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PWng Application API (PWAA)

Planeworld Next Generation uses JSON-RPC 2.0 for communication via websocket. For details of the JSON-RPC communication protocol, have a look at

Server-Client Relationship

For this section it is important to understand the relationship between PWng Application API (PWAA) and JSON-RPC communication protocol.

  • JSON-RPC is a client-server communication that is independent of the underlying protocol. The client may send requests or notifications to the server. The server will respond with a result when getting a request. In case of a simple notification, there is no response.
  • PWAA is build as an application protocol on top of JSON-RCP. It is important to understand, that PWAA-server and PWAA-client may both act as JSON-RPC-server and JSON-RPC-client. This allows for peer-based communication and the implementation of a publish-subscribe model.

The following table shows JSON-RPC utilisation for subscriptions, publications, and commands on PWAA layer:

Act as PWAA-client PWAA-server
subscribe / unsubscribe acknowledge
JSON-RPC-client request -
JSON-RPC-server - result
command response
JSON-RPC-client request -
JSON-RPC-server - result
- publish
JSON-RPC-client - notification
JSON-RPC-server - -

Subscriptions and Commands

There are two different types of pwng-client-side JSON-RPC-requests, commands and subscriptions. Commands are single JSON-RPC-requests, that will lead to an answer (JSON-RPC-result/-error) from pwng-server. Subscriptions will also get a response, signaling if subscription succeeded, but trigger frequent updates from pwng-server. These updates are sent as JSON-RPC-notifications.

Commands and subscriptions as defined in the following paragraphs are specified in the method field of the JSON-RPC-request.

Commands always start with the prefix cmd_ while subscriptions are prefixed by sub_ / uns_.


For now, there are four commands:

  • cmd_accelerate_simulation <factor>
  • cmd_start_simulation
  • cmd_stop_simulation
  • cmd_shutdown


Subscription topics are

  • prefixed with sub_ and uns_
  • suffixed with update frequency, which is
    • _evt: event-based
    • _s01: each 0.1s
    • _s05: each 0.5s
    • _s1: each 1s
    • _s5: each 5s
    • _s10: each 10s

Description of subscription topics are shown in the following table:

topic description evt s01 s05 s1 s5 s10
sub_galaxy_data subscribe to galaxy data, currently, the galaxy is only transmitted once and stays static x - - - - -

Galaxy Examples