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File metadata and controls

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Image Variants

Laravel-Mediable integrates the intervention/image library to make it easy to manipulate image files and create numerous variations for different purposes.

Configure Intervention/image ImageManager

Before you can use the ImageManipulation features of this package, you will need to make sure that the intervention/image package is properly configured. Intervention/image is capable of using either the GD or ImageMagick PHP extensions as the underlying driver.

If intervention/image is not configured in the Laravel service container, this package will attempt to automatically select an intervention/image driver based on the extensions available, preferring imagick if available, and falling back to gd. If neither are available, attempting to use the ImageManipulator will result in an exception.

To configure Intervention/image yourself, refer to the following guides based on your version of the package.

Intervention/image >=3.0

RECOMMENDED: install the intervention/image-laravel package to configure the container bindings automatically.

Alternatively, you can add the necessary bindings to the service container manually by adding the following bindings to one of the service providers of your application.

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        // if using GD

        // if using Imagick

Intervention/image <3.0

RECOMMENDED: follow the steps to enable the intervention/image Laravel service provider.

Alternatively, you can add the necessary bindings to the service container manually by adding the following bindings to one of the service providers of your application.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
            function() {
                return new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);
                // return new ImageManager(['driver' => 'gd']);

Defining Variant Manipulations

Image Manipulation Callback

Before variants can be created, the manipulations to be applied to the images need to be defined. This should be done as part of the application boot step.

use Plank\Mediable\Facades\ImageManipulator;
use Plank\Mediable\ImageManipulation;
use Intervention\Image\Image;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
            ImageManipulation::make(function (Image $image, Media $originalMedia) {
                $image->fit(32, 32);

            ImageManipulation::make(function (Image $image, Media $originalMedia) {
                $image->fit(128, 128)->greyscale();

Each variant definition must contain a name and an instance of the ImageManipulation class, which contains the instructions for converting the image into the desired derivative form.

First and foremost, each manipulation requires a callback which contains instructions on how the image should be modified. The callback will be passed an instance of Intervention\Image\Image and the original Media record, and may use any of the methods available to the library to change its form. See the intervention/image documentation for available methods.

Output Formats

The ImageManipulation class also offers a fluent interface for defining how the modified file should be output. If not specified, will attempt to use the same format as the original file, based on the mime_type and extension attributes of the original Media record.


If outputting to JPEG format, it is also possible to set the desired level of lossy compression, from 0 (low quality, smaller file size) to 100 (high quality, larger file size). Defaults to 90. This value is ignored by other formats.



Intervention/image requires different dependency libraries to be installed in order to output different format. Review the intervention image documentation for more details.

Image Optimizations

The ImageManipulator is capable of automatically optimizing images after the manipulations have been applied in order to the reduce the file size.

Before you can use this feature, you must install the optimizer binaries for the image formats that you intend to work with. See the spatie/image-optimizer documentation for a list of supported packages and installation instructions on different operating systems.

The optimizers to be used and their arguments can be configured in the config/mediable.php file. By default, the ImageManipulator will attempt to optimize the image after each manipulation. You can override the default config settings by calling the following methods.

// disable optimization for this manipulation

// enable optimization for this manipulation

// enable optimization but override the optimizers to be applied
$manipulation->optimize([Pngquant::class => ['--quality=65']]);


Never pass untrusted user input to the optimizer arguments as they will be executed as shell commands!

Output Destination

By default, variants will be created in the same disk and directory as the original file, with a filename that includes the variant name as as suffix. You can choose to customize the output disk, directory and filename.


// shorthand for the above
$manipulation->toDestination('uploads', 'files/variants');

$manipulation->useHashForFilename(); // defaults to md5
$manipulation->useOriginalFilename(); //restore default behaviour

If another file exists at the output destination, the ImageManipulator will attempt to find a unique filename by appending an incrementing number. This can be configured to throw an exception instead if a conflict is discovered.

$manipulation->onDuplicateIncrement(); // default behaviour

File Visibility

By default, newly created variants will use the default filesystem visibility of the destination filesystem disk. To modify this, you may use one of the following methods.

// to copy the visibility of the original media file

Before Save Callback

You can specify a callback which will be invoked after the image manipulation is processed, but before the file is written to disk and a Media record is written to the database. The callback will be passed the populated Media record, which can be modified. This can also be used to set additional fields.

