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Skeleton of model repository loader
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pka committed Dec 2, 2013
1 parent 2a55b31 commit c85abf5
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Showing 2 changed files with 118 additions and 0 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions interlis/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import subprocess

def run_shell_cmd(args, progress):
if is_windows():
command = ["cmd.exe", "/C ", '"' + args[0] + '"'] + args[1:]
command = args
fused_command = ' '.join(command) # java doesn't find quoted file on Win with: ''.join(['"%s" ' % c for c in command])
proc = subprocess.Popen(fused_command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True).stdout

def is_windows():
return False # TODO

def java_exec():
if is_windows():
java = "java.exe"
java = "java"
return java

def run_java(jar, args, progress):
args = [java_exec(), "-jar", jar] + args
run_shell_cmd(args, progress)
91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions interlis/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
from java_exec import run_java

class ModelLoader:
def __init__(self, fn):
self.fn = fn
self.model = None

def detect_format(self):
# char szHeader[1000];
# Ili1:
# int nLen = (int)VSIFRead( szHeader, 1, sizeof(szHeader), fp );
# if (nLen == sizeof(szHeader))
# szHeader[sizeof(szHeader)-1] = '\0';
# else
# szHeader[nLen] = '\0';
# if( strstr(szHeader,"SCNT") == NULL )
# {
# VSIFClose( fp );
# return FALSE;
# }

# Ili2:
# int nLen = (int)VSIFRead( szHeader, 1, sizeof(szHeader), fp );
# if (nLen == sizeof(szHeader))
# szHeader[sizeof(szHeader)-1] = '\0';
# else
# szHeader[nLen] = '\0';
# if( szHeader[0] != '<'
# || strstr(szHeader,"") == NULL )
# { // ""
# VSIFClose( fp );
# CSLDestroy( filenames );
# return FALSE;
# }
return 'Interlis 2'

def detect_model(self):
self.model = None
fmt = self.detect_format(self.fn)
if fmt == 'Interlis 1':
#Search for MODL xxx
self.model = 'xxx'
elif fmt == 'Interlis 2':
#Search for <MODEL NAME="xxx"
self.model = 'xxx'
return self.model

def load_model(self):
#Load model from model repository
return None

def load_ilismeta_model(self):
#Call ilismeta service api with URL of ili model
return None

def convert_model(self):
ili2c_jar = 'ili2c.jar'
ili = self.model + '.ili'
imd = self.model + '.imd'

#ili2c USAGE
# ili2c [Options] file1.ili file2.ili ...
#--no-auto don't look automatically after required models.
#-o0 Generate no output (default).
#-o1 Generate INTERLIS-1 output.
#-o2 Generate INTERLIS-2 output.
#-oXSD Generate an XML-Schema.
#-oFMT Generate an INTERLIS-1 Format.
#-oIMD Generate Model as IlisMeta INTERLIS-Transfer (XTF).
#-oIOM (deprecated) Generate Model as INTERLIS-Transfer (XTF).
#--out file/dir file or folder for output.
#--ilidirs %ILI_DIR;;%JAR_DIR list of directories with ili-files.
#--proxy host proxy server to access model repositories.
#--proxyPort port proxy port to access model repositories.
#--with-predefined Include the predefined MODEL INTERLIS in
# the output. Usually, this is omitted.
#--without-warnings Report only errors, no warnings. Usually,
# warnings are generated as well.
#--trace Display detailed trace messages.
#--quiet Suppress info messages.
#-h|--help Display this help text.
#-u|--usage Display short information about usage.
#-v|--version Display the version of ili2c.
run_java(ili2c_jar, ["-oIMD", "--out", imd, ili])

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