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A functional try / catch / finally with async support


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A functional try / catch / finally with async support

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import tcf from "tcf";

// use for inline synchronous operations
const syncResult = tcf(
  () => {
    // ... some dangerous computation

    return computed;
  (error) => console.error(error),
  () => cleanup()

// or for asynchronous operations
const asyncResult = await tcf(
  async () => {
    // some dangerous computation

    return computed;
  (error) => console.error(error),
  async () => await cleanup()

Available methods


tcf(tryFn: function(): any[, catchFn: function(Error): any[, finallyFn: function(): any]]): any

Also available as the default export

Run a try / catch / finally and return the result. If the result of tryFn is a Promise, then it is processed using tcfAsync, else it is processed using tcfSync. If no catchFn is passed, then tryFn is silently caught.


tcfAsync(tryFn: function(): Promise[, catchFn: function(Error): any[, finallyFn: function(): any]]): Promise

Also aliased as tcf.async

Run an asynchronous try / catch / finally and return the result. This has the same contract as tcfSync, but handles Promise values returned from tryFn as well as async functions.

NOTE: This aligns with the Promise.prototype.finally specification, but also has the same contract as its synchronous counterpart, which means like in tcf any return from finallyFn will override any returns from tryFn or catchFn.

import { tcfAsync } from "tcf";

const result = await tcfAsync(async () => "foo", null, async () => "bar");

console.log(result); // bar

It is recommended that you not return anything from finallyFn to avoid this potentially unexpected behavior. (See this for more details)


tcfSync(tryFn: function(): any[, catchFn: function(Error): any[, finallyFn: function(): any]]): any

Also aliased as tcf.sync

Run a synchronous try / catch / finally and return the result. If no catchFn is passed, then tryFn is silently caught.

NOTE: This aligns with the specification, which means that returns from the finallyFn function will override any returns from tryFn or catchFn.

import { tcfSync } from "tcf";

const result = tcfSync(() => "foo", null, () => "bar");

console.log(result); // bar

It is recommended that you not return anything from finallyFn to avoid this potentially unexpected behavior. (See this for more details)


tf(tryFn: function(): any[, finallyFn: function(): any]): any

Run a try / finally and return the result. If the result of tryFn is a Promise, then it is processed using tcfAsync, else it is processed using tcfSync.

NOTE: This is exactly the same as tcf, but without catch applied. This is usefull if you still want an error to be thrown if encountered, but you also need to do cleanup.


tfAsync(tryFn: function(): Promise[, finallyFn: function(): any]): Promise

Also aliased as tf.async

Run an asynchronous try / finally and return the result. This has the same contract as tfSync, but handles Promise values returned from tryFn as well as async functions.

NOTE: This is exactly the same as tcf, but without catch applied. This is usefull if you still want an error to be thrown if encountered, but you also need to do cleanup.

import { tfAsync } from "tcf";

const result = await tfAsync(async () => "foo", async () => "bar");

console.log(result); // bar


tfSync(tryFn: function(): any[, finallyFn: function(): any]): any

Also aliased as tf.sync

Run a synchronous try / finally and return the result.

NOTE: This is exactly the same as tcf, but without catch applied. This is usefull if you still want an error to be thrown if encountered, but you also need to do cleanup.

import { tfSync } from "tcf";

const result = tfSync(() => "foo", () => "bar");

console.log(result); // bar


setResolver(resolver: function): boolean

Sets a custom resolver of tryFn for tcfAsync. The default resolver internally uses native Promise syntax, so this function is often used when using a custom library instead.

import Bluebird from "bluebird";
import { setResolver } from "tcf";

const customResolver = tryFn => new Bluebird(resolve => resolve(tryFn()));

The default resolver also creates a new promise wrapping the one returned by tryFn, so this method can also be used to instead leverage the existing promise.

import { setResolver } from "tcf";

const customResolver = tryFn => tryFn;


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A functional try / catch / finally with async support







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