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Low Memory Aho-Corasick


The Aho-Corasick algorithm is used to find all instances of strings in a dictionary which appear in some input text. This behavior can also be generalized to arbitrary key value pairs, where each key is a string. The algorithm is very efficient, running in O(n) time, where n is the length of the input.

This implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm uses a very small amount of memory at only five ints per node, with the only spike in memory during construction coming from array resizing. Other JVM implementations of the algorithm on GitHub were found to have an unacceptably large memory spike. This made loading large dictionaries problematic. The peak memory required for this algorithm can be around an order of magnitude less than other popular implementations, features a much faster build time, and has a fast runtime speed. See here for more information.

This particular implementation of the Aho-Corasick algorithm was inspired by this paper on the double array structure, and hankcs' implementation, which also used a double array structure for the algorithm. For details on how this implementation of the algorithm works see AhoCorasickBase, all functions are extensively documented.


If using gradle one should use the following in their build.gradle.kts file's dependency block.


If using POM one can use the following for the latest version of the library.



Two versions of the algorithm exist.

  1. StringAhoCorasick - Used for strings. Uses small amount of memory by not keeping any strings in memory . This structure should be used in the common case.

  2. AhoCorasick - Generalized version of the algorithm. Buffers all values in memory. Should be used when one wishes to preserve casing in results for case-insensitive matching.

Using the String Optimized Algorithm

val dictionary = listOf("bobcat", "cat", "at")

val ahoCorasick = StringAhoCorasick().apply {
    addAll(dictionary) // Add iterable
    add("a") // Add single word
    build() // Build called once all words added

// Returns ["a", "a", "bobcat", "cat", "at"]
ahoCorasick.parse("a bobcat").map { it.value }.toList()

Using the Generic Algorithm

val ahoCorasick = AhoCorasick<String>().apply {
    add("np", "no problem")
    add("ty", "thank you")
    add("ttyl", "talk to you later")

// Returns ["no problem", "thank you", "talk to you later"]
ahoCorasick.parse("np, ttyl").map { it.value }.toList()

Additional Features

One can make any version of the algorithm case-insensitive, match only on whole words, and use streams for lazy processing. This can be useful for keeping only a small amount of results in memory at a time.

val ahoCorasick = StringAhoCorasick(setOf(
    AhoCorasickOption.WHOLE_WORDS_ONLY // Matches must be surrounded by whitespace
)).apply {

// Returns ["bobcat", "A"]. Doesn't parse 'CAT' due to lazy processing.
ahoCorasick.parse("A bobcat A CAT").skip(1).limit(2).map{ it.value }.toList()

Subclassing the Base Algorithm

One can extend AhoCorasickBase if they want to work directly with the five int structure. This may be useful for working with unboxed primitives, since the generic AhoCorasick boxes them, wasting memory. It could also be useful if one only needs to work with ints, or if one does not need to keep track of the starting index of a key. See the internals of StringAhoCorasick or AhoCorasick for an example of how one can go about subclassing AhoCorasickBase.

Comparison To Other Implementations

The generic version of the algorithm is compared with the low memory string version, the Payload v0.6.2 implementation of the algorithm, and the AhoCorasickDoubleArrayTrie v1.2.2 implementation.

All tests were performed on an M1 Mac with 16 GB allocated to the JVM (Temurin 8). Speed tests were averaged over 25 runs.

Peak Memory Usage

Data gathered by limiting the amount of memory the JVM was allocated, and searching to the nearest MB for which the structure is no longer able to be built.

Peak Memory Usage

Memory Usage

The space required to store the final structure after it has been built. Data gathered by using IntelliJ Idea to view retained size of structures

Memory Usage

Parse Speed

Runtime speed with an average of one match every 100 characters.

Sparse Parse Speed

Runtime speed with an average of 2.5 matches every character.

Dense Parse Speed

Build Time

Time required to add all dictionary terms and call build for each algorithm.

Build Time


  1. Make and checkout a release branch on github.
  2. Change the version in to a non-SNAPSHOT version.
  3. Update the for the impending release.
  4. Update to use the latest version in its POM and Gradle examples.
  5. Run git commit -am "Release Low Memory Aho-Corasick X.Y.Z." (where X.Y.Z is the new version) in the terminal or command line.
  6. Make a PR with your changes.
  7. Merge the release PR after approval, tag the commit on the main branch with git tag -a X.Y.Z -m "Low Memory Aho-Corasick X.Y.Z"(X.Y.Z is the new version).
  8. Run git push --tags.
  9. Run ./gradlew publish in the terminal or command line.
  10. Visit Sonatype Nexus and promote the artifact.
  11. Update to the next SNAPSHOT version.
  12. Run git commit -am "Prepare next development version."
  13. Make a PR with your changes.
  14. Merge the next version PR after approval.

If step 8 or 9 fails, drop the Sonatype repo, fix the problem, commit, and start again at step 8.