ()
print('Going with the first one in the list - {}'.format(my_results[0]))
print ()
return my_results[0]
return my_results[0]

#get the product to assess
#product_demand = get_product(demand_item)
#try this with get
print ('trying to get {}'.format(demand_item_code))
product_demand = new_db.get(demand_item_code)

if product_demand != False:

fu = {product_demand:amount}

print('Running analysis for {} {} of {}, using {}'.format(amount, product_demand['unit'], product_demand, method))

result_sets = []
parameter_sets = self.modelInstance.evaluated_parameter_sets

#for each parameter set in the model run the analysis

for n, (parameter_set_name, parameter_set) in enumerate(parameter_sets.items()):

result_set = {}

# update the parameter_set values
print ('\nAnalysis {}\n'.format(n+1))

self.update_exchange_amounts(new_db, parameter_set)

# run the LCA
lca = bw2.LCA(fu, method)


# run the contribution analysis
ca = bw2analyzer.ContributionAnalysis().annotated_top_processes(lca)
result_set['contributionAnalysis'] = ca

# create the contribution pie chart

# this deals with low scores - if the total is less than one, the pie chart treats them as %
scalar = 1
if lca.score < 1:
scalar = 1/lca.score
#print (scalar)

topprocesses = [ca[n][0]*scalar for n, x in enumerate(ca) if n<=top_processes]
topprocesses_names = [ca[n][2] for n, x in enumerate(ca) if n<=top_processes]
covered = sum(topprocesses)/scalar
remainder = lca.score - covered
topprocesses_names.append('remaining processes')

# Not bothering with the plots - better to recreate them from the data in d3
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots()
ax1.pie(topprocesses, labels=topprocesses_names, autopct = '%1.1f%%', startangle=90)
result_set['pie_chart'] = fig1

max_processes = 4

pie_data = [{'label':x[2], 'value': x[0], 'percent_label' : "{:.1f}%".format(x[0]/lca.score*100)} for x in ca if x[0]/lca.score >=pie_cutoff]
pie_coverage = sum([x[0] for x in ca if x[0]/lca.score >=pie_cutoff ])
pie_remainder = lca.score - pie_coverage
pie_data.append({'label':'remaining processes', 'value':pie_remainder, 'percent_label' : "{:.1f}%".format(pie_remainder/lca.score*100) })
result_set['pie_data'] = pie_data
print (pie_data)

# Graph traversal

gt = bw2.GraphTraversal()
gt_result = gt.calculate(fu ,method, cutoff=gt_cutoff)

edges = gt_result['edges']
nodes = gt_result['nodes']
G = nx.DiGraph()

def get_node_data(node, model, lca):
activities, products, biosphere = lca.reverse_dict()

if node == -1:
return {'name':'Final demand'}
db_id = activities[node]
data = model.external_databases[0]['items'][db_id]
data = model.database['items'][db_id]
return data

node_constructor = []
for node_key, node_data in nodes.items():

node_data_copy = deepcopy(node_data)
node_data_copy.update(get_node_data(node_key, self.modelInstance, lca))

node_constructor.append((node_key, node_data_copy))

non_eco = [x for x in node_constructor if 'database' not in x[1].keys()]


edge_list = [(x['from'], x['to'],x) for x in edges]
non_eco_edges = [(x['from'], x['to'],x) for x in edges if x['from'] in G.nodes() and x['to'] in G.nodes()]


#start_pos = {x[0]:[0.1,n/100] for n, x in enumerate(node_constructor)}
#start_pos[-1] = [0.5,0.5]
#fixed = {-1:[0.5,0.5]}

#pos = nx.spring_layout(G, pos = start_pos, fixed = fixed, weight = 'amount')

#labels = {x[0]:x[1]['name'] for x in G.nodes(data=True)}
#node_sizes = [(x[1]['cum']/lca.score)*300 for x in G.nodes(data=True)]

# Not bothering with the plots - better to recreate them from the data in d3
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots()
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, labels = labels, font_size=6, node_size=node_sizes, ax= ax2)
result_set['network'] = fig2

result_set['full_nodes'] = node_constructor
result_set['model_nodes'] = non_eco
result_set['full_edges'] = edge_list
result_set['model_edges'] = non_eco_edges

# Split the multiply linked nodes and create the json files

sorted_edges = sorted(non_eco_edges, key=lambda x: x[0])

nodes_to_duplicate = {}
new_edges = []

for key, group in groupby(sorted_edges, lambda x: x[0]):
lengroup = deepcopy(group)
length = sum(1 for x in lengroup)

if length==1:
for thing in group:
#print('{} ({}) only links to one thing {} ({})'.format(key, key, thing[1], thing[1]))
nodes_to_duplicate[key] = length

#print('{} ({})links to the following'.format(key, key))
for n, thing in enumerate(group):
#print ("\t{} ({})" .format(thing[1], thing[1]))
new_thing = ("{}__{}".format(thing[0], n),thing[1], thing[2])
#print (" ")
new_nodes = []

for n in non_eco:
if n[0] in nodes_to_duplicate.keys():
#print('{} is duplicated {} times'.format(n[0], nodes_to_duplicate[n[0]]))
for i in range(nodes_to_duplicate[n[0]]):
new_nodes.append(('{}__{}'.format(n[0], i), n[1]))
#print ('{}__{}'.format(n[0], i))

node_names = {}

for i, n in enumerate(new_nodes):
node_names[n[1]['name']] = i

#G2 = nx.DiGraph()


#start_pos2 = {x[0]:[0.1,n/100] for n, x in enumerate(new_nodes)}
#start_pos2[-1] = [0.5,0.5]
#fixed2 = {-1:[0.5,0.5]}

#pos2 = nx.spring_layout(G2, pos = start_pos2, fixed = fixed2, weight = 'amount')

#labels2 = {x[0]:x[1]['name'] for x in G2.nodes(data=True)}
#node_sizes2 = [(x[1]['cum']/lca.score)*300 for x in G2.nodes(data=True)]

#fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots()


#nx.draw_networkx(G2, pos2, labels = labels2, font_size=6, node_size=node_sizes2, ax= ax3)

#result_set['network_split'] = fig3

# Create the json string for the split network

json_nodes = [{'id': x[0], 'data':x[1], 'group':node_names[x[1]['name']], 'radius' : x[1]['cum']/lca.score*10} for x in new_nodes]
json_links = [{"source": x[0], "target": x[1], "value": (x[2]['impact']/lca.score)*6} for x in new_edges]

to_json = {'nodes':json_nodes, 'links':json_links}

json_data = json.dumps(to_json)

result_set['json'] = json_data
result_set['model_nodes_split'] = new_nodes
result_set['model_edges_split'] = new_edges

# append the results to the dataset


print('Analysis complete, results have the following keys:')
for k in result_sets[0].keys():
print ('\t{}'.format(k))

return result_sets

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