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Releases: plaited/plaited


13 Feb 16:31
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6.0.0 (2024-02-13)



16 Dec 02:17
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5.6.2 (2023-12-16)

Note: Version bump only for package plaited


15 Dec 10:36
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5.6.1 (2023-12-15)

Note: Version bump only for package plaited


10 Dec 23:06
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5.6.0 (2023-12-10)


1. css: plaited export now uses a simpler interface for providing styles uses improved interface with JSX library

const { $stylesheet, ...cls } = css`
   .root { color: purple}
const template = <div stylesheet={$stylesheet} className={cls.root}>Hello Styles!</div>

2. getTokenElement: interface update takes a second optional argument to allow setting design token element tag name still defaults to design-tokens


04 Dec 04:53
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5.5.0 (2023-12-04)


  • beahvioral: We've implemented @michbarsinai suggestion about event generators by allowing request parameter in sync statements to take either an explicit event BPEvent or and event template function BPEventTemplate. We've updated test and examples on README to reflect this change.
  • component: When you dynamically render a PlaitedComponent using one of our $ helper methods, if the component has not been defined it will be dynamically defined.


02 Dec 04:39
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5.4.1 (2023-12-02)

  • Fixing links on package.json(s) to point to correct readme files


02 Dec 04:21
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5.4.0 (2023-12-02)

Feature updates

  • clone is now a standalone helper provided by plait method. Instead of querying shadow dom for template/el you pass it JSX(TemplateObject) and your callback for each data object in your array.
  • createTemplate reduced a few operations and added and performance boost (easter egg for @alisonailea)

New Features

  • Storybook: we can now use storybook to develop our components with storybook render, vite framework, and few utils to make decorators easy. Docs to come soon.
  • Storybook Test Framework: We can now test out components using the storybook test runner using an instrumented version of Rite.
  • CSS-in-JS: as a design system first framework we want to be able to ship styles in addition to components cross framework so we've leveraged our CSS tooling to create a super light fast CSS-in-JS lib for light DOM only frameworks leveraging constructable style sheets. Docs to come soon.


19 Nov 16:44
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5.3.0 (2023-11-19)

  • drops useStore (doesn't make sense with library architecture and coding style)
  • splits $.render into $.render and $.insert The later which use the same interface pattern as insertAdjacentElement but takes a spread like append | prepend | before | after
  • introduces a new $.clone method that can be used to clone an element with a data-target attribute and apply a callback to the clone before usage. Useful for handling large list and reducing parse time.
  • makes use of a streamlined createTemplate aka h function to improve templating script times.
  • $.render , $.insert, and $.replace can not take 1 or more TemplateObject | Node | string as arguments
  • Template type renamed TemplateObject. New type signature: type TemplateObject = { client: string[]; server: string[]; stylesheets: Set<string>}. This allows us to more easily generate templates for the client and declarative Shadow DOM templates of the same plaited components. This better tooling will make deploying native hydrating components easier.


13 Nov 19:39
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5.2.0 (2023-11-13)

Note: Version bump only for package plaited


12 Nov 09:48
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5.1.2 (2023-11-12)

Note: Version bump only for package plaited