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PizzaTime Readme

Pizzatime mockup

Deployed Project @ Heroku:


Welcome to Pizza Time in Towyn, we offer highest quality pizza and free delivery across Towyn.

This project is my final one in Code Institute's Full Stack Web Development course. I was back home over Christmas and we ordered a pizza, we had to ring them and explain what we want, it wasn't very convenient. So this situation inspired me to build PizzaTime. The place we got pizza from was: Mana Pica.

Note: I borrowed images and some visual ideas from there only for study purposes.

Table of contents




  • The home page should create a nice feeling and motivate users to explore it further
  • App must be responsive and work well across different variety of devices
  • Be able to see all pizzas and drinks separately, categorized.
  • Be able to place an order online and pay for it.

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As an owner I want:

  • to add new products
  • to edit or delete existing products
  • to see a list of all existing products
  • to have a separate page for CRUD manipulations available only for staff users

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Viewing and Navigation
1 Customer View a list of products Select products to order
2 Customer View individual product information Identify the price, ingredients, likes, image and sizes
3 Customer Easily view the total amount of my purchases at any time Keep control on my spendings, avoid errors
4 Customer Contact Business in variety of ways Phone number, Address, Contact Form

Registration and User Accounts
5 Site User Easily register an account Register an account to view own profile
6 Site User Log in and log out Access my personal account
7 Site User Password recovery Recover access to my personal account
8 Site User Email confirmation after registering Verify successful account registration
9 Site User Personalized user profile Save delivery and payment preferences, view order history

11 Customer Browse available products by category Easily identify products by category
12 Customer See popularity of a product See how many 'likes' there is for a specific product
13 Customer 'Like' a product Like a product to increase its popularity

Ordering and Checkout
14 Customer Select size and quantity of a product I want to order Ensure I don’t accidentally select the wrong product, its quantity or size
15 Customer View products in my order to be ordered Ensure the total cost of my order and all products I will receive
16 Customer Adjust the quantity of individual items in my order Easily make changes to my order before checkout
17 Customer Easily enter payment method Check out quickly and easily
18 Customer Ensure that my personal and payment information is safe and secure Confidently provide the information needed to complete an order
19 Customer View an order confirmation after checkout Verify that I haven't made any mistakes in my order
20 Customer Receive an email confirmation after checking out Keep the confirmation of my order details for own records

Admin and Store Management
21 Owner Add a product Add new items to my store
22 Owner Edit/Update a product Change product name, image, items, price, etc.
23 Owner Delete a product Remove items that are no longer available.

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As mentioned above, I was inspired by an existing place "Mana Pica" back home, I though to use a bit cleaner design as it felt like a bit too much all around, especially in their header.



Image created via

In other sources this color is called Emerald, I chose this color to be main theme as, in my eyes, it represents something healthy, and associates with herbs like Basil that is commonly used in pizzas. Thought to keep it simple and use one one color, not to overload users.

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Bungee Shade


Fonts used from

Kept it simple and used one font for logo. I know pizza is Italian, but for some reason I have association with America, same as this font. Has a feeling that this is the one. General fonts for paragraphs and headings are simple and readable.

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Main idea behind websites structure was - simplicity. Navigation and footer on all pages, hero image covered by overlay with opacity for overall readability.

  • Home Page Has a simple message and Order Now button. Inviting user to browse through available pizzas and drinks.

  • Pizzas and Drinks Simple and responsive list of products. Has variety of options like Size, Quantity and also Likes, authenticated users can "Like" a product, so others can see how popular is this ot that product and make a decision in case they haven't tried it before.

  • About Again, kept it simple, can see delivery area, and main information with phone numbers, address and link to contact form in case user is willing to use it.

  • Contact Us A simple and understandable form.

  • Navigation Easy to understand, with main paiges to navigate across website as well as authentication links under an familiar 'User' icon. Shopping bag icon with grand total in case there is one.

  • Footer Very basic footer with address, social media and navigation links.

  • Authentication Used Django Allauth application, styled to project overall design

  • Users Order A list of ordered items, with options to update quantity ot remove item. Brand total and Checkout button at the bottom.

  • Checkout Using Stripe for payments and Crispy forms for delivery and billing information. Order summary for order confirmation. Leading to Checkout Success page with order, payment and delivery information.

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Wireframes and Database


I used Balsamic to create wireframes for my project.

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I used drawSQL to structure database for this project. See image below to see all connections between DB models.

Database Structure

During development Database structure has changed. First I have removed separate pizza and drinks models and size models and combined it in to one Product model. Then, since it is in criteria to have two of own classes I created another Address class with address information and phone number. I thought in case of any changes it will be convenient to simply change information, like phone number, in the admin. If I would have more time for the project, I could create more models like this for easy information manipulation.

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  • Registration and Login using Django's Allauth
  • Size, quantity selection on products before adding to order
  • Quantity update or item remove in the order page
  • Likes, add remove and view count of them on every product
  • Checkout and payments using Stripe
  • Superuser / Staff accounts to manipulate CRUD on products


  • Dark theme for user convenience, most orders fall out on evenings when dark.
  • Update order Model to see payment status, paid or not, show it in Superuser page
  • Update order Model to select order status, create separate app for pizza place to select, what stage customers order is, so customer can track it. Like, "Accepted", "Out For Delivery", etc.
  • Update product Model so customer can change desired toppings, say 2 are free to change or add extra topping, Topping model is ready for it.
  • Add collection option, in case customer want to collect

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Libraries and Frameworks


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For testing please open TESTING.MD file in root directory.


Setting up the project

I have created a new repository in Github, then I used VSCode as IDE to write my code.

