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Spartan Vue

Spartan Vue is a vue component library that contains the components used in the PlacetoPay web applications based in TailwindCSS.

Desing system

You can find the documentation and components of this design system by clicking here.


  1. Requirements

  2. Install in the consumer project

    npm install -D @placetopay/spartan-vue @tailwindcss/forms
  3. Configure your tailwind.config.js file adding the following lines:

       content: [
       plugins: [

Note: If you want set a custom primary color, you can add primary option in the spartan-vue plugin configuration:

      primary: {
         50: '228 242 253',
         100: '187 222 251',
         200: '144 202 249',
         300: '100 181 246',
         400: '66 165 245',
         500: '33 150 243',
         600: '30 132 229',
         700: '25 103 196',
         800: '21 78 148',
         900: '13 42 84',