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Education Justice Project Re-Entry Resource Guide


You'll need Node installed and an Airtable account set up with the fields in src/pages/index.js.


Multilingual support is provided through gatsby-plugin-intl. Translated phrases are located in JSON files in the src/intl/ directory, and translated Markdown pages are in src/markdown/static.

ZIP Code Search

To avoid the overhead and additional network requests of a geocoder, we're using a pre-generated mapping of ZIP codes to other ZIP codes they overlap to do a fuzzy ZIP search. You can update the mapping for your area by using our repo City-Bureau/nearby-zip-map to create a new file and replace the one in src/data/zip-map.json.

Some of our resources are specific to the city of Chicago while others are available to the surrounding region. To make sure users searching ZIP codes outside of Chicago don't see Chicago resources, we're using a static list of city ZIP codes to determine whether resources are displayed when a ZIP code is searched. To replicate this for your area you can update the file src/data/city-zips.json.


Currently deployed on Cloudflare Pages with a deploy hook connected to an Airtable button script used to manually trigger deploys.