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WebGl 2D Scatterplot with Regl

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A highly scalable scatterplot rendered with WebGL using Regl


Live playground:


  • Pan: Click and drag your mouse.
  • Zoom: Scroll vertically.
  • Rotate: While pressing ALT, click and drag your mouse.
  • Select a single dot: Click on a dot with your mouse.
  • Select multiple dots: While pressing SHIFT, click and drag your mouse. All items within the lasso will be selected.
  • Deselect: Double-click onto an empty region.


npm -i regl-scatterplot

Getting started

Basic Example

import createScatterplot from 'regl-scatterplot';

const canvas = document.querySelector('#canvas');

const { width, height } = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();

const scatterplot = createScatterplot({
  pointSize: 5,

const points = new Array(10000)
  .map(() => [-1 + Math.random() * 2, -1 + Math.random() * 2, color]);


Color by value or category

Regl-scatterplot supports two color modes: coloring by value or coloring by category. To support those, each point can be associated to a categorical and continuous value. To specify those values simply append two additional values to a point quadruples: e.g., [x, y, category, value].

  // x, y, category, value
  [0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1337],
  [0.3, 0.1, 0, 0.3371],
  [-0.9, 0.8, 1, 0.3713],

To color points by category, set pointColor to a list of colors. For performance reasons, regl-scatterplot assumes that the category 0 refers to the first color, 1 refers to the second color, etc. Mathematically, regl-scatterplot maps categories to colors as follows: category => category % colors.length.

const colorsCat = ['#3a78aa', '#aa3a99'];
scatterplot.set({ colorBy: 'category', pointColor: colorsCat });

To apply a continuous colormap use colorBy: 'value' and set pointColor to a list of colors representing the colormap. For performance reasons, regl-scatterplot assumes that the values are in [0,1] . Mathematically, the maping functions is as follows: value => Math.min(1, Math.max(0, value)).

const blackToWhite = ['#000000', ..., '#ffffff'];
scatterplot.set({ colorBy: 'value', pointColor: blackToWhite });

For a complete example see example/index.js.



# createScatterplot(options = {})

Returns: a new scatterplot instance.

Options: is an object that accepts any of the settable properties. Additionally, you can set the following properties:

  • regl a Regl instance to be used for rendering.
  • canvas background color of the scatterplot.

# createRegl(canvas)

Returns: a new Regl instance with appropriate extensions being enabled.

Canvas: the canvas object on which the scatterplot will be rendered on.

# createTextureFromUrl(regl, url)

DEPRECATED! Use scatterplot.createTextureFromUrl() instead.


# scatterplot.draw(points)

Sets and draws points. Note that repeatedly calling this method without specifying points will not clear previously set points. To clear points use scatterplot.clear()


  • points is an array of quadruples defining the point data. Each quadruple must be of the form [x, y, category, value] where category and value are optional and can be used for coloring the points.

Returns: a Promise object that resolves once the points have been drawn.


const points = [
    // The X position
    // The Y position
    // The category, which defaults to `0` if `undefined`
    // Some value, which defaults to `0` if `undefined`


// You can now do something else like changing the point size etc.

// Lets redraw the scatterplot. Since `draw` is caching the points you don't
// have to specify the points here again if they didn't change.

// Lets actively unset the points. Since `draw()` assumes that you want to
// redraw existing points you have to actively pass in an empty array.
// Alternatively, call `scatterplot.clear()`

# scatterplot.clear()

Clears previously drawn points.

# scatterplot.get(property)

Returns: one of the properties documented in set()

# scatterplot.set(properties = {})


  • properties is an object of key-value pairs. The list of all understood properties is given below.


Name Type Default Constraints Settable Nullifiable
canvas object document.createElement('canvas') false false
regl object createRegl(canvas) false false
version string false false
width integer 300 > 0 true false
height integer 200 > 0 true false
aspectRatio float 1.0 > 0 true false
backgroundColor string or array rgba(0, 0, 0, 1) hex, rgb, rgba true false
backgroundImage function null Regl texture true true
cameraTarget tuple [0, 0] true false
cameraDistance float 1 > 0 true false
cameraRotation float 0 true false
colorBy string null category or value true true
opacity float 1 > 0 true false
pointColor quadruple [0.66, 0.66, 0.66, 1] single value or list of hex, rgb, rgba true false
pointColorActive quadruple [0, 0.55, 1, 1] single value or list of hex, rgb, rgba true false
pointColorHover quadruple [1, 1, 1, 1] single value or list of hex, rgb, rgba true false
pointOutlineWidth integer 2 >= 0 true false
pointSize integer 6 > 0 true false
pointSizeSelected integer 2 >= 0 true false
lassoColor quadruple rgba(0, 0.667, 1, 1) hex, rgb, rgba true false
lassoMinDelay integer 15 >= 0 true false
lassoMinDist integer 4 >= 0 true false
lassoClearEvent string 'lassoEnd' 'lassoEnd' or 'deselect' true false
showRecticle boolean false true or false true false
recticleColor quadruple rgba(1, 1, 1, .5) hex, rgb, rgba true false


  • An attribute is considered nullifiable if it can be unset. Attributes that are not nullifiable will be ignored if you try to set them to a falsy value. For example, if you call scatterplot.attr({ width: 0 }); the width will not be changed as 0 is interpreted as a falsy value.

