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DisclosureImporter utility to use disclosures with Brightway
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pjamesjoyce committed Aug 3, 2018
1 parent 3d65fc1 commit 99fea17
Showing 1 changed file with 228 additions and 0 deletions.
228 changes: 228 additions & 0 deletions lcopt/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
import json
import os

from bw2io.importers.base_lci import LCIImporter
from time import time
from bw2data import Database, config, databases
import functools
import warnings

from bw2io.strategies import (

class DisclosureExtractor(object):
"""Extractor used by the DisclosureImporter
def extract(cls, filepath):
assert os.path.exists(filepath), "Can't file file at path {}".format(filepath)
with open(filepath, 'r') as j:
data = json.load(j)
return data

class DisclosureImporter(LCIImporter):
"""Generic Disclosure importer.
A disclosure is a json document minimally describing an LCA foreground model.
Parameters are not supported in disclosure files.
The disclosure file should follow the following format:
json dictionary with the following keys:
'data': [list of lists containing COO data describing foreground (Af) matrix in the format [[row, column], value]]
'shape': shape as a 2 item list [rows, columns]
'data': [list of lists containing COO data describing background (Ad) matrix in the format [[row, column], value]]
'shape': shape as a 2 item list [rows, columns]
'data': [list of lists containing COO data describing foreground emissions (Bf) matrix in the format [[row, column], value]]
'shape': shape as a 2 item list [rows, columns]
'foreground flows': [ # list of dictionaries representing the indexed foreground flows in Af
'index': Af index as integer
'location': as string,
'name': 'as string,
'unit': as string
'background flows': [ # list of dictionaries representing the indexed background flows in Ad
'brightway_id': as list e.g. ['Ecoinvent3_3_cutoff','b80c575f22df17a0fbc7b4ae11f65dd2'],
'ecoinvent_id': as string e.g. '832cb6db-89ea-45a8-878b-42a580a3e33e',
'ecoinvent_name': as string e.g. 'market for electricity, medium voltage',
'index': Ad row index as integer,
'location': as string,
'unit': as string
'foreground emissions': [ # list of dictionaries representing the indexed foreground emissions in Bf
'biosphere3_id': as list e.g. ['biosphere3','075e433b-4be4-448e-9510-9a5029c1ce94'],
'index': as integer,
'name': as string,
'unit': as string
format = "Disclosure"
extractor = DisclosureExtractor

def __init__(self, filepath, db_name=None):

self.strategies = [
start = time()
data = self.extractor.extract(filepath)

if db_name is None:
self.db_name = "Disclosure_database"
self.db_name = db_name

self.metadata = {} # TODO: figure out what needs to go in here
self.project_parameters = None # There are no parameters in a disclosure
self.database_parameters = None # There are no parameters in a disclosure = self.process_disclosure(data)
self.required_databases = self.get_required_databases(data)

def process_disclosure(self, data):

new_data = []

activities = data['foreground flows']
technosphere = data['background flows']
biosphere = data['foreground emissions']

Af_dict = {(x[0][0],x[0][1]):x[1] for x in data['Af']['data']}
Ad_dict = {(x[0][0],x[0][1]):x[1] for x in data['Ad']['data']}
Bf_dict = {(x[0][0],x[0][1]):x[1] for x in data['Bf']['data']}

Af_r, Af_c, Af_v = self.data_to_rcv(data['Af'])
Ad_r, Ad_c, Ad_v = self.data_to_rcv(data['Ad'])
Bf_r, Bf_c, Bf_v = self.data_to_rcv(data['Bf'])

for a in activities:

new_activity = {
'production amount':1,
'amount': 1.0,
'database': self.db_name,
'location': a['location'],
'name': a['name'],
'reference product': a['name'],
'type': 'production',
'unit': a['unit']

i = a['index']

foreground_inputs = [Af_r[n] for n, x in enumerate(Af_c) if x == i]
technosphere_inputs = [Ad_r[n] for n, x in enumerate(Ad_c) if x == i]
biosphere_inputs = [Bf_r[n] for n, x in enumerate(Bf_c) if x == i]

for f in foreground_inputs:
new_activity['exchanges'].append(self.generate_exchange(database=self.db_name, amount=Af_dict[(f, i)], type='technosphere', **activities[f]))
for t in technosphere_inputs:
new_activity['exchanges'].append(self.generate_exchange(database=technosphere[t]['brightway_id'][0], amount=Ad_dict[(t, i)], type='technosphere', name=technosphere[t]['ecoinvent_name'], activity=technosphere[t]['ecoinvent_id'], **technosphere[t]))
for b in biosphere_inputs:
new_activity['exchanges'].append(self.generate_exchange(database=biosphere[b]['biosphere3_id'][0], amount=Bf_dict[(b, i)], type='biosphere', code=biosphere[b]['biosphere3_id'][1], **biosphere[b]))


return new_data

def generate_exchange(self, **kwargs):
if kwargs.get('type') == 'biosphere':
new_exchange = {
'amount': kwargs.get('amount'),
'categories': kwargs.get('categories'),
'database': kwargs.get('database'),
'name': kwargs.get('name'),
'type': kwargs.get('type'),
'unit': kwargs.get('unit')


new_exchange = {
'amount': kwargs.get('amount'),
'database': kwargs.get('database'),
'location': kwargs.get('location'),
'name': kwargs.get('name'),
'reference product': kwargs.get('name'),
'type': kwargs.get('type'),
'unit': kwargs.get('unit')

for k,v in kwargs.items():
if k not in new_exchange.keys():

return new_exchange

def data_to_rcv(self, matrix):
r = [x[0][0] for x in matrix['data']]
c = [x[0][1] for x in matrix['data']]
v = [x[1] for x in matrix['data']]

return r, c, v

def get_required_databases(self, data):
disclosure_databases = []

for x in data['background flows']:
if x['brightway_id'][0] not in disclosure_databases:

for x in data['foreground emissions']:
if x['biosphere3_id'][0] not in disclosure_databases:

return disclosure_databases

def match_required_databases(self, data):
for db in self.required_databases:
if db in databases:
if db == config.biosphere:
self.match_database(db, fields=('code',))
self.match_database(db, fields=('name', 'unit', 'location'))
warnings.warn('Database "{}" does not exist in the current project, create/import this database and try again using <DisclosureImporter_instance>.apply_strategies()'.format(db) )
return data

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