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Releases: plateaukao/einkbro

Release v11.11.0

01 Jul 13:05
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  • enhancement: possible to modify model for openai, alternative server, and gemini service separately
  • enhancement: don't constrain safety settings for gemini queries.
  • fix: font is not changeable in reader mode

Release v11.10.0

14 Jun 15:50
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Fix touch area moving issue on long touch area type.

Fix touch pagination feature on websites, e.g., Gmail, etc.

  1. When you found a website does not work, try click finger button on menu bar to launch Touch Area Dialog, and enable "try fix scrolling".
  2. When it's toggled on, reload web page, and see if it works.

Release v11.9.0

06 Jun 14:52
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  • Support Gemini API (1.5-flash): enable it in Settings with its API Key
  • Add more cloud font for Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese
  • Markdown style text in ChatGPT action dialog


  • Remove Setting page transition animation
  • When closing ChatGPT dialog, the request will be stopped too

Release v11.8.0

24 May 16:07
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  • Support context-aware gpt action
    If use << >> to quote main content in gpt action prompt, it will generate texts based on context content too.
    For example, if the user prompt is as below, the string before seleted text will also be used.
    explain content in << >>, based on the context

  • Add deelp translation (may not always work) in text selection popup menu


  • sometimes the EinkBro search in text selection popup menu is not correct.

Release v11.7.0

07 May 14:20
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  • support exporting highlights
  • add voice description for toolbar icons.

Release v11.6.1

25 Mar 13:54
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  • fix default browser option as EinkBro is gone
  • fix translation target language button is always displayed on screen
  • fix change translation target language is not working for "translate by paragraph".

Release v11.6.0

06 Mar 13:41
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  • support long click on menu icons: on translate, it will show translate options
  • combine chatgpt dialog and original translation dialog
  • speed up saving to epub process (pr from @uqs )
  • allow opening local html (pr from @tmahlburg )


  • fix setting links for EinkBro related links
  • texts are ellipsized in the middle for history
  • fix dummy image timeout for saving epub (pr from @uqs )

Release v11.5.0

12 Feb 15:14
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Better External Search Feature

In Settings -> Search, you can configure "custom search url when it comes from external" and also Split Search Setting to add multiple search actions.

For each action, you can setup some dicionary websites like:

And then, if you read books, you can enable multi-window from Android platform, show EinkBro on the other side, and lookup words in the book.

**ps. remember to turn on "Search in the same tab" option as well, so that it's possible to use other search action on the same tab.


Release v11.4.0

09 Feb 16:34
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Support in-place translation.


  • configure toolbar from Action menu: add Translate button
  • long press Translate button on toolbar to show a popup menu
  • choose translate by paragrah

Voila~ Now you can click the translate button whenever you want to see immersive translation of the web page.

Original web content

Translated web content

Release v11.3.1

27 Jan 03:43
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  • Fix crash on Andrioid 14 due to registerReceiver new requirement from Google.