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Team Fact Sheet

Paul J. Doherty edited this page Jun 5, 2024 · 13 revisions

This is the documentation Wiki for SARCOP related to Team Fact Sheet and associated Power Automate / Make workflows.

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Team Fact Sheet Survey123

The Team Fact Sheet Survey was created in the Survey123 Web Designer - item: f0c2ab27da8f49e6bf98d28926b416a0

IMPORTANT: When sharing a direct link to TFS, use the suffix ?isOrgSignIn=false so the end user is not prompted with the NAPSG log-in page.

Team Fact Sheet Design

The Survey is setup in sections with additional questions for FEMA Task Forces. See note below about making changes to the Design!

Feature Layers Settings

Whenever you make a change in Survey123 Web Designer - you must go to these feature layers and make this specific change to editing so that more than just the person who entered the Survey can make updates. 9794a7 SARCOP v9 Team Fact Sheet Editable View ( - this one seems to repeatedly set itself back to only allowing editors to edit their own features.

Team Fact Sheet Webhooks

Be sure to check the settings for the Webhooks to make sure that they are set to both add and edit. image

Flow: Team Fact Sheet (Add/Edit) to Excel

Team Fact Sheet adds row to Excel when added or edited. We use this spreadsheet as a back-up and "log" of adds and edits since we only keep the last record in Survey123 for each form entered.

Basic Setup

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Flow: Formatting Date from Survey123 to Excel

Be sure to format this as shown to convert to Eastern Time (Zulu -4, and don't forget to update for -5 when Daylights Savings changes...)

This .txt file is saved in the Projects / Team Fact Sheet folder image

Flow: Team Fact Sheet (Add/Edit) to Teams / E-Mail

This flow will send a Teams notification and email every time a new entry is added or when an entry is edited.


Survey123 Configuration image

Send an E-mail Configuration image

HTML Format for e-mail can be copied and pasted from here

Flow: Team Fact Sheet Reminder E-mail

More details coming soon.

Team Fact Sheet Dashboard

For awareness - I have created a Team Fact Sheet Dashboard - owned by nsargc_napsg App Web Map Team Fact Sheet Overview Web Map - Overview (

This is an ArcGIS Dashboard for quickly filtering and accessing Team Fact Sheet information and downloading attachments. The primary audience is the US&R IST Resource Unit Leader but may be used by NRCC SAR Unit Leader and similar roles.

It defaults to only showing Deployed Teams and Delete This = No. You can turn those off from the sidebar.