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Object access normalizer used internally by apie. It can be used outside Apie with the symfony serializer where it can replace the default object normalizers that are used there.

Usage with Symfony Serializer

The simplest usage is adding ApieObjectAccessNormalizer to the constructor of the Symfony serializer.

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ArrayDenormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DateTimeNormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\Normalizers\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\ObjectAccess;

$serializer = new Serializer(
        new DateTimeNormalizer(),
        new ApieObjectAccessNormalizer(),
        new ArrayDenormalizer(),
    [new JsonEncoder()]

class Example
    private $number;
    private $stringValue = '<no value set>';
    public function __construct(int $number)
        $this->number = $number;
    public function setStringValue(string $stringValue)
        $this->stringValue = $stringValue;
    public function getNumber(): int 
        return $this->number;
    public function getStringValue(): string
        return $this->stringValue;

$instance = new Example(12);
// returns array['number' => 12, 'stringValue' => '<no value set>']
var_dump($serializer->serialize($instance, 'json'));
// returns new Example(12)
var_dump($serializer->deserialize(['number' => 12], Example::class, 'json'));
// throws validation error with errors => ['number' =>' must be one of "int" ("invalid" given)']
$serializer->deserialize(['number' => 'invalid'], Example::class, 'json');
// calls setStringValue("blah") on $instance
$serializer->deserialize(['stringValue' => 'text'], Example::class, 'json', ['object_to_populate' => $instance]);
// use a different object access on $instance to set private properties that have no public setter.
$serializer->deserialize(['number' => '15'], Example::class, 'json', ['object_to_populate' => $instance, 'object_access' => new ObjectAccess(false)]);

Unless the context option 'object_to_populate' is called it will first try to create a new object by reading the constructor arguments. Afterwards it will check all setters. If a setter throws an error the error is considered a validation error and will return a validation exception with errors structure.

ObjectAccess is also able to read property typehints in PHP 7.4+ and php docblocks with composer package phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock.

Camel case keys

By default the property name is the same as the key. We can override this in the ApieObjectAccessNormalizer class by providing a class implementing Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter\NameConverterInterface.

use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\NameConverter\CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\ArrayDenormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Normalizer\DateTimeNormalizer;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\Normalizers\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\ObjectAccess;

$serializer = new Serializer(
        new DateTimeNormalizer(),
        new ApieObjectAccessNormalizer(new ObjectAccess(), new CamelCaseToSnakeCaseNameConverter()),
        new ArrayDenormalizer(),
    [new JsonEncoder()]
$instance = new Example(12);
// returns array['number' => 12, 'string_value' => '<no value set>']
var_dump($serializer->serialize($instance, 'json'));

Advanced usages

In many cases you wan to use ObjectAccess and only use a different ObjectAccessInterface implementation for a specific class or interface. For that we created GroupedObjectAccess.


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use W2w\Laravel\LaravelApie\ObjectAccess\EloquentModelAccess;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\GroupedObjectAccess;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\ObjectAccess;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\SelfObjectAccess;
use W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\ObjectAccess\SelfObjectAccessInterface;

$objectAccess = new GroupedObjectAccess(
    new ObjectAccess,
        // For SomeClass we can read private properties/getters
        SomeClass::class => new ObjectAccess(false, true),
        // for any class that implements SelfobjectAccessInterface we use SelfObjectAccess
        SelfObjectAccessInterface::class => new SelfObjectAccess(),
        // does not exist in this package, just an example. Eloquent models are notorious for the amount of magic.
        Model::class => new EloquentModelObjectAccess(), 

Available object access implementations

  • CachedObjectAccess: decorator to cache the results for performance reasons.
  • FilteredObjectAccess: Filter the fields you can actually use. Another decorator
  • GroupedObjectAccess: see Advanced usages. Can be used to use different Object Acces instances dependening on the class
  • ObjectAccess: Default object access. Checks public properties and public setters and getters.
  • SelfObjectAccess: Works for classes that implementSelfObjectAccessInterface, so the class can tell itself what it can access.
  • LocalizationAwareObjectAccess: Can be used on objects with localization aware fields.


Since version 2 we add localization support. In your simple object add a setter like this and you have a localized field:

namespace Wrwr;
class ObjectWithLocalization
    private $pizzas = [];

    public function setPizza(string $locale, string $preference) 
        $this->pizzas[$locale] = $preference;
    public function getPizza(string $locale)
        return $this->pizzas[$locale];

This will result in a setter and getter for field name 'pizza' with support of localization.

in Symfony framework

If you want to use it in the Symfony framework all you need to do is register class W2w\Lib\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer\Normalizers\ApieObjectAccessNormalizer as a service and tag it with 'serializer.normalizer' to add it to the symfony serializer.