$manipulation->beforeSave(function(Media $media) {
    $media->directory = 'thumbnails';
    $media->someOtherField = 'potato';


Modifying the disk, directory, filename, or extension fields will cause the output destination to be changed accordingly. Duplicates will be checked again against the new location.

Creating Variants

Variants can be created from the ImageManipulator class. This will create a new file derived from applying the manipulation to the original. A new Media record will be create to represent the new file.

use Plank\Mediable\Facades\ImageManipulator;

$variantMedia = ImageManipulator::createImageVariant($originalMedia, 'thumbnail');

Depending on the size of the files and the nature of the manipulations, creating variants may be a time consuming operation. As such, it may be more beneficial to perform the operation asynchronously. The CreateImageVariants job can be used to easily queue variants to be processed. A collection of Media records and multiple variant names can be provided in order to process the creation of several variants as part of the same worker process.

use Plank\Mediable\Jobs\CreateImageVariants;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;

// will produce one variant
CreateImageVariants::dispatch($media, ['square']);

// will produce 4 variants (2 of each media)
    new Collection([$media1, $media2]),
    ['square', 'bw-square']

Recreating Variants

If a variant with the requested variant name already exists for the provided media, the ImageManipulator will skip over it. If you need to regenerate a variant (e.g. because the manipulations changed), you can tell the ImageManipulator to recreate the variant by passing an additional $forceRecreate parameter.

$variantMedia = ImageManipulator::createImageVariant($originalMedia, 'thumbnail', true);
CreateImageVariants::dispatch($media, ['square', 'bw-square'], true);

Doing so will cause the original file to be deleted, and a new one created at the specified output destination. The variant record will retain its primary key and any associations, but its attributes will be updated as necessary.

Tagging Variants

When defining variants, it is possible to pass one or more "tags" to group the definitions in order to more easily retrieve all of the ones applicable to a specific purpose.

use Plank\Mediable\Jobs\CreateImageVariants;

    ImageManipulation::make(/* ... */),

    ImageManipulation::make(/* ... */),

// generate all 'avatar' variants

Using Variants

For all intents and purposes, variants are fully functional Media records. They can be attached to Mediable models, output paths and URLs, be moved and copied, etc.

However, variants also remember the name of the variant definition and the original Media record from which they were created. This information can be used to find the right file for a given context. This package takes an un-opinionated approach to how your application should use the variants that you create. You can either attach variants directly to your models, or attach the original and then navigate to the appropriate variant.

$src = $post->getMedia('feature')

Original vs. Variants

An "original" Media record is one the one that was initially uploaded to the server. A variant is the derivative that was created by manipulating the original. You can distinguish them with these methods:

// check if the Media is an original

// check if the Media is any kind of variant

// check if the Media is a specific kind of variant

// read the kind of the variant, will be `null` for originals

Navigating between variants

From any instance of a Media, you can jump to any other in the same variant family using the following methods. If you are already dealing with the variant that you are requesting, it will return itself.

$original = $media->findOriginal();
$variant = $media->findVariant('thumbnail');
$bool = $media->hasVariant('thumbnail');


Avoid chaining find calls from one Media to the next. To avoid unnecessary database calls, it is best to always start from the same initial node.

List All Variants

You can also list out all of the variants and the original of a variant family as a keyed dictionary.


// excluding the current model
$collection = $media->getAllVariants();

// including the current model
$collection = $media->getAllVariantsAndSelf();

/* outputs
    'original' => Media{},
    'thumbnail' => Media{},
    'large' => Media{}

Manual Adjustments

If necessary, you can also promote a variant to become an original. Doing so clears its variant name and detaches it from the rest of its former variant family.


To manually indicate that one Media record is a variant of another

$media->makeVariantOf($otherMedia, 'small')->save();
$media->makeVariantOf($otherMediaId, 'small')->save();


A variant family is a set, not a tree. If a variant is created from or associated to another variant, they will share the same original Media.

Eager Loading

When accessing media variants from a collection of Mediable records, be sure to eager load them when possible to avoid the N+1 query problem.

// eager load
$posts = Post::withMediaAndVariants($tags)->get();
$posts = Post::withMediaAndVariantsMatchAll($tags)->get();

// lazy eager load from a collection of Mediables

// lazy eager load from a single Mediable model