I created a new project folder in VSCode, changed directory in terminal to project and ran command

git init

followed by

git remote add origin

Then I created "initial commit" and pushed it

git add .
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
git push origin main

To deploy this project to Heroku I used

git remote add heroku

to make sure it pushes to Heroku as well

git push heroku main

I did not switch Automatic Deployment in Heroku, as to me it is very slow, so I used both git push and git push heroku main manually.

Since I used VSCode for development, next steps will be specific to VSCode on local machine.

If you choose to use different IDE, you will have to look into its the documentation. You can find more information about installing packages using pip and virtual environments here

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Clone the project

  1. To clone the project, use this command in your terminal:

    git clone
  2. To be able to work locally I used venv. Please follow this link to set up your virtual environment.

    Note: Make sure to include virtual environment folder to .gitignore file

  3. Then in your terminal window use the following command to install required modules for the project

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  4. In root level of your project, create an, it will contain your environment variables

    Note: Make sure to include to .gitignore file is already set up to use these variables.

        import os
        os.environ.setdefault("DEBUG", "1")
        os.environ.setdefault("SECRET_KEY", "<your own generated secret key>")
        os.environ.setdefault("LOGIN_URL", "/accounts/login/")
        os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_PUB_KEY", "<your Stripe public key>")
        os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_SECRET_KEY", "<your Stripe secret key>")
        os.environ.setdefault("STRIPE_WH_SECRET", "<your Stripe webhook secret>")
        os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD", "<email host password>")
        os.environ.setdefault("EMAIL_HOST_USER", "<email you will use to contact you>")
        os.environ.setdefault("EMAILJS_API_KEY", "<emailjs api key>")

    To set up Stripe, please visit Stripe Documentation

    To set up EmailJS, please visit EmailJS Documentation

    To set up EMAIL_HOST_USER create GMAIL account, use created email as EMAIL_HOST_USER

    To set up EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD, please visit Google Account Help

    Note: This is how to set email variables with gmail, if you prefer using different provider, make sure to follow their documentation

  5. To set up database on local machine, in your project level directory oen and follow these instructions

    Note: make sure you add *.sqlite3 to your .gitignore file

  6. Migration, to check migrations for possible errors, use this command

    Note: depending on how you have your python installed, if python3 command is not working, try py or python instead.

    python3 migrate --plan

    To migrate

    python3 migrate
  7. Create a superuser, follow instructions in terminal to set up your credentials

    python3 createsuperuser
  8. Run the app with next command

    python runserver

    The address to access the website is displayed in the terminal
    Add /admin to the end to access the admin panel, authenticate with superuser credentials created in the previous step.

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Heroku Deployment

  1. Create a Procfile in root directory og your project, paste this line in it and save

    web: gunicorn pizzatime.wsgi:application
  2. Login to your Heroku account

  3. Create new app, select your closest region

  4. In your app, click Resources button and under Add-ons, look for the Heroku Postgres to add a postgres database to your project

    Note: Make sure to select the Hobby Dev - Free plan

    This step will add your own Postgres link to your Config Vars in app settings

  5. In your Heroku app, click Settings tab, scroll down and click Reveal Config Vars, set up next vars:

    Note: Make sure there is NO DEBUG = True in Heroku variables, unless you need to see debug errors during production is already set up to use these variables.

        "SECRET_KEY" = "<your own generated secret key>"
        "LOGIN_URL" = "/accounts/login/"
        "DATABASE_URL" = "<database link>"
        # (for Code Institute staff, I will share database link on project submission)
        "STRIPE_PUB_KEY" = "<your Stripe public key>"
        "STRIPE_SECRET_KEY" = "<your Stripe secret key>"
        "STRIPE_WH_SECRET" = "<your Stripe webhook secret>"
        "USE_AWS" = True
        "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" = "<your AWS access key>"
        "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" = "<your AWS access secret key>"
        "EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD" = "<email host password>"
        "EMAIL_HOST_USER" = "<email you will use to contact you>"
        "EMAILJS_API_KEY" = "<emailjs api key>"

    To set up AWS S3, please visit AWS S3 Documentation, or you can use Video Tutorial

    Rest variables are the same as used in in Clone the project

  6. Login to heroku in your terminal

    heroku login
  7. Check in any migrations needed

    python3 migrate --plan

    To migrate

    python3 migrate
  8. If you decide to use own database, you will have to create superuser, follow instructions in terminal to set up your credentials

    python3 createsuperuser
  9. Add your Heroku app URL to ALLOWED_HOSTS in your file

  10. Disable static file collection, so Heroku wont collect static files when you deploy

    heroku config:set DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC=1
  11. To apply changes in and add Procfile

    git add . 
    git commit -m "Your commit message here"
    git push heroku main

    to push to Github

    git push
  12. Also you can enable Automatic Deployment from Github like this

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All code snippets used are credited in comments in the code. Most of them are taken from:

  • w3Schools - used code snippets for JavaScript and some memory refresher for CSS.

  • StackOverflow - used some code for JavaScript solutions.

  • Code Institute - Working with Django, Stripe, EmailJS and more.


Product images source: Mana Pica

Hero image source: Unsplash

Removed background with: Inpixio


Main website content was created by me, inspiration taken from Mana Pica


Pjotrs Osnovskis


I would like to thank my mentor Simen Daehlin for support and help during this project. Also huge "Thank You!" to Code Institute and CyC Slack community for support and all tutors who helped me with difficulties I faced during production of this project and also who worked hard on the study material that got me to this point. And, of course, Assessors who will assess this project. There is always room for improvement but due to time limitations - I consider project finished at this stage and ready for submission.

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