  • The background of the scatterplot is transparent, i.e., you have to control the background with CSS! background is used when drawing the outline of selected points to simulate the padded border only.

  • The background image must be a Regl texture. To easily set a remote image as the background please use createTextureFromUrl.

  • The scatterplot understan 4 colors per color representing 4 states, representing:

    • normal (pointColor): the normal color of points.
    • active (pointColorActive): used for coloring selected points.
    • hover (pointColorHover): used when mousing over a point.
    • background (backgroundColor): used as the background color.
  • Points can currently by colored by category and value.

  • The size of selected points is given by pointSize + pointSizeSelected


// Set width and height
scatterplot.set({ width: 300, height: 200 });

// get width
const width = scatterplot.get('width');

// Set the aspect ratio of the scatterplot. This aspect ratio is referring to
// your data source and **not** the aspect ratio of the canvas element! By
// default it is assumed that your data us following a 1:1 ratio and this ratio
// is preserved even if your canvas element has some other aspect ratio. But if
// you wanted you could provide data that's going from [0,2] in x and [0,1] in y
// in which case you'd have to set the aspect ratio as follows to `2`.
scatterplot.set({ aspectRatio: 2.0 });

// Set background color to red
scatterplot.set({ backgroundColor: '#00ff00' }); // hex string
scatterplot.set({ backgroundColor: [255, 0, 0] }); // rgb array
scatterplot.set({ backgroundColor: [255, 0, 0, 1.0] }); // rgba array
scatterplot.set({ backgroundColor: [1.0, 0, 0, 1.0] }); // normalized rgba

// Set background image to an image
scatterplot.set({ backgroundImage: '' });
// If you need to know when the image was loaded you have two options. First,
// you can listen to the following event
  () => {
    console.log('Background image is now loaded and rendered!');
// or you load the image yourself as follows
const backgroundImage = await scatterplot.createTextureFromUrl(
scatterplot.set({ backgroundImage });

// Color by
scatterplot.set({ colorBy: 'category' });

// Set color map
  pointColor: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'],
  pointColorActive: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'], // optional
  pointColorHover: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'], // optional

// Set base opacity
scatterplot.set({ opacity: 0.5 });

// Set the width of the outline of selected points
scatterplot.set({ pointOutlineWidth: 2 });

// Set the base point size
scatterplot.set({ pointSize: 10 });

// Set the additional point size of selected points
scatterplot.set({ pointSizeSelected: 2 });

// Change the lasso color and make it very smooth, i.e., do not wait before
// extending the lasso (i.e., `lassoMinDelay = 0`) and extend the lasso when
// the mouse moves at least 1 pixel
  lassoColor: [1, 1, 1, 1],
  lassoMinDelay: 0,
  lassoMinDist: 1,
  // This will keep the drawn lasso until the selected points are deselected
  lassoClearEvent: 'deselect',

// Activate recticle and set recticle color to red
scatterplot.set({ showRecticle: true, recticleColor: [1, 0, 0, 0.66] });

#, options = {})

Select some points, such that they get visually highlighted. This will trigger a select event unless options.preventEvent === true.


  • points is an array of point indices.
  • options [optional] is an object with the following properties:
    • preventEvent: if true the select will not be published.


// Let's say we have three points
  [0.1, 0.1],
  [0.2, 0.2],
  [0.3, 0.3],

// To select the first and second point we have to do[0, 1]);

# scatterplot.deselect(options = {})

Deselect all selected points. This will trigger a deselect event unless options.preventEvent === true.


  • options [optional] is an object with the following properties:
    • preventEvent: if true the deselect will not be published.

# scatterplot.destroy()

Destroys the scatterplot instance by disposing all event listeners, the pubSub instance, regl, and the camera.

# scatterplot.refresh()

Refreshes the viewport of the scatterplot's regl instance.

# scatterplot.reset()

Sets the view back to the initially defined view.

# scatterplot.unsubscribe(eventName, eventHandler)

Subscribe to an event.

eventName needs to be one of the following events:

  • pointover [payload: point]: broadcasted when the mouse cursor is over a point
  • pointout [payload: point]: broadcasted when the mouse cursor moves out of a point
  • select [payload: { points }]: broadcasted when points are selected
  • deselect [payload: undefined]: broadcasted when points are deselected
  • view [payload: camera view matrix]: broadcasted when the view changes

eventHandler needs to be a callback function that can receive the payload.

# scatterplot.unsubscribe(eventName, eventHandler)

Unsubscribe from an event. See scatterplot.subscribe() for a list of all events.

# scatterplot.createTextureFromUrl(url)

Returns: a Promise that resolves to a Regl texture that can be used, for example, as the background image.

url: the URL to an image.

Trouble Shooting

Resizing the scatterplot

The chances are high that you use the regl-scatterplot in a dynamically-resizable or interactive web-app. Please note that regl-scatterplot doesn't not automatically resize when the dimensions of its parent container change. It's your job to keep the size of regl-scatterplot and its parent element in sync. Hence, every time the size of the parent or canvas element changed, you have to call:

const { width, height } = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
scatterplot.set({ width, height });

Using regl-scatterplot with Vue

Related to the resizing, when conditionally displaying regl-scatterplot in Vue you might have to update the width and height when the visibility is changed. See issue #20 for an example.


Demonstration of the issue.







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