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File metadata and controls

156 lines (111 loc) · 4.78 KB


ShowFor allows you to quickly show a model information with I18n features.

<% show_for @user do |u| %>
  <%= u.attribute :name %>
  <%= u.attribute :nickname, :in => :profile %>
  <%= u.attribute :confirmed? %>
  <%= u.attribute :created_at, :format => :short %>
  <%= u.attribute :last_sign_in_at, :if_blank => "User did not access yet"
                  :wrapper_html => { :id => "sign_in_timestamp" } %>

  <% u.attribute :photo do
    <%= image_url(@user.photo_url) %>
  end %>

  <%= u.association :company %>
  <%= u.association :tags, :to_sentence => true %>
<% end %>


Install the gem:

sudo gem install show_for --version=0.1.3

Configure simple_form gem inside your app:

config.gem 'show_for'

Run the generator:

ruby script/generate show_for_install

And you’re ready to go.


ShowFor allows you to quickly show a model information with I18n features.

<% show_for @admin do |a| %>
  <%= a.attribute :name %>
  <%= a.attribute :confirmed? %>
  <%= a.attribute :created_at, :format => :short %>
  <%= a.attribute :last_sign_in_at, :if_blank => "Administrator did not access yet"
                  :wrapper_html => { :id => "sign_in_timestamp" } %>

  <% a.attribute :photo do %>
    <%= image_url(@admin.photo_url) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Will generate something like:

<div id="admin_1" class="show_for admin">
  <p class="wrapper admin_name">
    <strong class="label">Name</strong><br />
    José Valim
  <p class="wrapper admin_confirmed">
    <strong class="label">Confirmed?</strong><br />
  <p class="wrapper admin_created_at">
    <strong class="label">Created at</strong><br />
    13/12/2009 - 19h17
  <p id="sign_in_timestamp" class="wrapper admin_last_sign_in_at">
    <strong class="label">Last sign in at</strong><br />
    Administrator did not access yet
  <p class="wrapper admin_photo">
    <strong class="label">Photo</strong><br />
    <img src="path/to/photo" />

Value lookup

To show the proper value, before retrieving the attribute value, show_for first looks if a block without argument was given, otherwise checks if a :“human_#{attribute}” method is defined and, if not, only then retrieve the attribute.


show_for handles a series of options. Those are:

  • :escape * - When the attribute should be escaped. True by default.

  • :format * - Sent to I18n.localize when the attribute is a date/time object.

  • :if_blank * - An object to be used if the value is blank. Not escaped as well.

Besides, all containers (:label, :content and :wrapper) can have their html options configured through the :label_html, :content_html and :wrapper_html options. Containers can have their tags configured on demand as well through :label_tag, :content_tag and :wrapper_tag options.


show_for also exposes the label method. In case you want to use the default human_attribute_name lookup and the default wrapping:

a.label :name                     #=> <b class="label">Name</b>
a.label "Name", :id => "my_name"  #=> <b class="label" id="my_name">Name</b>


show_for also supports associations.

<% show_for @artwork do |a| %>
  <%= a.association :artist %>
  <%= a.association :artist, :using => :name_with_title %>
  <%= a.attribute :name_with_title, :in => :artist %>

  <%= a.association :tags %>
  <%= a.association :tags, :to_sentence => true %>
  <% a.association :tags do
  end %>

  <% a.association :fans, :collection_tag => :ol do |fan| %>
    <li><%= link_to, fan %></li>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

The first is a has_one or belongs_to association, which works like an attribute to show_for, except it will retrieve the artist association and try to find a proper method from ShowFor.association_methods to be used. You can pass the option :using to tell (and not guess) which method from the association to use.

:tags is a has_and_belongs_to_many association which will return a collection. show_for can handle collections by default by wrapping them in list (<ul> with each item wrapped by an <li>). However, it also allows you to give :to_sentence or :join it you want to render them inline.

You can also pass a block which expects an argument to association. In such cases, a wrapper for the collection is still created and the block just iterates over the collection objects.



Bugs and Feedback

If you discover any bugs or want to drop a line, feel free to create an issue on GitHub.

MIT License. Copyright 2010 Plataforma Tecnologia.